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"Here I encountered Kokei Teramoto, designer of the forthcoming Diasoui I loudspeakers. While the US price has yet to be set—the company is searching for US distribution—$120,000/pair is one likely scenario."
Ok, let me forewarn those with politically correct mindsets, that you will not like my post. Let me gently say to those who are sensitive, that my post might upset you. To the latter, no offence is meant, nor do I mean to bruise any hearts and souls.
Now, I have not seen such a brazen attack on the US territory since that time in 1942. Those of you who went to school before they had iPads and still had books, will understand that I am talking about a certain Harbor in Hawaii. Yes, I am going there. There is still one big difference between that attack in 1942, and the sales attack that Mr. Teramoto is attempting on the US market in 2015; the guys in 1942 were successful, the attack in 2015 is dead in the water.
Now people, I am not endorsing the actions of 1942. Of course not. It was a sneaky, underhanded attack. Success without glory. That says it all.
Mr. Teramoto, should be honoured for telling people, "here is my product, it is awesome, it will cost this, and you will gladly pay for it. And, my product is worth every penny and more". Ok, I paraphrased him somewhat… But, that I feel is the jist of it. I applaud him for his self confidence, his transparency and "his balls".
I feel his battle will be tough, because he faces american manufacturers like Wilson and Magico, and Europeans like Sonus Faber in this price range. That is why I feel that his project is dead in the water in the US market. But, I will let the gentleman prove me wrong. I offer him good luck and a warm thumbs up for attacking a tough market with such transparency and courage.