Stephen Mejias

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Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 25, 2012  | 
And speaking of birthdays, today is Thurston Moore’s. To celebrate, let’s groove and flail to Chelsea Light Moving’s latest track, “Groovy & Linda.” The song, like most from Thurston, is a twisted love story.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 25, 2012  | 
Composer Kevin James looks a bit tired of making field recordings. Recordings for 100 Waltzes for John Cage were captured during 45+ nearly continuous hours of driving around New York City. Photo: The [kāg] ensemble.

Tuesday–Thursday, August 21–23, 7:30pm: In celebration of John Cage’s 100th birthday, The [kāg] ensemble will perform Kevin James’s 100 Waltzes for John Cage at the DiMenna Center, Mary Flagler Cary Hall (450 West 37th Street, New York).

Inspired by Cage’s 49 Waltzes for the Five Boroughs, for which a score was created by randomly selecting 147 locations on a New York City map, James’s work is said to answer the question, “What would Cage have done with the advanced technologies that have shaped our ever-expanding information age?”

I'd like to think he'd have thrown them out the window and made a score from their shattered bits and pieces. Kevin James, it seems, feels similarly:

Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 19, 2012  | 
I approached The xx’s self-titled debut with caution. The hype surrounding it was enough to turn me away. I remember talking about the record with Karen at Other Music. “It’s definitely one of those albums that polarizes people,” she said.

Soon, though, it became unavoidable. I might be able to hide from it at home, but I couldn’t escape it at work. By the middle of 2010, a hi-fi show wasn’t complete without The xx.

Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 18, 2012  | 
Cosmogramma, Flying Lotus’s adventurous 2010 release felt, and still feels, like a sonic joy ride, a fusion of jazz, pop, funk, and electronic music styles. Complex, playful, and sophisticated, Cosmogramma conjures 8-bit video games and Saturday morning cartoons as much as it does 1950s sci-fi, 1970s Impulse jazz, 1990s house—all while sounding entirely advanced, connected, soulful.

How do you follow up something like that?

Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 12, 2012  | 
The KLF's awesome 1990 masterpiece, Chill Out, the latest album featured at Classic Album Sundays.

Reader Robert Stewart shares “A King’s Ransom from Queens,” a truly remarkable, eclectic record collection soon to be available from Amoeba Records.

Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 12, 2012  | 
The Audiophile Tree of Life—a present from AudioStream's Michael Lavorgna. This guy watches over me while I listen to music.

In May, I exchanged a few e-mails with Wojciech Pacula, editor of the Polish online magazine, High Fidelity.

We discussed publishing, music, hi-fi, and life. (I can’t believe I didn’t mention Natalie, Nicole, the Mets, or beer.) You can read the interview here. There are also lots of pictures of my listening room and gear, which you might find interesting.

Pacula did a great job with the images and the translation. I don’t look or sound too painfully ridiculous. Whew!

Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 11, 2012  | 
I can’t wait for this one to be released on a physical format, preferably orange vinyl (please, Island Def Jam?), but we can stream Frank Ocean’s prog/R&B/soul/funk/quiet storm epic, Channel Orange, right now via his tumblr.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 09, 2012  | 
From time to time, I’ve written about my interest in cassettes. While I still haven’t purchased a Nakamichi cassette deck—the decks are out there, I’m just waiting for the right time and the right deck—I’ve nevertheless kept an eye on cassette trends. For a long while, I saw very specific, very underground labels releasing tapes; and, though new cassette-only labels seemed to pop up regularly, those, too, were extremely underground and extremely independent.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jul 09, 2012  | is an e-commerce company devoted to all kinds of design-related items, from visual art to furniture to clothing. The company specializes in flash sales on trending themes, keeping its eager followers coming back daily. Ms. Little lets us know that is now selling LPs and turntables—further evidence, as if we needed it, that vinyl’s increasing popularity has hit the mainstream.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 26, 2012  | 
Grizzly Bear’s next album will be released by Warp Records on September 17—one day after my birthday. Nice. Judging from the album’s lead track, “Sleeping Ute,” it’s going to be another great record and an impressive follow-up to 2009’s spectacular Veckatimest.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 20, 2012  | 
Twisted fire-starters atop Arcadia's Afterburner DJ booth. The Afterburner will make its North American debut at the Catalpa Festival in NYC.

With New York City temperatures rising into the high 90s this afternoon, there’s no doubt that summer has officially arrived. And summer means great live music. Ask Stereophile’s editorial assistant, Ariel Bitran, who returned to the office all bronze-skinned and bleary-eyed after attending the recent Bonnaroo festival in Manchester, Tennessee. (He’s been wearing sandals ever since.) And, while I can understand and appreciate the desire to get away from the City during these summer months, I’m happy to know that New York will be home to another major outdoor music fest: The first Catalpa Festival will be held this July 28th and 29th, from 1 to 11pm, on Randall’s Island.

Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 19, 2012  | 
Yes, yes, yes!

Sun, Cat Power’s first album of original material since 2006’s The Greatest, will be released by Matador Records on September 4th. September 4th is going to be an awesome day.

Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 14, 2012  | 
This makes me happy. What more can we ask from a simple pop song?
Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 13, 2012  | 
Dinosaur Jr., one of the world’s greatest rock bands, returns on September 18 with I Bet on Sky.
Stephen Mejias  |  Jun 11, 2012  | 
Now, thanks to AnalogPlanet and Music Direct, you have a chance to win a Rega RP1. All you have to do is go over to AnalogPlanet and register. The winner will also receive Rega’s cool, new Fono Mini A2D phono preamp ($175). Combined with the RP1, the Fono Mini A2D will allow you to play your LPs and transfer them into your computer.

Go for it. Good luck!
