Blue Circle BC3 Galatea line-level preamplifier Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Polarity-inverting, single-ended, class-A triode line-stage preamplifier with dual-mono controls. Tube complement: two 6922. Each channel: Five line-level inputs, one tape input; two main outputs, one tape output. Maximum output: 25V RMS. Left/right volume-control tracking: better than 0.2dB. No other specifications given.
BCG3.1 power supply: Dual 40VA toroidal transformers, Hexfred rectifier diodes, Cardas internal wiring and DC power interconnect cable, integrated AC power-line conditioner.
Dimensions: BC3.1 preamp chassis: 17.5" W by 5.375" H by 14.6" D. Weight: 35 lbs. BCG3.1 power supply: 6" W by 5.375" H by 14.6" D. Weight: 16 lbs.
Finish: Stainless-steel chassis with hardwood volume-control knobs and tripod footers (Black Oak, Satin Black, Golden Oak, and Red Cherry available).
Serial number of unit reviewed: BC3KKXXPE.
Price: $4650 (preamp, $3300; power supply, $1350). Approximate number of dealers: 10. Warranty: 3 years parts & labor; 90 days, tubes.
Manufacturer: Blue Circle Audio Inc., RR#2, Innerkip, Ontario N0J 1M0, Canada. Tel: (519) 469-3215. Fax: (519) 469-3782. Web:

Blue Circle
Innerkip, Ontario N0J 1M0
(519) 469-3215