Will the upcoming SACD/CD Rolling Stones releases help the SACD format? Why or why not?

The complete set of 22 Rolling Stones recordings from the ABKCO label are set to be released as SACD/CD hybrid discs over the next few weeks. Will this give SACD a boost in the marketplace?

Will the upcoming SACD/CD Rolling Stones releases help the SACD format? Why or why not?
Yes, in a big way
27% (91 votes)
Yes, but only a little
32% (106 votes)
Not sure
11% (36 votes)
No, not much help
16% (53 votes)
No, not at all
14% (46 votes)
Total votes: 332

Don Keehn's picture

but only if sony coodinates with the release to make players available to the curious

Bob Elliott's picture

I I've been waiting years for good recordings of the stones.I'm presently awaiting shipments of nine discs.

Anonymous's picture

I said "not sure" because even with the new releases, what percentage of music software is out there that people want from SACD? I still say that i wont buy an SACD player until or unless the music i like is produced PLUS new music. What good is it if new music is produced on CD but not SACD as well? SACD will always play "catch up" little by little. Now how can someone invest in a SACD machine which can only be used for the few 100 or so titles out (and maybe not even like most of them)? I dont want nor can i afford a high-end CD player AND a high-end SACD player. If SACD is so good, then replace the entire CD catalog NOW and produce all future titles on SACD. This is what CD did to LP in the beginning. That way, a person can replace a player and be assured to get all the music he/she wants. -Bob Bernstein.

CE's picture

At least it's real music, unlike anything produced in the last 5 years, where has all the music talent gone? The likes of Britney Spears, N'Sync...garbage. No wonder music companies are losing money, there is no product worth buying, so lets re issue real music in a high rez format...Geeee, first it was on vinyl, then CD, then back to "180gram high rez VINYL, now SACD...then when spinning discs are obsoleted next generation (20 years) the music will be stored on a chip, with nothing moving, another REISSUE...Philips will probably do that next.

Brad Kilby's picture

I check, don't care...I have the honor of not hav'n to listen to SACD's. I'm not in a vacuum but i find no use for the media. I'm plain and simple but I consider all facts, hey! Not for me!

Don's picture

LPs are the way to listen to the Stones

Smokinjoe's picture

All we need now is an CD/SACD player as good as the Accuphase DP-85 for under $10,000, and many more dual layer discs.

Travis Klersy's picture

I can't see how this is going to raise SACD's profile with the average consumer, since there is nothing on the external packaging indicating these are anything other than standard cd's. They look like every other remaster project that has ever been done. I also believe that if the average consumer enjoys the sound of the standard cd layer, they are going to be sceptical about the need for a higher resolution format.

G.  Deal's picture

Maybe or maybe not. People looking to hear a revelation will be dissapointed. The sound is definitively low-fi.

Robert Davies's picture

Granted, the Stones appeal - for a host different - reasons, to a large audience. But it seems rather naive to believe that a significant amount of people will buy even one of the SACD re-releases unless some serious deal-sweetening, apart from the gains in sound quality, is involved. Only incredibly skillful marketing will make this the watershed in consumer-consciousness that Sony intends it to be.

Gabriel Gesmer's picture

at last, SACDs at a reasonable price.

jose bianchi's picture

This kind of music is not in the level of sacd sound quality

Gustavo Villa's picture

I think SACD and DVD audio are not revolucinary as CD in the 80' over casette and LPs, average listener (and consumer)simply cant hear a big diference between a SACD and DVD audio over a ordinary CD listened in a modest equipment.

Roy Edelsack's picture

I'm boosting it myself having bought six of them already.
