What’s Going On With Krell?

Updated 2/12/25 (previously 2/7/25)

In the February issue, Stereophile tentatively predicted the immenent reopening of Krell Industries, the legendary high-end amplifier manufacturer. It didn’t happen, and it still hadn’t happened as the current issue went to press.

It now appears that two parties are competing to reopen Krell.

To recap: On June 18, 2024, Krell Industries closed following the unexpected death of owner and CEO Rondi D’Agostino. An early announcement indicated that the closing would be brief, but Krell has been in limbo ever since.

In an interview in late January, Wil Buhler of self-described “family holdings company” JF Bicking & Co. told Stereophile that the long-awaited reopening was within reach. Others disputed his claim, though not publicly.

What is JF Bicking’s relevance to l’affaire Krell? Bicking claims a 30% share in the company. “JF Bicking’s working relationship with Rondi [D’Agostino] gave her and us equal managerial control, even though she still held the majority share,” Buhler told Stereophile. Documents supplied by Bicking and reviewed by Stereophile appeared to support Buhler’s claim of an ownership stake.

Who owns the rest of Krell? “With the death of her husband in August of 2024, the [majority] share has now gone to her heir,” Buhler said. “Her heir” is Rondi’s son Kristofer D’Agostino. Also involved, perhaps as an adviser to Kristofer, is Steven Javaherian, Krell dealer and proprietor of Florida–based dealership High Performance Stereo. In November, Javaherian set up a Connecticut limited-liability corporation (LLC) called Krell Audio.

Javaherian and Kristofer have refused to talk with Stereophile. “We were ordered by the probate judge not to make any public statements at this time,” Kristofer wrote in an email. “Unlike the other parties involved, I’m obeying the judge’s orders to not speak on this issue until a ruling has been granted.”

Anonymous sources told Stereophile that at first, Kristopher was uninterested in being involved with Krell. Apparently that has changed. Now, two factions—majority owner Kristopher on one side, JF Bicking on the other—are competing to own and reopen the company.

“Within a day or so, we are planning to submit a formal offer to buy Rondi’s outstanding majority share of Krell from her heir. Our lawyers … are pretty confident that we will succeed.” Documents reviewed by Stereophile suggest that the proposed deal is structured as a small upfront cash payment plus a declining share of profits, starting at 10%. JF Bicking would take on all Krell Industries debt.

“Ultimately, we think the courts will intervene,” Buhler continued. “We’re requesting the appointment of an independent third-party administrator to handle Rondi’s estate so that we can proceed with reopening Krell.” When contacted in early February, Buhler said the offer had been made but that no response had been received. A court hearing was scheduled for the week of February 3 but then rescheduled for February 19, well after this issue of Stereophile went to press.

Willie Barnett, Krell’s longtime repair technician, is still in the picture. In a Facebook post in mid-February, he wrote, “I am still working with Steven Javaherian to get the Repairs going again”; Earlier posts to the group, in late December, suggested that he was working with JF Bicking. He has made it clear all along that his interest is in getting Krell reopened.

When we spoke with Buhler in late January, he said, “Through all subsequent negotiations with [Kristofer D’Agostino], the invaluable help of former Krell Industries Vice-President Walter Schofield has enabled us to stick it out through less-than-cooperative behavior on the majority holder’s part. Once matters are settled, and we can start up again, Walter will come back onboard in a consulting capacity and help with the rebuilding of Krell.”

Contacted by Stereophile, Schofield remained neutral in the ownership dispute, saying, “I only ever wanted to see Krell reopen, have people’s equipment repaired and returned, and if possible, see the brand restart production. … At first, it seemed there was only one horse in this race. All I ever wanted to do was help, and I am still willing to do so for any entity that takes control of the brand.”

Stereophile’s hope, too, is that whichever side comes out on top, the dispute will soon be settled so that Krell Industries can reopen and restart its work processing repairs and fulfilling customer orders.

DaveinSM's picture

FIRST. I was wondering what was going on here. This is good news, especially the part about the service department remaining operational.

Maintaining service and support for their products does a ton for the perceived value in buying a Krell.

bhkat's picture

Krell was one of the companies that really kicked off high end audio in the US. Glad that they are coming back.

DaveinSM's picture

Well, this latest update completely changes the context in which I made my first comment.

