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Attention all Audiophile Societies, have your society or club information posted here. To do so, e-mail Chris Vogel at and request an info-pack.
Chris Vogel suggests that if there is no Audio Society in your area, just take the initiative: "A simple monthly or bi-monthly meeting for listening and auditioning should do just fine. You can specify a theme such as CD players and have members bring one for auditioning. E-mail is invaluable for posting, updating, and sending reminders. Some type of food, snack, and/or refreshment is appropriate and it is worthwhile to give an indication of what to expect."
"Post your new Society on the Stereophile website, it will be a rewarding experience. There is tremendous reward in hearing the great variety of audiophile systems that are out there in other's homes. Keep an open mind and over time you should acquire a broader reference to assist you in building up your own system. Remember, this is an enriching experience."
Audiophile Foundation
Our organization was founded in 1995 as the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS). The Audiophile Foundation incorporated as a 501c3 not for profit in 2021. We are a very passionate group of music lovers providing a broad and ever expanding range of services to our members and non-members including in person and virtual events and resources.
Ongoing Experiential Events: Being a not for profit focused on unbiased audio excellence, makes the Foundation a trusted resource. The Foundation's only motivation is to educate the community and aid in making better decisions when investing in new products. We also support innovation and offer an open platform for manufacturers and dealers to reach audiophiles. Our myriad of virtual and in person events combined with our Forums, the Muse and other Foundation connectivity tools insure the free flow of knowledge within our highly analytical membership.
Focus on Education: We not only want to hear our systems, but we also want to understand what's behind their beautiful facades. We have an educational series to support this curious community which teaches how to build/repair/design and assemble gear.
Audiophile Foundation Museum: We are collecting iconic gear to preserve, restore and display and are actively seeking donations. We recently partnered with the California Historic Radio Society to start exhibiting.
Foundation membership is not limited to the Bay Area. We have members throughout the country and can post your local events to the local and greater audiophile community. Our goal is to connect audiophiles far and wide. Using the Foundation app, you can identify members throughout the country and even create your own personal nationwide audiophile tour.
We welcome all to check out our website and YouTube page. We offer a FREE 6-month trial membership and after that it's $30 per year. You can also join our email list to receive our monthly newsletter, The Muse, full of industry news and audiophile insights. It's FREE to join our email list. We are your resource for all things audio. Happy listening!
Inland Empire Audiophiles Society
The Inland Empire Audiophiles Society is a listening group of audiophiles in Southern California. Our meetings are hosted once a month, on the Saturday closest to the 15th. Almost all of our meetings are held in member's homes, with locations in Riverside, San Bernardino and LA counties. We have a very diverse group where everyone seems to be on a different path to audio nirvana. Please contact me by email for next month's location.
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society
Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society, the world's largest at over 2100 members, presents events held monthly at varying locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Southern California. On Sunday, December 3, 11 AM - 3:30 PM, The Society will host its 24th Annual Society Gala and Awards Banquet in the Grand Ballroom of the Holiday Inn, Buena Park (7000 Beach Boulevard). John Grado, President of Grado Labs will receive the Founder's Award, the Society's highest honor. The Award will be presented by Michael Fremer, Stereophile Magazine, and Owen Kwon, President of Astell&Kern. They will recognize John Grado's ground breaking contributions to both phono cartridges and headphones and his newest achievements. Paul Seydor, of The Absolute Sound, will present the Pre-note speech on the topic of personal listening. The first 300 to reserve a seat at the Gala will receive a complimentary copy of TAS Headphone and Personal Listening Special Edition. Our Society EVP Marine Presson, General Manager of LA Audio Show, will present the Big News about our 2018 edition. Bob Levi, President and CEO of the Society, will be Master of Ceremonies. Past honorees on the dais will include Ray Kimber, President of Kimber Kable, and David Robinson, Editor of Positive Feedback. Eastwind Import will bring LPs and CDs for sale. Enjoy renowned magnificent Gala Raffle with prizes worth $50,000: The grand prize worth $12,000, biggest ever, to be raffled. Dinner is a lavish holiday NY Strip buffet with vegetarian choices available. Buy your tickets beginning October 1 at the Society's Website. Guests, visitors and new members are invited, and parking is free. For more info, visit our Website or call Bob Levi at (714) 281-5850.
