Spendor S3/5se loudspeaker Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Two-way, stand-mounted, sealed-box loudspeaker for use with stands 24-31" high (not included). Drive-units: 0.75" coated fabric-dome tweeter, 5" homopolymer cone woofer. Crossover frequency: 3.5kHz. Frequency response: 90Hz-20kHz, ±3dB. Impedance: 8 ohms nominal, 6 ohms minimum. Sensitivity: 84dB/W/m.
Dimensions: 12" H by 6.5" W by 7" D. Weight: 10 lbs.
Finishes: Light cherry, rosewood, bird's-eye maple veneers.
Serial numbers of units reviewed: 201A00011, 201A00012.
Price: $1249/pair in light cherry veneer, rosewood veneer adds $100/pair, birdseye maple adds $200/pair. Approximate number of dealers: 40.
Manufacturer: Spendor Audio Systems, Ltd., Station Road Industrial Estate, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 2ER, England. Web: www.spendoraudio.com. US distributor: QS&D, 33 McWhirt Loop, No.108, Fredericksburg, VA 22406. Tel: (800) 659-3711. Fax: (540) 372-3713. Web: www.qsandd.com.

US distributor: QS&D
33 McWhirt Loop, No.108
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
(800) 659-3711