This latest development seems to foreshadow more conflict. I think it’s a bit backwards that the 30% shareholder wants to buy out the 70% shareholder, but clearly there are other financial concerns like outstanding debt.

Rondi’s son better have access to some significant capital; regardless, both parties have an interest in getting this settled quickly and without too much legal expense… or they’re both liable to end up with little to nothing.

MatthewT's picture

Krell will soon be owned by someone in China.

Ortofan's picture

... affiliated with Krell and/or will he be with the company if and when it reopens?

mahandave's picture

overpriced by a mile, uncompetitive in today's marketplace. probably sounds identical to 80's products with no real innovation. All typical when the founder leaves..

rschryer's picture

But I really liked the sound of Krell's 150Wpc (the first 90 watts in class-A) K300i integrated amplifier. So did Jason on a separate occasion.

So something seemed to be working...

Jason Victor Serinus's picture

praised the sound of the latest monoblocks. Their presentation is definitely on the warm side, but their control, bass, and overall musicality are beyond question.

Ortofan's picture

... JA1 ran it at only 50 watts.

Jason Victor Serinus's picture

JA1's comment is taken out of context.

For the record, JA1 wrote: I usually precondition amplifiers by running them at one-third power into 8 ohms for an hour. The Krell almost made it, turning itself off after 55 minutes, with the front-panel display showing the message 'Over temperature left channel."'The top panel over the heatsinks was hot, at 142.8°F (61.6°C), but cooler over the transformer at 113.1°F (45.1°C). This is a tough test for an amplifier with a class-AB output stage, as one-third power results in the maximum dissipation in the output devices. The Krell has just sufficient heatsinking for its power rating but should be given plenty of space for ventilation."

Understood in its entirety, JA1's assessment implies that the Krell will work just fine if you allow sufficient space for it to dissipate heat. Which, one can only hope, would be what any owner would do when they set up an amplifier. Certainly neither I nor my friend Gary, who bought the K-300i, had a problem with overheating.

Ortofan's picture

... another component stacked directly on top of it.


Is it not a reasonable expectation that a "150 watt" rated amplifier should be able to operate continuously at a mere 50 watt output without overheating or shutting down?

Suppose that you bought a car capable of a top speed of 150 mph, but it overheated when driven at only 50 mph. Would you deem that to be acceptable?

supamark's picture

Suppose that you bought a car capable of a top speed of 150 mph, but it overheated when driven at only 50 mph. Would you deem that to be acceptable?

You're basically describing an air cooled Porsche, and the public has clearly said "yes please". Also, the less stupid 'what if' analogy would be, "a car with 150 horsepower that overheats when driven using exactly 50 horsepower for an hour." It's still a stupid analogy because nobody ever drives using exactly 1/3 horsepower any more than anybody listens to an amp at exactly 1/3 power.

Stick to what you know, product recommendations that nobody wants.

On article topic, this is what happens when you force out the guy who who created the brand and designed all their most desirable products. I'm sure Dan has a lot of schadenfreude in regards to this situation. I'mma laugh if their son sells or transfers 51% ownership of Krell to Dan, who I assume is his father since they share last names.

DaveinSM's picture

If I’m not mistaken, many “normal” listening situations only require a few watts. 50 watts continuous (and what kind of music requires that kind of sustained, continuous power? Death metal or punk?) into my current speakers and listening room would probably make me deaf well before those 55 minutes were up.

I’d imagine most real world power requirements and program material probably wouldn’t be so demanding on an amp. Maybe if you have inefficient, current hungry speakers in a large room (in which case maybe you shouldn’t be using a 150 wpc integrated in the first place), with especially relentless and demanding program material… and poor ventilation (?).

JohnnyThunder2.0's picture

He is deaf. He just reads measurements.

Ortofan's picture

... a particular favorite.

Glotz's picture

Is pure ignorance, swirled with a dollop of stupidity.

Have you read the reviews (or heard the gear recently)?

How are they uncompetitive and lack innovation? You failed to mention that.

mahandave's picture

Hard to be ignorant when i used to sell krell at the best shop in Illinois. Are you implying that customers should pay similar money for imitation krell products when they could buy the real deal, Dan D'Agostino products?? seems you are the ignorant one. krell will be china or go broke this year.. so find your own repair shop if you still want to say I own krell...

