Quad ESL-63 loudspeaker Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Full-range electrostatic speaker system. Power capacity: 100W, 10V rms, 40V peak maximum signal input. Nominal impedance: 8 ohms (6.2 ohms minimum). Sensitivity: 86dB SPL for 2.83V rms at 1 meter.
Dimensions: 36" H by 26" W by 6" D (base 10" D).
Serial numbers of review samples: 13,955 & 13,956, 1984.
Price: $2850/pair, 1983-1985; $3990/pair, 1989. Approximate number of dealers: 50.
Manufacturer (2001): Quad Electroacoustics Ltd., IAG House, Sovereign Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 6XU, England. Tel: (44) (0)845-458-0011. Fax: (44) (0)1480-431767. Web: www.quad-hi-fi.co.uk.
US Distributor (1983): Quad USA, 425 Sherman Avenue, Suite 130, Palo Alto, CA 94306.
US Distributor (1984): Quad USA, 695 Oak Grove Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
US Distributor: (1989): Tovil Distributors, 14120-K Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly, VA 22021. Tel: (703) 631-8810.
US Distributor: (2001): IAG America, 180 Kerry Place, Norwood, MA 02062. Tel: (877) 440-0888 or (781) 440-0888. Fax: (781) 440-0333. Web: www.quad-hifi.com.

Echolane's picture

I imported my Quad ESL-63 from a London store in summer 1985 after reading a glowing review of them in Opera News. They were considered the ideal speakers for opera and classical. Unfortunately, they were unaffordable at their US price point. Luckily, I discovered they were less than half that in England, even adding in transportation and a small import duty and I have been enjoying their lovely sound ever since. I often joke that I will be buried with them, they are that wonderful for the kind of music I like, opera and classical. I snapped up a pair of US Monitors in 2023 that had just been restored to like new which should keep me happy the rest of my life.

While it’s true that they do not produce a lot of bass I’ve never missed it. But a friend loaned me a subwoofer and I’ve decided to keep it. I have it turned to barely there and am quite happy with it set to barely there. Without the need for a crossover, the sound is seamless, the midrange and highs are exquisite. I have to add that it is also fun to own them because they tend to fascinate my visitors.