The Return of YBA

French manufacturer YBA has kept a low profile for several years now, but the brand has been re-launched, with Yves-Bernard André still in charge of design. The reference line products are made in France, but the production of the other YBA products is in Asia. I know that production of YBA's affordable Audio Refinement had problems with that arrangement, but they've apparently learned their lesson, and the new production will have much greater control effected by Yves-Bernard himself. The Passion 650 amplifier ($6999), shown in the photo, was on static display.

volvic's picture

Have their CD player and after all these years never even bothered changing it - nowdays it is strictly a transport player but all YBA products ooooooze quality and the after sales service from Plurison was and is second to none.  If I had extra $$$'s lying around and needed to upgrade they would be top of my list.  

labjr's picture

Aesthetics seem silly. Why don't they sell advertising space on their products? 

labjr's picture

Aesthetics seem silly. Why don't they sell advertising space on their products?