Gene Turns Off Fear in Mice

Just what we need: braver mice.
Mon, 11/21/2005

I Know I've Been Wondering

The Drumometer finally gives us an instrument capable of measuring the world's fastest drummer. What a relief.
Mon, 11/21/2005

Attention Must Be Paid

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Sashimi Tabernacle Choir! Over 250 computer controlled lobsters, bass, trout, catfish, and sharks perform your musical favorites.
Mon, 11/21/2005

Harry Partch, Musical Genius

Partch was a musical iconoclast who created his own theory of music, a 64-tone scale, and instruments that could play the sounds he imagined. Performances of his music incorporate drama, which is heightened by the beauty of his instruments.
Mon, 11/21/2005

Your opinion on Simaudio i-5 sonic upgrade


Have anybody upgraded Simaudio i-5 integr. amplifier with a recent $300 sonic upgrade?
I would like to know if it worth doing that.



Like Fruit Trees in a Frost?

Something was happening. Something I didn't want to tell you about.
Mon, 11/21/2005

If you ran your own audiophile reissue label, and could re-master and re-release anything that hasn't already been given the audiophile treatment, what would be at the top of your list?

If you ran your own audiophile reissue label, and could re-master and re-release anything that hasn't already been given the audiophile treatment by others such as Mobile Fidelity, etc, what would be at the top of your list?

If you ran your own audiophile reissue label, and could re-master and re-release anything that hasn't already been given the audiophile treatment, what would be at the top of your list?
Here it is
93% (86 votes)
Can't think of anything
7% (6 votes)
Total votes: 92
Primary Category: 

The Fifth Element and 80/20

I think John Marks has his dollars wrong. An ambitions audio system is around $10K, which is about what I have in mine. I know that many audiophiles spend more, after all, I've read about $60K amplifiers in Stereophile. But tell any non-audiophole even a couple K and they think your nuts. So if you were taking about a music teacher, what you really need todo is give them a system for $2K that will rock their world.

Imposition of "DualDisc" CD/DVD on consumers

I don't know about you, but as an audiophile who prefers Redbook CDs as my only front-end source of music recordings, I'm outraged and disgusted by the recently increasing number of digital music recordings which are being released only in a DualDisc, combination CD/DVD package. (

Sony's Even Worser Week

As we go into our fourth week of coverage of Sony BMG's digital rights management debacle, it's a good time to review what all the fuss has been about. On October 31, Mark Russinovich posted his discovery of a root kit—a cloaked file that had been inserted on to his computer's hard drive. Cloaked root kit files are popular tools used by malevolent hackers, so Russinovich was curious about how the files he detected had entered his computer. It came from Get Right With the Man, a Sony DRM-protected disc Russinovich had purchased and played on his computer. When he attempted to remove the hidden files, Russinovich lost the ability to use his CD drive.
Sun, 11/20/2005
