What would you like to see reviewed in Stereophile?

At <I>Stereophile</I> we often gets requests for product reviews. What would you like to see reviewed?

What would you like to see reviewed in <I>Stereophile</I>?
Here it is:
99% (225 votes)
Don't have one.
1% (3 votes)
Total votes: 228

Rene, NM's picture

more affordable products from: Rega, NAD, NHT, MISSION, Creek, Rotel, Celestion, Musical Fidelity, NAIM, LINN, etc.

T.Mark Warwick's picture

Update KEF Reference speakers-model four

Hariman Adinoto's picture

SETs, affordable one, like WelborneLabs, SunAudio etc Efficient Speaker, Lowthers, Klipsch, Tannoy, and specialy Spendors.

Vance C.'s picture

Cheaper products that beat the crap out of more expensive products.

MD's picture

Gershman speakers... preferrably X-1 or Opera Sauvage.

Mark D's picture

Sota's new table and anything that is in the realm of reality. It is all fine and well to review Items that cost more than my "mansion" but gear has to somewhat attainable for the majority of your readers or it simply becomes fantasy or something you have to wait for years to end up on ebay at real world prices. I'm not talking best buy crap or even audio king midfi junk but quality pieces that that run from one to ten thousand. I feel that this area is really where 95% of your readers are really going to purchase. I do feel that after years of reading your mag and all the complaint letters on this subject you have improved greatly. But just a little more please.

Silvano's picture

Without a doubt, one product comes to mind. I just heard a speaker called the Khorus by Talon Audio and I was absolutely blown away. Pace, rhythym, detail, dynamics to die for—it was all there and then some. PLEASE check this one out.

Martin Bruczkowski's picture

Inexpensive cables of all kinds!

Al Marcy's picture

J-10 has that thong chair. How about listener support systems? (Physical, not emotional.)

John's picture

NAD 520 CD player. I own it, so I think it a great player for $300.

Matt's picture

I would like to see more affordable amps/pre-amps (i.e.<$2,000)

James Larson's picture

Atma-sphere S-30 stereo power amp.

Whitney's picture

Have you ever reviewed or compared any of the truly great pro-audio reference monitors, such as Westlake, Quested, or Meyer? These are speakers that truly and truthfully interpret.

andri t hidayat's picture

yes, i would like to have that kind of revieved

Florin Penciu, Cleveland, OH's picture

1)Legacy Audio speakers, mainly the "Whispers" and "Focus" to see what the fuss is all about. 2)I'm dying to see complete reviews in Stereophile of such fine speakers like Martin Logan "Prodigy", Wilson WATT/Puppy 6, Avalon "Eidolon", B&W Nautilus 802 and Revel Studio. 3)At last but not least, please (PLEASE!!!) take over computer mags and review high-end sound cards AND some highly regarded computer-based CD burners (TDK VeloCD, Plextors, HPs) with respect to sound quality, something never really done before. What else can I say, your future looks bright and...busy.

Dave W.'s picture

Two suggestions, a monthly feature on contemporary music, either artist or composer focused, with a recording recommendation, and a monthly feature on <$1000 loudspeakers.

J.  Hsu's picture

I believe that analog amplification devices will soon be obsolete, and that Sterophile should direct more effort in tracking the progress of this fundamental paradigm shift by reviewing products like digital amplifiers, DSP room-correction preamps, and DSP A/V control devices. TacT Audio has a range of products that fit the description, including the Millennium 2 amplifier and the TCS 2.0 room-correction preamp; in the near future, the TacT M2150 and S2150 amplifiers; plus the 10-channel DSP digital A/V preamp, the TacT TCS. Also, I suggest that Stereophile accept e-mail submissions from their readers on the topic of review requests, and create a database from which they select components for review. This would enable Stereophile to more effectively meet their primary goal of providing timely reviews of components deemed "hot" by the audiophile community.

Gary Smith's picture

Nontraditional stuff. I really enjoyed the "Car Tunes" column. Perhaps expand it—once a quarter, cover portables, headphones, car gear, etc. Most of us spend 2-3 hours a day on public transportation or commuting in cars; a review of neat gear designed especially for the commute would be really nice.

John Hsu's picture

AC regeneration devices are a hot area now. I would love to see a review of the ExactPower AC Power Correction System, which has a novel method of achieving the same results as a PS Audio Power plant, with higher efficency, lower size/weight, and lower cost. Can you contact the manufacturers to get a sample? www.exactpower.com

murat's picture

C-j premiere 17

Dwight Lawrence's picture

I'd like to see more reviews of components in the $1000 to $2500 range, and more speakers under $3000. Some of us audiophiles have to work for a living!

Goran Makovec's picture


BEW Tulsa's picture

I think because they are so difficult to review I always enjoy cartridge reviews. Ideally a cartridge shootout with several cartridges in the 1k to $2500 range on more than one arm.

Anonymous's picture

A mid-priced, all Linn biamplified system.

Wayne Loden's picture

Budget Equipment from Realistic, Sony, etc.

KSJ's picture

Wilson WATT/Puppy 6.0

Harri Alaj's picture

Cello Encore 150 power amp

Hasse's picture


Bevo's picture

More Rega components; they do make speakers, you know. The Rega Jura would be a good start.

Steven Alexander's picture

Please review speakers from Legend Audio and Gallo Acoustics.
