Listening to the Stax SR-009 and Great Headphone Amplifiers Conclusions

A week with some of the world's best headphone gear is merely a taste. I think readers should take my thoughts here as simply one data point in your personal search for sonic Nirvana. There simply wasn't the time during this audition to do anything more than develop some personal preferences; an exhaustive analysis would take months.

If you're beginning to think that a Stax SR-009 headphone is in your future, I think you should spend plenty of time reading the threads regarding these wonderful amps at Head-Fi, and finding ways to hear them in person at meets and in other's homes. The process of deciding which high-end electrostatic amp is right for you should be viewed as a journey to be enjoyed in its own right, and relished as much as the destination of one of these amps next to your easy-chair.

Again, I'll recommend for those wishing to embark on this journey the interim step of your Stax SR-009 headphone and a Woo WEE. This dandy $499 energizer will allow you to use any power amp you would use with speakers with the SR-009. Most audiophiles who might want to get into these expensive headphones will likely have a number of power amps at home to play with, and this will let you start hearing the differences various amps give to the sound heard on the 009. Becoming thoroughly familiar with your set of SR-009s as you prepare to audition the various amps in this article is a good first step.

Thanks again to Ray Samuels, Alex Cavalli, Jack Woo, and Justin Wilson of HeadAmp for all the work you guys have put into developing these state-of-the-art electrostatic amplifiers, and for the loan of the gear. It was obvious to me after hearing the Stax amps that it's your efforts that really bring out the very best in this world class headphone. Thanks also to Ayre Acoustics for the QB-9 USB DAC and Cardas for the runs of Clear Cable that made for a source worth listening to with this great gear.

After the video, I've included some links to just a few of the many Head-Fi threads on these amps and headphones to help you get started on your personal journey to Stax SR-009 bliss. Enjoy!

Stax USA home page, and product pages for the Stax SR-009 headphones and SRM-007tII and SRM-727II amplifiers.
HeadAmp home page and Blue Hawaii SE product page.
Cavalli Audio home page and Liquid Lightning product page.
Woo Audio home page and WES product page.
Ray Samuels home page and A-10 Thunderbolt product page.
Ayre Acoustics home page and QB-9 DAC product page.
Cardas Audio home page and Clear product page.
Head-Fi threads on the Stax SR-009 headphones here, here, and here.
Head-Fi Comparison threads here, here, here, here, and here.