Riviera Audio Laboratories

Riviera Audio Labs’s founder Silvio Delfino and designer/engineer Luca Chiomenti introduced two world premiere components at their booth at High End Munich: the APL-1 Tube Line Preamplifier ($26,000) and the AFS-32 Hybrid Stereo Power Amplifier ($28,000).

The zero-feedback APL-1 Tube Line Preamp boasts an all-tube circuit, double Pi-filter, stabilized power supply, two balanced and three unbalanced inputs, tape loop, output transformers, one balanced and two unbalanced outputs.

The class-A AFS-32 Stereo Power Amplifier, which is capable of putting out 32Wpc into 8 ohms or 64Wpc into 4 ohms, is also a zero-feedback design. It uses both BJT and MOSFET transistors and offers two unbalanced and two balanced inputs. Dark titanium and gold finishes are available.

Riviera Audio Labs' Levante Integrated has become my sonic muse of late. If the new APL-1 and AFS-32 share even a glint of its magic, they're destined to join the Riviera Audio Labs pantheon as highly coveted audio machines.