B&K ST-140 power amplifier Specifications

Sidebar 3: Specifications

Description: Solid-state stereo power amplifier. Output power: 70Wpc into 8 ohms, 20Hz-20kHz (1984); 105Wpc into 8 ohms (20.2dBW) 105W into 4 ohms (17.2dBW), both continuous power, 5Hz-45kHz, with 0.09% THD (1989). Dynamic headroom: 3.2 dB (1984). Frequency response: 3Hz-70kHz ±3dB (1984). Input impedance: 24.3k ohms (1989). Sensitivity: 1.1V for full output (1984); 120mV for 1W (1989).
Dimensions: 19" W by 6" H by 15" D. Weight: 25 lbs.
Serial number of review sample: 5506 (1989).
Price: No longer available (2002); $395 (1984); $440 (1987); $498 (1989). Approximate number of dealers: 180.
Manufacturer: B&K Components Ltd., 2100 Old Union Road, Buffalo, New York 14227. Tel: (800) 543-5252, (716) 656-0023. Web: www.bkcomp.com.