Does the brandname of a product influence your audio purchase? How?

In the last poll, many of you named companies you felt could be depended upon to deliver the goods. How important is a product's brandname when you decide what to purchase?

Does the brandname of a product influence your audio purchase? How?
Extremely influential
13% (39 votes)
Very influential
37% (107 votes)
35% (101 votes)
Not too influential
12% (34 votes)
Not influential at all
3% (8 votes)
Total votes: 289

Kenny K's picture

If youre refering to the establish name, its obvious, however for those new comers who provides assesories like power cords etc... thats where i believ this applies

Murat's picture

sound over brand name

arsell villadiego's picture

I like to keep the same brand of speaker

Tom Warren's picture

I'm kind of new at this game. Often I've found out more about the brand name after I've made my recomended purchase.

Bob Lewis, Nashville, TN's picture

After all, for years it was good enough for Stereophile to test the as brands time and time again(I own Snell speakers and they do test test them too). Audio is an expensive hobby compared to an averge cost of $1,400 for most other hobbies. Mistakes can be too costly.

Edward Martinez's picture

It is very logic that the brandname (or the manufacturer name) might be the most basic reference when you make a purchase.

Dave Farrell's picture

A reputable brand name is a reasonable indicator of reliability and after- sales care and service.

johnathan housewright's picture

when it comes to audio, auto or home- i do not choose anything but infinity. My experience with infinity has been a blessing to my audio tastes. to me nothing has measured up to infinitys quality(sound and build). I especially like the infinity beta and prelude mts systems.

Al Z.  Heimer's picture

As a budding audiohile, I believe everyone is totally influenced by brandnames. Then, as you grow, and learn, and buy, you realize there's not much in a name . .

Alex Torres's picture

You can checkout there history.

Arnold Clark's picture

I like to know I am getting good value for my money and they will be around if I should need service on my gear years from now. Bryston and B&W come to mind quickly but there are many more companies out there that are just as good.
