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This is a remarkable review!
Every single reviewer seems to love this Brand of gear, probably for darn good reasons, none of the other reviewers have such intricate prose, not even Keven Deal.
The 12AU7 Glass Tubes are the actual amplifiers leading me to conclude that this review is a review of Prima Luna 12AU7s & the chassis mounted support circuits, which 'Begs" the question of how this chassis performs with the myriad of other 12AU7s that Mr. Deal specializes in providing. ( I understand that Upscale is the Biggest, Best and most reputable source for Audio Tubes in the entire USA, probably the entire World ).
Mr. Deal is also the Importer for PrimaLuna's sister Brand: Mystere, which seems to be nearly identical ( perhaps a bit older ) to PrimaLuna.
A descriptive essay on 'rolling' could be an accompanying Story that hardly anyone else is attempting, which I wouldn't bother to suggest except for Mr. HR's gift for words and phrases.
Mr. HR has the 'Ideal' test Laboratory to probe the mysteries of Valves and the skill to share his discoveries with the World, doesn't he?, his Editor might find this a useful concept to explore.
Glass tubes are not at all expensive compared to buying a whole new Amplifier, probably cheap compared to the range of Wires and other misc. stuff Audiophiles search out. It kinda opens a world of exploration for our intrepid group of "Seekers for Prefect Sound Reproduction". The headphone group have already begun exploring Tubes with their Schiit Valhalla, Lyr, Garage 1217, Bottlehead, Feliks headphone amps. Why not the Big Box guys? ( are headphones better resolvers than Box Speakers? )
a hopeful Tony in Michigan
ps. Every one of Herb Reichert's writings have left me wanting more, I'm hopeful of JA doubling Mr. HR's word budget, I'll double my Subscription!