Legacy—BMC—Dynamic Contrasts

Taking an imaginative approach to the design of their room, rack manufacturer Dynamic Contrasts was holding the impressive BMC C1 integrated amplifier and the Esoteric UX-3SE CD player in a tight embrace with its RTS system. With Legacy Focus SE speakers, the sound in this room featured impressive dynamics and extension at both ends of the spectrum, but the sound was so loud, not only with David Essex's driving "Rock On" but also with 10cc's gentle "I'm Not In Love," that I couldn't stay. Perhaps I am just getting old.

soulful.terrain's picture


I love this gear! I was fortunate enough to get to speak with Mr. Candeias about his new line of gear and he was the consummate gentleman.

Also Mr. Candeias enlightened me on the fact that he was the one that designed the belt drive on the CEC brand players, as is the same with his belt driven B.M.C. players.


kphovanec's picture

I atteneded the show Saturday and was on that floor listing to systems. The fellow who was running the demo in this room seemed more interested in driving people out of the room than trying to engage those who entered. I wasn't the only one who left that room wondering where the adult supervision vanished to!

On the plus side, it was a very solid system. I've never heard "Rock On" as cleanly reproduced as I did any other time I heard it. And I can say the same about "I'm Not In Love" despite the fact I could hear it clear as day through the closed door and 15 feet down the hall from the demo room!

Larry7995's picture

I like loud, and clean. This demo was super. I remember he played The Lion Sleeps Tonight and I had always hated that song but I had never heard it played through high end gear, I was very impressed. In fact I would love to have a pair of the Focus SE for my next speakers and the BMC amp paired up nicely with the speakers, I liked the analog and digital power meters on the amp. This was actually my favorite booth at the show.

superaudiolistener's picture

Sound seemed to have promise here, but they were playing weird music.

Awesome looking gear.