Friday Cat Blogging 2

Huck: "Heh heh heh. Snooze, you lose, baby!"

Eskil's picture

More cat blogging, please! It's becoming a habit checking out what Huck and Bagheera have been up to.

Donald N.'s picture

Mine digs the glow of the tubes and loves classical music!

Al Marcy's picture

My cats prefer to lie on the bed, on me, if possible ... better imaging?

John Atkinson's picture

Okay," Wes. How _do_ you disable your cats' ""Fat Freddy"" reflex", ie, as in the classic comic book, as soon as Fat Freddy reaches for his camera, Fat Freddy's Cat sits motionless for hours. My cats have this automatic lack of cooperation _down_, whereas Bagheera and Huck don't seem to have read The Cat's Big Book of Rules at all!

Monty's picture

The poor things is licking his feet from having tried sleeping on the tube gear. He definitely prefers solid state.