Listening #113 Contacts

Sidebar 2: Contacts

P.W.B. Electronics, 2 Northbrook Croft, Hill View Mount, Leeds LS7 4QZ, England, UK. Web:

Speakers Corner HiFi GmbH, Starkenbrook 4, 24214 Gettorf, Germany. Tel: (49) (0)4346-601999. Fax: (49) (0)4346-601998. Web:

Kal Rubinson's picture


It seems to me that your list includes both tweaks as well as rationally understandable accessories/tools and a couple that fall in between.  Why would you put record cleaning devices in there?   I would think they are essential.

es347's picture

What happened when you put the magic emoluent on Mr. Happy? Was there a noticeable improvement? Better or worse? Dealing with some dude named Peter Belt, I'd expect to see some sort of anatomical constraint device..