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Best wishes.
Hope you find time to relax in the Englisch Garten!
Nor was it the only sign I encountered. Many subways stopseven the airportdisplayed large posters announcing the annual well-attended Munich High End audio show.
On Day 1 (Thursday) of the four-day show, the first of two Press and Industry Days, halls and rooms were packed. Talk was mostly soft, but I entered one room toward the end of Press and Industry Day where there were so many conversations taking place that I took a listening raincheck and moved on.
Days 34 of Europe's biggest audio show are usually extremely busy. Happily, the 24-hour public transportation strike scheduled from 3AM Friday to 3AM Saturday won’t affect the public at large. The rest of us are going to keep taxis and Uber very busy.
Yours truly and Jim Austin are here visiting rooms for our online coverage. Ken Micallef was supposed to join us until he slipped and broke his ankle. Michael Trei and Alex Halberstadt are here as well, but they're covering the Show for their respective Stereophile columns. Please look for more of our online coverage as it appears over the next week or so, and then in future issues of the magazine and online.
Best wishes.
Hope you find time to relax in the Englisch Garten!
"Ken Micallef was supposed to join us until he slipped and broke his ankle." - JVS
I recall Ken mentioning that he lives on the top floor of a seven story building that does not have any elevator, a walk-up.
I hope that he is doing well enough now, and soon better.
I overlooked that and want him to know he's still appreciated.
[please forgive my poor English]
there were so many conversations taking place (JVS)
Everywhere, indeed.
This is why I ranted on the YT channel of a reviewer whose careful recordings were recked by audience:
What a NOISY AUDIENCE, everywhere in the listening rooms ! - why couldn't all those people go outside in order to SPEAK, instead of listening?! Or at least whispering instead of speaking loud. I wish I had a teleporter, instantly came in Munich, and shouted to all those noisy people QUIET PLEASE !!! These are great products, whose setup required huge efforts made by passionate people; they do not deserve such a messy and irrespectful environment.
This pisses me off so badly that I managed to make the Brussels hifi show nearly silent in comparison (by ranting² to the organizer, who, finally, admitted that it was an issue, and took some steps to alleviate the problem...).