Line Magnetic Amplifiers

The curiously named Line Magnetic company of China has begun making a series of relatively affordable tube electronics, all hand-wired, and all with styling details that recall classic products from the first half of the 20th Century. LM's model 211IA integrated amplifier ($1650) was used to drive the new Gibbon 88s from DeVore Fidelity. Each channel of the amp produces 32Wpc from a pair of EL34s running in Ultralinear mode—the 211IA can also be switched to triode operation—with all-tube preamp and driver stages and a silicon-rectified power supply.

corrective_unconscious's picture

Oh boy, if that has adequate iron at that price that looks sweet.

rschryer's picture

I was impressed by this amp's sound, and the price is just right. I think this line is worth looking into.

psyopwak's picture

I have the 216IA driving Vandersteen speakers. I had looked around for awhile for an integrated amp. My dealer gave me a call and stated he had something special for me to hear. It was the 216IA. He carries AR, SHINDO, MUSICAL FIDELITY, ETC. He wondered how LM AUDIO can make these good amps at low prices. Check out my review at