Angels We Have Heard on High . . .

Get a grip, Serinus. The equipment may have been ringed with Christmas lights, but it was October in the Denver Marriott Tech Center, not December in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin. Nor does Nhan Huang of Angel City Audio resemble Western conceptions of Mary's immaculate offspring. Be that as it may, or as some of my harshest critics may wish it weren't—jump to it, JohnnyR—the Melody Pure Black 101 preamp ($499), Melody M845 monoblock amplifiers ($5899/presumably for the pair), Onix CD-50 $3699), Angel City Audio P2000 power conditioner ($4499), and MG Audio interconnects and speaker cable were delivering bright and incisive sound on two unidentified jazz tracks.

JohnnyR's picture

How sweet of you JVS. Some of it is too pricey. A $4499 power conditioner? PUHLEEZ

paulsax's picture

someone else on another room called you a douche.  He understated it.

remlab's picture

Oh, good. I thought they were speaker cables..