San Diego Area Audio Group
The San Diego Area Audio Group (SDAAG) is dedicated to bringing people together who enjoy a wide range of music and high end audio. There are no dues required. Members choose a date and time to "host" meetings in their homes. Those members wishing to attend bring favorite recordings for the listening session providing the opportunity for exposure to different types of music on an unfamiliar system. The geographic area served by SDAAG is primarily San Diego County including Downtown, but member location is only limited to where members are willing to travel for a meeting. There is no web site currently available. There are plans to create an "internet meeting place" at which members can exchange ideas on a daily basis at Yahoo Groups. Special events or field trips to audio shows are arranged by members interested in doing so.
San Diego Music and Audio Guild
The San Diego Music and Audio Guild (SDMAG) was formed in the fall of 1992. Our objective is to present talks, auditions, or performances of interest to audio hobbyists, as well as to provide a friendly atmosphere to meet others with like interests. Guest presentations are made by designers, manufacturers, retailers, reviewers, or performers. An attempt is made to include music related programs in addition to those on audio components. We are quite informal so all meetings are casual. Beverages are served. Approximately 130 Guild members are registered on our mailing list.
Meetings are generally held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6 PM, although this varies to accommodate guest presenter availability. For example, some meetings are held on Saturdays. Rather than annual dues, a small contribution is collected at each meeting. For notification of the next meeting, to be placed on the mailing list, or to inquire about making a presentation to the SDMAG, please send your request and appropriate information to the listed E-mail address. Anyone from newbie to old pro audio hobbyists are welcome.
Central Coast Audio Club
The Central Coast Audio Club is for anyone living in San Luis Obispo County with an interest in high-fidelity two-channel (or multichannel) audio systems and reproduction, and also the hi-fi industry. If you have a home stereo system that you enjoy listening to, read or have read industry publications such as Stereophile, The Absolute Sound and/or related websites and are interested in the many things going on with the audio industry today, you may find our Club of interest. Meetings are meant to be fun, social and educational. Member trust and camaraderie are important to us since we typically meet in members' homes, usually the last Sunday of each month.
Member dues are $10/year to cover the costs of MeetUp membership and expenses such as guest speakers, associated meeting costs, etc.
Sierra Nevada Audiophile Society
916-742-5322 or 530-320-1576
916-742-5322 or 530-320-1576
Meet the second Saturday of every month. The location changes several times during the year. Please see website for location. Our goal is furthering education of high end audio and enjoyment of music.
Colorado Audio Society
(303) 807-7500
(303) 807-7500
In general terms, we are a bunch of Hi-Fi enthusiasts with particular interest in the finest musical reproduction: "High-End Audio". For some of us, that means the best for a given price range or for a given technology. Others focus on the absolute best--regardless of whether we can afford it. At this time, we are fairly evenly distributed among software oriented "Music Lovers", hardware engineering "Objectivists", and "Subjective Review" fans. Most of us are a little of each. We have in our midst tube-lovers, vinylphiles, and proponents of digital reproduction. Mostly, we congregate to talk audio and audition the broadest variety of music and equipment that we can. Our membership is spread along the front range of the Colorado Rockies--from Longmont to Boulder and Denver to Colorado Springs.
Connecticut Audio Society
The society meets on a bi-monthly schedule year round ending with a Christmas social held in early December. Meetings are generally held on Saturday afternoons at a member's home, usually located south of Hartford. However, meetings are sometimes held at a manufacturer's plant location or audio store if a tour or demo is involved. Audiophiles interested in more information about the Connecticut Audio Society can write to the society e-mail address.
Delaware Audio Society
302 725 5507
302 725 5507
Located in Houston, Delaware, the Delaware Audio Society is open to everything from DIY to manufactured systems, solid state to tubes, analog to digital. It will meet when it is mutually convenient to everyone who is interested and membership is free.
Space Coast Audio Society
Meetings are held every month in the Melbourne-Orlando-Daytona Beach area and are open to anyone interested. We meet monthly at member's homes to audition equipment and enjoy music. In this way we meet in a variety of acoustic environments, experimenting with a variety of equipment, and exploring a variety of types of music together, basically giving participants a richer audiophile experience than would be possible alone. Anyone interested in listening to good music or the audiophile experience is welcome.
