PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 20 AC regenerator Associated Equipment

Sidebar 2: Associated Equipment

Analog Sources: Thorens TD 124 turntable (reconditioned by Schopper AG); Ortofon RMG-212 (rebuilt), Thomas Schick 12" tonearms; Ortofon 90th Anniversary SPU cartridge.
Digital Sources: Intel NUC computer with SSD drive running Roon Optimized Core Kit; Benchmark Media Systems DAC3 HGC, PS Audio DirectStream DACs.
Preamplification: Auditorium 23 Standard step-up transformer, EAR 834P phono stage, PS Audio BHK Signature preamplifier.
Power Amplifiers: Pass Laboratories XA60.8, PS Audio BHK Signature 300 Mono (both monoblocks).
Loudspeakers: DeVore Fidelity The Nine & X.
Cables: USB: AudioQuest Carbon & Cinnamon & Coffee, Comprehensive Connectivity DXLRP-DXLRJ-6EXF. Interconnect: Auditorium 23, Clarus Crimson (RCA, XLR). Speaker: Clarus Crimson.
Accessories: PS Audio PerfectWave P10 Power Plant power conditioner, Oswalds Mill Audio slate plinth (under turntable), Chilton's Durham media console (cherrywood), Auralex ProPanel Fabric-Wrapped Acoustical Absorption Panel (2" by 2' by 4', beveled).—Jim Austin

PS Audio
4865 Sterling Drive
Boulder, CO 80301
(720) 406-8946

volvic's picture

Yes, you can run out with only 10 outlets, by my count I would need at least 14. With one of these you could control the frequency of current going to your TD-124 and keep it nice and steady at 33.4 rpm. I wonder if my 40 year old outlets would suffice for one or would I need a complete re-wire to make something like this financially viable. Great products.

Long-time listener's picture

Another reason late-night listening sounds better than daytime listening is that our hearing is sharper at night--we hear more texture, color, and detail. Evolution (or a higher power, depending on your point of view) has equipped us with hearing that that becomes more sensitive during hours of darkness, peaking at about 3:00 in the morning.

I used to have a PS Audio Power Plant ('Premier,' I think). I loved what it did for my DAC, but it broke down constantly and I got tired of taking it in to be fixed, so one day I left it out with the trash.

Best regards, LTL

Bogolu Haranath's picture

It may also be due to something to do with the different kinds of 'electromagnetic' radiation the Sun emits during the day light hours ........ Some are invisible and can penetrate everything .......... During the night time they are markedly reduced and/or not there ..........

Wonder how audio systems would sound inside NORAD mountain complex? :-) ............

May be a 'higher power' is affecting our hearing :-) ..............

MvC's picture

I don't agree with the 'level playing field' argument. An important quality in an audio component is it's rejection of mains noise. A really good amp should not be affected by mains quality at all, or at least as little as possible. By ignoring this important property your reviews will be less relevant for real world audiophiles, not more.
Anyway, for most of us the question is not how much difference it makes, but how much difference compared to investing the same amount of money in your system.

dumbo's picture

It seems each company with the release of each new product tries to out due their competitors previous obscene price for a similar product. I fear there will be no end!

Anyway, I've yet to find any power conditioner, no matter how big/fancy, that did nothing but damage to the sound of any amp that it was feeding. Less demanding source gear, well that's a different ball of wax and there are plenty of gains to be discovered there by using power cleansing devices.

There is obviously a trade-off involved with these products. One must choose having protection or unrestrained dynamics/power. You cant have both! Spending $10K on a product that touts the ability to run one's whole system without compromise seems damn silly to me. Its like shooting yourself in the foot

Amps Goto Wall Directly
Source Components Goto Power Conditioners
The End :)

googoogjoob's picture

power CONDITIONERS damage sound. yes, they cancel out some bad, but they take good as theyre doing it. thats what is neat about these REGENERATORS. they do NOT condition your 'old' electricity. they CREATE brand NEW electricity.... totally different.

Surge's picture

Great review, but you got the output stats wrong:
P20 (15A) = 1500VA
P20 (20A) = 2000VA
P12/P5 = 1000VA

The above is from the owners’ manual.