Esoteric & Cabasse

The active L’Ocean speaker from French manufacturer Cabasse is similar in concept to the huge La Sphère that Michael Fremer reviewed in June 2008, but is smaller, cheaper—$159,000/system, compared to $205,000—and its external digital crossover can now handle 24-bit datastreams up to 96kHz. L’Ocean was demonstrated at RMAF with Esoteric digital components—Cabasse is now distributed in the US by Esoteric—and Johnny Cash’s version of the The Beatles’ “In My Life” sounded palpably real. And in a Show dominated by black boxes, the Cabasse’s White Pearl finish was very camera-friendly.

Pro-Audio-Tech's picture

If I woke up in the middle of the night and saw these speakers I would be scared that alien robots had invaded my home!

All joking aside they sounded quite good!

corrective_unconscious's picture

And with the cheaper Cabasse you also get the _advance_ of 24/96 capability....

It's like a Jacques Tati film prop.