Suncoast Audiophile Society
The Suncoast Audiophile Society (formerly known as the Tampa Bay Listening Society) is a group of high-end audio enthusiasts, both young and old, with an eclectic mix of interests. We hold meetings at least once a month (some weeknights, others weekends) for listening sessions, gear demo's, audio chat, and/or live music. Our goal is to foster camaraderie, promote education, and otherwise support local audiophiles, whether their interests be analog, digital, solid state, tubes, or DIY. We welcome prospective members from the entire Florida Suncoast region.
Atlanta Audio Club
(770) 330-3919
(770) 330-3919
The AAC is dedicated to the enjoyment of music in all of its many and varied formats. Club member's interests include various areas of this hobby including but not limited to recording stuff, designing stuff, building, refurbishing, listening, watching, and performing music. We are also interested in analog, digital, downloaded & streaming music, tubes, and portable music formats. In addition to recorded music we try to have at least an occasional live performance or meeting devoted to video, either music or film. We meet once a month in various locations around the Atlanta area. Our members come from as far away as California. Meetings are generally on the third Sunday of the month from 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM although the Sunday can change based on the needs of the monthly presenters. Meeting presenters can be industry representatives, local retailers, distributors, designers, manufacturers, musicians, and even our own club members. We encourage guests to attend a monthly meeting and decide if the club is for them. Dues are $40 per year paid when you complete the online membership form and renewed annually on that date. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards! Memberships are renewed each year on date you initially joined. E-mail us at the address given or call for more information. See our Home page for the next monthly meeting announcement.
Chicago Audio Society
The Chicago Audio Society has been meeting monthly for over 15 years. Our monthly meetings feature distinguished audio designers, accomplished recording engineers, and other industry figures, who demonstrate and discuss features and objectives of their products. We usually meet on the third Sunday of each month, 2PM-5PM, with a few exceptions (different Sundays) throughout the year. Meetings are held in the Arlington Room at the Arlington Heights Historical Society building and summer meetings are hosted by CAS members at their homes, with an occasional off-site meeting. Many of our members also get together with one another in between meetings to enjoy music and hear others' systems. Dues are $30/year which covers the cost of entrance to the monthly meetings (with light refreshments at the break) and an email copy of our monthly newsletter containing information on past and future meetings. If you are in the Chicago area, please come visit at one of our monthly meetings and view our web site for further information at: Directions to meetings:
Bluegrass Audiophile Club
Facebook page - Bluegrass Audiophile Club
Facebook page - Bluegrass Audiophile Club
The Bluegrass Audiophile Club is currently meeting in Lexington Kentucky . The idea of the club is to meet in a variety of acoustic environments, experimenting with a variety of equipment, and exploring a variety of types of music together, basically giving participants a richer audiophile experience than would be possible alone. Anyone interested in listening to good music or the audiophile experience is welcome. Meeting times and place will vary.
Boston Audio Society
The BAS now meets online, usually in the evening of the third Sunday of the month, except August. Check our website for meeting schedules and details. Meetings are open to the public. Meetings are written up in our newsletter, the BAS Speaker. Membership is $40 a year. The BAS has also produced a test CD to support the society's activities. The entire contents of the BAS Speaker from the beginning of our society in 1972 is now available on CDR. See our website for more information.
Southeast Michigan Audio Club
Southeast Michigan Audio Club (SMAC) is an informal audio group founded in 2005. Each month, we always meet on a Saturday afternoon somewhere in SE Michigan to discuss audio, listen to music, drink a couple beers, and generally connect with like-minded people. There are no membership fees, no presidents or treasurers, no agenda - other than occasionally hosting an important audio guest - and no prerequisites to join other than being interested in audio. This doesn't mean we're not serious about audio though we live and breathe it.
Southeast Michigan Audio Club
Southeast Michigan Audio Club (SMAC) is an informal audio group founded in 2005. Each month, we always meet on a Saturday afternoon somewhere in SE Michigan to discuss audio, listen to music, drink a couple beers, and generally connect with like-minded people. There are no membership fees, no presidents or treasurers, no agenda - other than occasionally hosting an important audio guest - and no prerequisites to join other than being interested in audio. This doesn't mean we're not serious about audio though we live and breathe it.
