What is your favorite audiophile label and why?

Considering that so many people carped about the lack of good music and the overall poor recording quality in the last couple of Votes, I think there should be a poll asking, 'What's your favorite audiophile record label?' says reader Travis Cunningham. He'd also like to hear what people think about the sound each label achieves.

What is your favorite audiophile label and why?
Here it is
82% (119 votes)
Don't have one
18% (27 votes)
Total votes: 146



Mark Bryston's picture

Sheffield Labs. While they arn't putting out new vinyl anymore these recordings are very possibly the best ever made. Think of it World famous/Grammy award winning producer/mastering geniuos Doug Sax personally supervising an audiophile recording start to finish direct to disc. These recording are pure and true to the music. The knock was music selection(still baffles the mind that people didn't appreciate it)and since it was pure raw and live it didn't get any doctoring like other labels that srived for "audiophile" sound instead of the way it really did/does sound at the time of recording. My choice hands down.

hunter mattocks's picture


Jerry Gerred's picture

Pure Audiophile: These guys make the best LP's I've seen in a long time. Just ask Mobile Fidelity, they decided to use the same mastering team, Paul Stubblebine and Stan Ricker. They are true innovators, the rest are just followers.

R.  Fauska's picture

Sad to say, there's not one but two good ones. Chesky Records and Reference Recordings.

Andy's picture

Analogue Productions

gweiss@nets.com's picture


Steve l's picture

DCC some good choices in releases and the remastering very well done. If Moblie fidelity had made more sensible choices they would still be the best instead of trying to re start their business.