Glotz's picture

D'Agostino products are substantially more expensive across the board. If it's not for you and your rarified position, consider yourself only. Your opinion is one person of which you really don't give, other than to generally trash the company.

The reviews here stand by themselves. Whether they live up to your expectation is really a moot point. Stop insulting people because they disagree with you. You still haven't elucidated where they fall short other than trash talk.

You used to sell the gear... when- 30 years ago? You said 'probably' in an above post which means you have not bothered to hear Krell since your previous stint years ago. Listen to the gear before crapping on it.

mahandave's picture

Your mommy still loves you, so don't cry. I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings. Honestly, maybe Krell can avoid bankruptcy. You can always hope.
Hahaha... just kidding, Krell is toast.. here's your security blanket..

Glotz's picture

You retarded troll.

I don't give a f about Krell either way. I do care when you lie just to be a witless troll.

You haven't heard Krell or D'Agostino in in years. Bs someone else.

shawnwes's picture

This modified news release is more fact based and delves deeper into the current situation. Thanks for the update. I hope Krell can come out the other side of this intact even though timing due to market conditions aren't ideal.

yefd689's picture

You left out the publicly available information about Wil Buhler (aka William Kennedy Buhler aka Wm Buhler aka Wil K Buher). Tell me if any of this adds up with the stories he's told. Note that he qualified for(and accepted) a public defender for several of his criminal cases. He has an interesting history on his public LinkedIn resumes where he claims to have held high level job (director of finance) as a literal teenager (at the age of 18 or 16, depending on which resume you view).

There is some weird stuff through public records, google, and court records. It looks like he may have been jailed repeatedly during the times he claims to have held high level positions (as seen on his LinkedIn profiles). When you search his name on the Pennsylvania court website, over a dozen cases pop up, 3 which are still active.

Driving on a suspended or revoked license in 2019 (the court is still waiting for his plea) https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/MdjDocketSheet?docketNumber=MJ-38106-TR-0004484-2019&dnh=TySaNcUWegEKwKddfG4oVg%3D%3D

Another driving on a suspended or revoked license in 2024, also still active https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/MdjDocketSheet?docketNumber=MJ-32128-TR-0001556-2024&dnh=bexN2rb59eh3%2FygXZxt84g%3D%3D

Possession of a controlled substance. Bailed out by Deborah Buhler (I believe this is his mom). Her address is the same address that his many companies are registered at, including JF Bicking. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/MdjDocketSheet?docketNumber=MJ-32128-CR-0000129-2013&dnh=RDkrAToT87XUPW3Knux%2B0A%3D%3D

Suit against William and Deborah Buhler (I believe these are Wil's parents). They filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Maybe this is irrelevant, but it doesn't really gel with the story of Bicking being a multigenerational family business that is older than the USA https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/MdjDocketSheet?docketNumber=MJ-32128-CV-0000271-2011&dnh=z%2BlN5r6NFME%2FBzFZCl3iXw%3D%3D

Wil's first DUI (looks like it was a plea deal, so who knows what the original charge was?) https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/CpDocketSheet?docketNumber=CP-15-CR-0004340-2011&dnh=xVwP4X2hHNAM3wb%2FPS1VLQ%3D%3D

Attempting to flee an officer (another plea deal, so may not be the original charge). Bail set at $50,000. Looks like he served time after negotiating a deal. "Guilty Plea - Negotiated M2 75 § 3733 §§ A Hazel, Frank T. 01/10/2019 60 Days Max of 23.00 Months Other Confinement Perform 32 hours of community service. Comply with rules and regulations governing Probation and or Parole Under psychological evaluation. " If you scroll down you will see his MOTHER made his payments for him under the payment plan in 2019-2020 (looks like it may not have been completed. Remember this is the time during which Wil claims to have been a managing partner of JF Bicking) been https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/CpDocketSheet?docketNumber=CP-23-CR-0007382-2018&dnh=xV184lBlmV26QTZKXHhkUA%3D%3D

2 charges. Criminal mischief/property damage and possession of a controlled substance.(another plea deal?) More jail time and had to pay restitution to someone. You can see he was first sentenced in 2013, but was sentenced 5 more times in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2019 again, so it appears he violated his probation or parole and got incarcerated again on multiple occasions. It also looks like he still owes a balance and there is a judgment against him for it. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/CpDocketSheet?docketNumber=CP-23-CR-0006456-2013&dnh=vqznuKVu6Fss1AM5jwMuGg%3D%3D