Audio Society of Minnesota
In 2008 the Audio Society of Minnesota will enter its 30th year of activity. We offer a season of monthly meetings beginning each September and running through the following May. Check out our web page for information on past and future activities.
Las Vegas Audiophile Society
The Las Vegas Audiophile Society is a friendly and accepting group of local audiophiles that enjoy meeting to listen, to learn from each other and to enjoy each other's company as we explore the world of audio. We are an open-minded group that embraces all of the possibilities of audio reproduction, from DIY to whatever you can imagine. We are open to anyone that has a passion for audio and that enjoys the company of other audiophiles. Please feel free to join us on Facebook (Las Vegas Audiophile Society) for details. Thank you for your interest.
New Jersey Audio Society
New Jersey
New Jersey
The New Jersey Audio Society welcomes music-loving audiophiles with an interest in high quality sound reproduction. Our meetings are held monthly at various locations in North and Central New Jersey.
The Audiophile Society
New York (NYC)
New York (NYC)
In its 35th year with regularly attending members from six states and Long Island, the society holds 12 monthly meetings a year in NYC as well as venues close to the city in order to accommodate a varied membership location. Meetings are open to prospective members and those who join pay annual dues of $35.00, which pays for a live concert by professional musicians, annual summer audio BBQ as well as other social events to accompany demos of first rank audio and video manufacturers in the industry. Food is always provided along with light refreshments to all who attend at no additional charge. Guests are welcome; current membership 72 members. Call or email for additional membership information.
The Audio Syndrome
New York
New York
Meetings are once per month, Friday evening, excluding July & August. There usually is a theme or topic at each meeting, such as an interesting accessory or component, a comparison of source material, a very occasional presentation by a manufacturer, etc.. The geographical area covered includes, the NYC metropolitan area. However, most members live in either Queens, Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Therefore most meetings occur at the above areas.
Long Island Audio Society
New York
New York
Long Island New York audiophiles are invited to form a new audiovideo society that would meet monthly at places of our choosing for the purpose of sharing our systems, knowledge and fellowship. Please respond to Nic Rakovic at the posted email address.
New York Audio Society
New York
(718) 544-1222
New York
(718) 544-1222
Located in Flushing, NY. Contact Robert Kreisler
Timeless Audio
New York
New York
We are a new vintage audio collectors club located in East Greenbush, NY. We meet twice a month to discuss vintage audio gear, experiences, repair tips and tricks and listen to a members equipment setup. Great discussions and old gear... nothing more enjoyable. As of right now, Covid has put a stop to the fun, but we intend on resuming when its safe to do so.
Westchester Audiophile Society
New York
New York
The Westchester Audiophile Society is open to those interested in the pursuit of high-quality music reproduction. Meetings generally take place in and around Westchester County once a month on a Friday Night. Please note that we are not affiliated with "The Audiophile Society" based in New York City.
**** July 29, 2013 - UPDATE **** Due to surprisingly overwhelming interest, we have temporarily stopped accepting new members. Unfortunately, to hold meetings with lots of people, you need lots of space. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please do let us know. In the meantime, we are more than happy to recommend other potentially nearby groups.
North Carolina Audio Society
North Carolina
North Carolina
We would like to meet once a month, preferably on a Saturday afternoon, in Jacksonville, NC to start with, later we could meet in Wilmington. Both cities are on the Eastern part of the state, near the coast. We would like our audio society to be an audiophile club. Audiophiles who enjoy any music genre on vinyl, reel tape, CD, SACD, DVD-A are all welcome. Likewise, all those who are interested in any of the following: vacuum tubes, solid state, turntables, analog and vintage audio equipment, horn speakers, and attending live music concerts and performances are welcome and encouraged to come to our meetings. Later we would like to tour audio retailers and manufacturers in our state.
