Transcendental Meditation in Chicago

One way that Steve Davis and his wife Carmen share their multi-decade embrace of Transcendental Meditation with show attendees is by making the experience available to anyone who cares to sit and listen, within as well as without. This table on the lower level, as well as hour-long Introduction to Transcendental Meditation seminars on both Friday and Saturday, helped spread the word.

The calming presence of TM at AXPONA certainly influenced me. When I first returned to my hotel room at 7:15 pm, after attending John Hamm's hour-long seminar on PONO (report to follow), the first thing I did was to sit and meditate for 15 minutes. I may not have chanted a TM mantra, but the results were the same. Refreshed, and far more centered, I got to work. And here we are. . .

corrective_unconscious's picture

Right, no need to pay to recieve Groucho Marx's secret word, imo, to meditate.

$1500.00 Tibetan singing bowl(s) for your listening room: _That_ you need to pay for.