New Hampshire's AV Therapy Hosts a Listening Event This Weekend

On Friday, November 12, AV Therapy of Nashua, New Hampshire, will host its first annual “Groove Event,” in loving memory of Mark Terletzky, its late co-owner and Groove Champion. This is the store’s first in-person event in two years.

Featured guests from Audience Cables, KEF, Klipsch, Luxman, and Paradigm/Anthem will be available throughout the evening to demonstrate new products and answer attendees’ questions.

Event Details:
When: Friday, November 12, 5:30–9pm
Where: AV Therapy, 216 Daniel Webster Highway, Nashua, New Hampshire.

To attend this event, RSVP (603) 759-7183 or visit AV Therapy's Facebook page at

Allen Fant's picture

Great name for an Audio shop.

thatguy's picture

If I get a doctors note can I get insurance to cover the therapy?
All kidding aside, it probably should be covered as being helpful.

Jack L's picture


Haha.. That's funny!

Seriously, therapy generally prefer to therapy of mental & behavour problems.

Therapy medically comprised 5 areas:
(1) psychodynaic therapy
(2) behaviour therapy
(3) congnitive therapy
(4) humanistic therapy
(5) integrative therapy.

So AV therapy should belong to which above areas ? Behaviour therapy??
First time I see our music hobby needs therapy !!!

Jack L

Jack L's picture