Piedmont Triad Audio Society
North Carolina
North Carolina
P.T.A.S. is FREE and open to people with any interest in music (music lovers, gear enthusiasts, musicians, academics, recordists, students, gear manufacturers, resellers, etc). The general goal for the Society is; to enable Members to realize their(music-oriented)goals. The general format for the Society is; to provide forums(monthly meetings and our website) so members can propose, organize and attend (music-related)events. Members can propose events either at the monthly meetings or via email. Each proposed event will need a volunteer Lead/s, who will collaborate on details and organize the event. Hope to see you at the next meeting. Bring friends!
Western Piedmont Audio Society
North Carolina
North Carolina
We will be starting up an audiophile club in Decmeber 2008 here in Morganton. We would like to meet once a month, preferably on Saturday afternoons. Initially, Kent Cantwell, founder of Milton C. Mueller Audiophile Speaker Systems, will host the first meeting. Ideally, each member will host at their home and come up with a theme and critical listening experiences for the day. Subjects of interest may range from speakers, tube amps, solid state, multi-amping, analogue, digital, DSP system management, speaker management systems, music servers, blue ray, SACD, subwoofers, & HT. Refreshments served.
Central Ohio Audiophile Society
Newly forming informal audio group, to meet in members' homes on a monthly basis.
Portland Audio Club
Meetup Website (Contact organizers via Meetup)
Meetup Website (Contact organizers via Meetup)
The Portland Audio Club are enthusiasts sharing our love of music and audio. Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of age, sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, or any such factor. What we hope for in members is a sincere interest in music and audio -- and an open mind to others' opinions. We are a volunteer organization -- no one is paid to run the club.
We do have yearly dues of $12 to cover the cost of the meetup group and incidentals to facilitate our meetings, but no one is turned away who wants to come. We generally meet alternating third Sunday's and fourth Thursday's at Portland's Rogue Eastside Pub and Pilot Brewery. Come join us! Occasionally members graciously host a listening session in their home too.
Our focus is on home audio equipment and achieving better reproduction of the music we love. How does your audio system sound? What cost-effective changes might make it better? How do others' systems sound? Why are systems so different? What can other audiophiles tell you about how they got great (or not so great) sound?
PAC is about sociability -- a journey is more fun with companions. At our meetings, you can find other audiophiles who share your interests. Many audio systems are best demonstrated to small groups (as small as 2), and meetings are great ways to arrange those demos.
Finally, we think that audio is just as much about the journey as about the destination. So whether your interest is Hip-Hop, Jazz, Classical or something else; whether your system is your iPhone or high-end components in a dedicated room, we warmly invite you to join us.
Audio Mafia A.C.
We are an audio club. We don't care what your car looks like we stand for the little guys that can't afford top of the line equipment if you're bumping in a beat up station wagon your mom gave you, you're welcome here.
Upstate Audio Society
South Carolina
South Carolina
Organizing an audiophile and music enthusiasts group in the greater Greenville, SC area. We are planning on a monthly or bi-monthly meeting at members homes to audition favorite recordings on different systems. Contact David White at the email address for further information.
Philadelphia Area Audio Group
The Philadelphia Area Audio Group celebrates the joy of music by sharing the experience of listening to fine audio systems in a welcoming, open community of enthusiasts from the Philadelphia, Southern New Jersey and Delaware areas. We meet regularly in each others homes and listen to music, share advice about and otherwise enjoy the pursuit of fine audio systems. We visit audio dealers, host demonstrations by equipment manufacturers and attend concerts. We also have access to discounts and benefits from various local equipment dealers and music retailers.
Austin Audio Society
The Austin Audio Society is an informal group of audio and music enthusiasts from the Austin Texas metropolitan area. Our primary focus is on two-channel high end audio. We hold monthly meetings to socialize with other audiophiles, share ideas, listen to vinyl, CD's, and streamed music, and hear different types of audio equipment, We welcome anyone who has an interest in audio and music.
Houston Audio Society (HAS)
Founded May 2003 - The Houston Audio Society (HAS) is a group of audio and music enthusiasts from the Houston metropolitan area. We hold monthly meetings (usually on the second Saturday 10:00 a.m. to Noon) to share ideas, listen to records and CD's, hear different types of audio equipment, host guest speakers, attend audio related events and seminars, and take occasional field trips to audio retail shops. We are a very open and diverse group that welcomes anyone who has an interest in audio and music. We are interested in the full range of audio equipment from entry level through the highest quality components. The shared interest that holds us together is our love of music and the equipment that reproduces it accurately and with feeling.
