CES: Strategizing Our Coverage

Robert Deutsch had yet to make his appearance, fresh from performing in two musicals in Canada, when I snapped this photo of some of Stereophile's CES team stressing the show account and plotting our on-line coverage at the Mirage's classy BLT Burger. Pictured, L–R, are John Atkinson, Jon Iverson, Stephen Mejias, and Audiostream.com's Michael Lavorgna.

david.parker83's picture

a New Belgium...Fat Tire?  My fav.

Ariel Bitran's picture


Paul Luscusk's picture

And see how they look Friday Morning. Man I hated the mid week CES, after working so many Thursday thru Sunday versions

hnipen's picture

Seems like it's great fun at CES wink

Paul Luscusk's picture

When you do not have to work the show. After working 16 CES in a row I really don't miss it.