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Oh-my , a bit off Topic . Oh well , still I didn't even know Garrard had a 301-probably most people would be throwing it into the fire and calling their State Farm Agent with a Claim ( smiling ) !
My trip to NY got rescheduled , so I couldn't attend , I wanted to see who these "clinging-to-turntable" people are , I imagine they're the same people that collect 1961 Chevys ( which are also expensive to maintain ) . A Furniture restorer and reseller tells me that people collect everything , he runs into them everywhere , he even encountered a Yo-Yo collector the other day .
Enough said , NY has a Vintage Audio Collector Group and all hundred of them or so have a nice Hotel where they meet once in a while . Mr.Dudley has risen to Guru Level along with a few technical assistants . The remnants of the High-End world are taking time to talk about the old stuff like the Linn LP12 ( I sold hundreds of these back in the early 1980s - they never break - and Linn still supports and in fact makes these things - thank you Ivor T. )
Very Nice for all of you .
I'm older than the people I see in the Photos , probably .
I sold , imported , manufactured this stuff from the 1960s , 4 Decades more or less , Dave Wasserman of Stereo Exchange has had everything I've represented on his used shelves , I never wondered where this old stuff was going , only that Dave would buy it for some reason , I guess that I now know the reason .
Thank you for showing your version of the "Antiques Road Show" .
Tony in Michigan
ps. I wonder if we'll be having vintage iPhone shows 50 years from now ?