DeVore & Line Magnetic & Eugene Hi-Fi

When Jason Serinus visited the room shared by DeVore Fidelity, Tone Imports, and Oregon dealer Eugene Hi-Fi, the $12,000/pair Orangutan O/96 speakers that are Art Dudley's new reference and are shown in Jason's photo were playing. But when I visited the room, the smaller, floorstanding Orangutan O/93s ($8400/pair) were playing, and sounding very good indeed on a favorite Stephen Mejias album from Jenny Hval. (However, don't ask me about my reaction to the lyrics, which involved Ms. Hval applying an electric toothbrush to a body part other than her teeth.)

On Daft Punk's "Get Lucky," the treble was a little soft, I thought, but the bass remained well under control with the speakers driven by the 22Wpc Line Magnetic 518 IA single-ended amplifier ($4450). This is shown to the left of the photo above and uses an 845 tube for each channel's output. At the bottom of the immaculately finished Box Furniture rack is Line Magnetic's 502 D/A processor ($1800). Still taken back by Ms. Hval's inventive application of the toothbrush, I forgot to ask about the DAC.

Jason Victor Serinus's picture

The Serinus, who has learned more than he ever wished to know about female anatomy from the way his beloved four-legged daughter, Daisy Mae Doven, lies on her back, spreads her rear legs and wags her tail whenever she wants to be petted, was happily spared all exposure to Ms. Hval's inner recesses. Instead, I greatly enjoyed my listen to the 96s. To be specific, while a 16/44 recording of Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream was distinguished by lovely and delicate highs, I missed the expected midrange warmth on a Tallis Scholars recording of Josquin. This may have been a DAC issue, because, on Sufjan Stevens' LP, Illinnoise, I was able to both revel in the midrange and appreciate the rare beauty with which the guitar's strings were reproduced. At least on LP, I found the system - to quote my notes - "gorgeous on baritone voices." 

I regret that I've already recycled the sheet that listed the DAC. John DeVore, can you enlighten us?

defgibbon's picture

JA got it right in his entry, it was the $1800 LM Audio 502, which gladly accepted all files I threw at it, including 24/192. I didn't have anything more rezzy (rezzish?) (Rezzolute?) than that so I don't know if that's the upper limit. I do know it has both tube and transistor output stages, selectable from the front panel (audiophile fun!) and it did sound better and better throughout the weekend, so it was likely burning-in further.

Thanks to both of you for stopping by--it was great to see you.

Happy listening--John DeVore

Top Banana, DeVore Fidelity Ltd

Jason Victor Serinus's picture

First Ms. Hval's razor, and now Mr. DeVore's fruity hierarchy and couched references. This is what they mean by "high-end"??? 

jimtavegia's picture

THAT probably created a new mic technique that I don't even want to know my age.   Yikes!  

volvic's picture

JVS some of those earlier Josquin recordings are not the last word in resolution, perhaps nothing can save those beautiful recordings, maybe not the fault of the DAC. Just saying, have personally thrown everything at those earliy recordings by the T.S and nothing can get the recordings to sound more natural.  Which is why I am first in line every time they come on tour. Better live!  



Jason Victor Serinus's picture

You're correct, Nick. Given that John supplied the recording, and he's way smarter than many manufacturers who haven't a clue as to what to demo their equipment with, I presumed it was one of TTS's more recent efforts. John, of course, can answer the question. Until we hear from him, thanks for your comment.