DUI again, highest level of BAC. Looks like he negotiated a deal again, served time, but was brought back to jail. Apparent repeated violations of probation/parole. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Repor

There's more. Wil has at least 3 LinkedIn profiles that are easily found. They conflict with each other and with common sense. According to the court records, William Kennedy Buhler has a date of birth of 12/28/1991. He also graduated high school in 2010 according to this wrestling site (one of his LinkedIn profiles lists this high school as well): https://www.pa-wrestling.com/hs/teams/strathhaven/athlete_stats.htm?id=15501
Here is Wil's most recent profile. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wil-buhler-9359a4108 The oldest job he has listed is Director of Finance at Olympic Motors (I can't find evidence this company existed in PA). He started this job in June 2010, during which time he would have been 18 years old. (again he graduated high school in 2010). Aren't director level jobs positions that people spend years working toward?
He then says he was an account executive at 19, a CEO at 21 at Modernized Concepts (This company is listed on LinkedIn with the same address his parents live at https://www.linkedin.com/company/modernizedconcepts)

He also lists a director position at 3P solutions. Surprise! That is also listed with the same home address of his parents (and him?)
Here is another LinkedIn which lists his first job as Finance Director of Media Motors (different name from the other profile, but this company actually exists a few minutes from his parents' home address). This job starts in August of 2008. He would have been SIXTEEN at the time he claims to have started this director job. He also claims to have attended University in this profile, but that is somehow not included in his other profiles.

Here is a third profile stating he was a managing parter at Bicking in 2016, which is a different date than his other profile claim: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wil-buhler-86731a265?trk=people-guest_people_search-card

Wil is associated with forming many companies. This is unexpected since he claims to have a 250+ year old family business. This is what shows up after a little bit of digging, but there may be more out there. These appear to be primarily formed within the last 6 years and listed at his parents' address. He claims that his business is hundreds of years old. Why was Bicking Kennedy Buhler formed in 2019? Why is JF Bicking formed in 2021? Why does Wil's LinkedIn say he is a partner in JF Bicking since 2019 when it wasn't formed until 2 years later? Why does it say he is managing director of Bicking Kennedy Buhler in 2017 when it was formed in 2019?

Green Grow/ GreenGro


Greengro LTD is a private equity and management consulting firm in the marijuana and cannabis related industries.

Daszynski And Alderman LLC (appears to be related to selling NFTs and does not seem operational)

CityWize (does not seem operational)

Your City Your Way


BDH Modular Ltd (does not seem operational)

Bicking Kennedy Buhler Ltd

Delco Environmental Services LLC (does not seem operational)

HiFi Audio Consulting LLC 10/27/2023 (does not seem operational)

Hifi Holdings LLC 10/27/2023 (does not seem operational)

J F Bicking Co

3p solutions http://www.people-power-profit.com/ (does not seem operational)

Modernized concepts www.modernizedconsultants.com/ (does not seem operation

Other inconsistencies

Why was Bicking's website replaced from jfbicking.co to jfb.fyi?

What happened with these "projects" that don't seem to have any web presence? 43 million in "value created" but can't pay the Krell rent or website registration? 259 years of "business activity" yet was formed in 2021? Why was the original site erased? Why did they start a new one with a much worse domain?

If he has a 259 year old family business, why does his dad have a long career as a loan officer and does not list the family business on his linkedin profile. Is this "highly successful" business somehow a family secret? Why do none of the other "five equal partners" list Bicking on linkedin? Why is their identify a secret?
Wil's dad https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-buhler-0a284737

Wil seems oddly secretive about his business associates. Here is what can be dug up online.

