Magnepan LRS Loudspeaker

Ever since Magnepan's Wendell Diller married this beautiful former Soviet spy (aka Agent G), he's been doing everything on the down low, hush-hush, totally covert. (Though I must say he does look good in dark glasses.)

This year at AXPONA he has a secret room, at the end of an obscure hall, with no signage. Agent G watches the door from a distance, and you must knock the secret knock to enter.

Once inside, it looks just like any other well-turned-out AXPONA room, but the sounds I heard from this new secret speaker were not like any other sounds I experienced at AXPONA. Think light-speed galactic fast, tone-perfect, and Prada-model slender. No kidding folks, I will not get to hear all the rooms, but I doubt any room could sound much better.

I am forbidden to say what Magnepan's new speaker is called, but I can say it looks like a Little Ribbon Speaker (LRS): about the same size as an MMG, but all quasi-ribbon—not planar magnetic with a ribbon tweeter.

I can tell you the price because it's so ridiculous ($650/pair) that no one will believe it. The amp was another secret Magnepan project: stereo, 300W@4 ohms and 200W@8 ohms—but no price.

As I snuck out, with my spy-coat collar turned up, I think I saw a Bryston preamp and CD player, too.

tonykaz's picture

Probably the best excuse there is to finally buy a Super Amplifier.

Egads, the Speakers costing only WHAT???, $650 ??? , nooooooooooooo way.

The Apogee Ribbon Loudspeakers had Huge Prices and needed Krell's biggest Amps. Phew.

PS Steller Mono Amps seem right.

Tony in Michigan

ps. bet there will be a ton of bargains on previously loved MMGs, from here on out. I'll be looking for a pair of MG2s and a EL34 based MV-45a, pretty dam soon.

ps. is there a more credentialed/bonafide Audiophile Company than Magnepan ?

mmole's picture

Magneplanars — Made in America. Sold in China.

tonykaz's picture

Minnesota, Magnepan.

They still cost too much to Ship but I loved every pair I ever owned and regret not owning a pair today. dammit

I'll get a pair in Florida.

Tony in Michigan

nixternal's picture


That's all I heard when I came through the stairwell doorway, peaked to my left & tried to figure out who was in this unmarked room. 2 other gentleman got trapped the same way. We sat in 3 chairs outside of the unmarked room while Agent G flipped through her tablet in a very silent & sneaky way. About 15 minutes went by, she tried to figure out the dial on the clock taped to the door, and finally, the door opened & we were rushed in.

Sat down & got to listen. Like you, $650 for what I heard, I was amazed. Today, I tried to find the secret spot so a friend could listen but was unsuccessful. I'm glad I was briefly kidnapped on Friday to hear these speakers that were obviously colluding!

Josh Hill's picture

$650, and one of the best sounds at the show? Maybe even the best. I was blown away, and so was everyone I talked to who heard it.

Bogolu Haranath's picture

$650/pair or $6500/pair? ......... Is there a zero missing? :-) ..........

There could have been problems converting Rubles to Dollars :-) .........

Charles E Flynn's picture

It is actually clear that the price is $650:

billmilosz's picture

Compared to these, everything else sounded like it was coming out of a cereal box.

The secret to Magnepan speakers is that the engineers are cryo-treated by the Minnesota winters.....

Bogolu Haranath's picture

They also sleep on that famous 'pillow' :-) ..........

....... and wear clothes from that famous 'trading co.' :-) ..........

Josh Hill's picture

LOL, yes. Except those old Quads!