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I was leaving the Audio Element room to Sasha Matson, who is doing mid-price (more or less). At 5:30 pm, as I take a 5 minute breather in my room, I think I know where I'm going next. As long as Sasha hasn't already covered it.
BTW, folks, if the volume is too loud for my tender little being, I ask people to turn it down. IMHO, every single person attending an audio show has the right to ask as much. In doing so, you can express gratitude for your ability to love yourself completely rather than running for cover....
You can expect my blog of the Audio Element Wilson/Ayre room to appear on this site no later than the end of Wednesday. It was the last room I visited on Day 2 of the show. Like the rest of us, I need to take a break in blogging to make my way home to Port Townsend, WA. It's an all-day trip.