● Davis Washington: Listed as a senior business analyst at JF Bicking but lacks relevant work history (looks like he worked at a hardware store before starting at Bicking as a business analyst). https://www.linkedin.com/in/davis-washington-b70a5423a/ He appears to have been the person washing cars at Auto Care onsite https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066800232988

● Meagan Kaman: COO of 3P Solutions in 2016; had recently graduated college. When allegedly serving as COO https://www.linkedin.com/in/meag-jae-kaman-b972aa9b/

http://web.archive.org/web/20161125135501/http://www.people-power-profit.com/about/ (you can see Meagan and Kaman listed on 3P solution's site as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Techology Officer. They do not list these titles on LinkedIn (Kevin lists himself as an intern and technician at 3P during that period). They did not have the work experience to justify these positions)

● Kevin Klos: CTO of 3P Solutions in 2016; worked at a crafts store, had recently

graduated college: https://www.linkedin.com/in/k-g-klos-27404b82/

Finanicial Troubles
Wil appears to have not paid court fees and penalties that were levied against him. You can see the balance owing in the criminal cases linked above. You can also see that there are judgments filed against him for these fees.
These are all searchable on the county site https://delcopublicaccess.co.delaware.pa.us/search/judgment?q=true&searchFields[0].searchType=Contains&searchFields[0].operation==&searchFields[0].values[0]=Buhler&searchFields[0].indexFieldName=againstParties.sortName&p.startRow=1&_=1739047802564
$2158 judgment in 2014https://delcopublicaccess.co.delaware.pa.us/case/299aabba2c4e2a311d4354821664641e3e175b0ff7757bc612681b8f03c0937c
$3115.50 judgment in 2014https://delcopublicaccess.co.delaware.pa.us/case/319f27ddcba2b6da7b6b26bed23c5ff9bbc393cd9fe579ec35a28d295007364f

$1944.25 judgment in 2019 https://delcopublicaccess.co.delaware.pa.us/case/b3d5588c6cf3bcf81fe2dec3c2590a21a50ae2c740a0ace8c02be738a43a6c8e
$2496.50 judgment in 2012 https://delcopublicaccess.co.delaware.pa.us/case/b824f6b3581ccc84e4b439f05e151c61298f1179c24ad382bda208e5b69c69de

DaveinSM's picture

Wow, I’ve seen a similar situation with a company I used to work with.

Rooting for Rondi’s son to win out.

Scintilla's picture

it feels rather prurient reading it as an airing of dirty laundry in this forum. This because it is ultimately a family matter to be resolved in the courts rather than the court of public opinion. I'm rather surprised that Dan hasn't come forward to help retake the company and provide direction since his son would be the principal. I have owned and loved two (not at the same time) KSA-50s's since 1996 and still use the second every day, all day. It made a trip to the factory when I bought it for a new output transistor on one chanel. The brand is storied and some of their best work is timeless, museum-worthy and will take a rightful place in the history of audio. I wish Kristopher well.

Jason Victor Serinus's picture

I owned one too, many, many years ago.

JohnnyThunder2.0's picture

new administration very soon with that track record !

DaveinSM's picture

He’d fit right in with that rap sheet

atavistic's picture

This is shameful. Why are you publicizing what appears to be confidential information? Why do you keep changing the "facts", as it were. Perhaps you should 1. verify before you publish and 2. stay out of private family & legal matters.

DaveinSM's picture

Who are you, and why do you have such an intense personal interest?

This all appears to be public information. This isn’t publishing, it’s a comments section. Seems you’re casting shame on the wrong party here.

JohnnyThunder2.0's picture

if they want. DaveinSM is just bringing some relevant web research to our attention. In the context Krell's current situation it seems appropriate. Save your compassion for current Krell employees and owners of their products, not someone with what appears to be a very sketchy track record.

atavistic's picture

I meant Stereophile is shameful for publishing this ever-changing article. I think they should stay out of this court matter and publish the outcome at the proper time. I don't think Stereophile should be acting as a gossip website. On a personal note, I have a lot of money invested in Krell products, and I don't appreciate a publication contributing to lowering Krell's reputation by publishing hearsay from an apparently unvetted source.

DaveinSM's picture

If you’re so interested in maintaining the prestige and resale value of your Krell gear, the future of their repair department should be of far more interest to you than the so called status of the brand.

Krell’s made a number of amplifier lines over the decades, and most of them have their reputations already. Complaining about Stereophile reporting factual news on what’s going on at the company now isn’t damaging.

There are those of us who appreciate the coverage and are interested in how this is going to turn out.


DaveinSM's picture

That wasn’t me, it was yefd689

Jim Austin's picture

... is of great interest to many of our readers. That some (including some anonymous posters) consider it a private matter is not my concern.

Jim Austin, Editor

Anton's picture

Given the parties involved and the legal status of the company, etc...."I currently would not touch them with a ten foot pole."

I say that as a Krell product owner and hope they get it resolved before I'd come back for more.