Old & New Friends at RMAF

Photos: Laura LoVecchio

Standing in front of the poster for the November issue of Stereophile, new at the show, is Michael Mandell, who used to provide IT services for the magazine when it was first based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Michael is wearing a vintage T-shirt with the "Lonely at the Top" illustration we created for our April 1988 "Recommended Components" issue.

And below is the Stereophile stand at the Denver Marriott Tech Center, located in the lobby between the Evergreen A ballroom (showing Legacy Audio & Coda Technologies) and the Marketplace. Come by and pick up the new issue. (The T-shirts are long gone, however!)

RobertSlavin's picture

Why can't Stereophile have more creative covers like that nowadays?

John Atkinson's picture
RobertSlavin wrote:
Why can't Stereophile have more creative covers like that nowadays?

Because having a product featured on the cover is much better at generating newsstand sales.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

RAMON VIVES's picture

What it matter about Stereophile is "the flesh".