River City Audio Society (San Antonio)
web site
web site
We hold monthly meetings on a wide variety of audio subjects. Meetings are typically the third Saturday of the month and are posted on our yahoo groups website. We also have "mini-meetings" during the month and visit homes to listen to members systems and discuss all things audio.
Greater Salt Lake City Area Audiophile Club
The Greater Salt Lake City Area Audiophile Club will begin with its first meeting on September 7th, 2019. The objective of the Club is to provide the opportunity for audiophiles in the Salt Lake Valley and also in the Park City/Deer Valley locales to enjoy fellowship while exploring favorite recordings and sharing knowledge on topics ranging from room acoustics to advancements in music reproduction technology. We will enjoy the company of fellow audiophiles while exploring both great recordings and cost-effective ways of improving sound reproduction. We welcome all who wish to participate, and we hope to learn from the shared experience of each member.
Richmond Audio Society
Richmond Audio Society is open to anyone interested in meeting and discussing issues on audio trends. We also share music experiences and enjoy listening to other members stereo systems. We typically have meetings the third Sunday of every odd month. We also host an annual cookout for all members and guests. See the Richmond Audio Society website for our Calendar of Events, a preview of the next RAS Event and or to take a look back at some of our Older Meetings. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.
Off-Islanders Audiophile Society
A new Audiophile society- "Off-Islanders Audiophile Society" is now in operation. Membership is free. Please see the Facebook Page by the same name. This group was set up primarily for people who live in Kitsap County and adjoining areas. For more information email me at Meetings on the last Saturday of each month.
Pacific Northwest Audio Society
The Pacific Northwest Audio Society (PNWAS) has been meeting continuously since 1978. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 4545 Island Crest Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040. (Seattle) Visitors are welcome! Our monthly meetings cover a wide range of audio and (sometimes) video topics with many presentations by industry experts and manufacturers. We also sponsor a speaker building contest every even year and a DIY event featuring other audio related items in odd years. Past meetings are posted on our web site as well as our yearly meeting calendar. The calendar includes a brief topic summary for each meeting. Contact information for the Society is found on our website.
Sydney Audio Club
The Sydney Audio Club is dedicated to the enjoyment of music and its high quality reproduction. The Club was formed in mid 2007 with the intention of reaching out to music lovers across New South Wales to provide opportunities to come together and share our diverse musical interests and the pursuit of high quality sound reproduction. We meet every month January to November. For upcoming meetings please visit our calendar.
Audiophile Club of Athens
+30 6977644281
+30 6977644281
The Audiophile Club of Athens is a registered nonprofit organization founded in May 1998. Our aim is to promote listening to good music through decent playback systems. For that reason, we invite musicians and people from the audio industry to our monthly meeting programs, which take place at members' homes along with the listening sessions. We also exchange ideas, musical tastes, and discoveries from our own personal experiences.
Wellington Audio Club
New Zealand
New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand: A small enthusiastic band of Hi-Fi and music devotees who gather monthly to listen and audition all things hi-fi and musical. The club has varied membership in terms of age group, musical tastes and playback gear types. We meet every month on the second Tuesday at the Victoria University music department at the Kelburn Campus. Check out our Facebook page for up comming events.
We are a group of people of all ages, from teens to seniors, interested in all kinds of high end equipments: vinyl, RTRs, digital, tubes, SS, including some really interesting DIY proyects going from speakers to digital room correction. Meetings are held randomly during the year at our homes, please check with us when and where we are meeting next. Besides, once a year we all gather toghether for our event called Molingordo (check our web page for details) where during 4 days we play non stop music on 6 different dedicated rooms trying out all kinds of high end and DIY gear brought by ourselves, including an A/V room. This is a family reunion, with daylight activities for the kids and family, night dancing with our own DJ Juanito, live music played by the daring ones, and best of it all, loads of fun. Everybody's welcome, including dealers and importers, no barriers of no kind, we are here to give or get advice from anyone whom shares the same passion for music and highend equipment. We are spread out all over Spain, so never mind where you are, check out who's the nearest member organizing the next meeting.