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Dunlavy Audio Labs Signature SC-VI loudspeaker System
Sidebar 2: System
The following equipment was used for this speaker review:
Analog sources were an upgraded VPI TNT Jr. turntable with outboard flywheel, sitting on a Bright Star base and a Townshend Seismic Sink. Tonearms mounted on the table were the Graham 1.5TC and Clearaudio/Souther TQ-1. Cartridges included the van den Hul MC-1 Super, Dynavector XX-II, AudioQuest MC-200, Fidelity Research/van den Hul FR-1, Denon DL103/vdH, and a Denon DL-SI. Digital front-ends were PS Audio Lambda CD Drive and C.E.C. TL 2 CD transports, and a Sony D-7 portable DAT recorder connected via coaxial, AES/EBU, TosLink, and AT&T optical connectors to an EAD DSP-9000 III D/A processor.
Preamps in-house were the Pass Aleph P, Threshold T-2, and Carver Research Lightstar Reference line-level units, with Vendetta SCP-2C, Audio Research PH-2, and Gold Aero dB-45 outboard phono units. Power amps used were the Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 6, Manley 240, Boulder 500 AE, and Pass Aleph 0.
Interconnects—all balanced—included Audio Magic Sorcerer, Synergistic Research Kaleidoscope, and WireWorld Eclipse. Speaker cables used were Dunlavy Labs DAL-8Z and Audio Magic Sorcerer. Digital cables were Mod Squad Wonder Link 1 coaxial, Audio Magic Sorcerer coaxial, TARA Labs RSC master AES/EBU, AudioQuest, Sony, and Parasound fiber-optic.
Other accessories included RoomTune CornerTunes, EchoTunes, and Ceiling Clouds, Acoustic Sciences Tube Traps, Arcici Levitation stand, Shakti Stones, FluxBuster, PAD break-in disk, Music and Sound ferrite beads, AudioQuest ferrite clamps, NoiseTrapper Power Strip, Synergistic Research power cords, TARA Labs RSC master power cords (with Pass Aleph 0), Coherent Systems EAU-1 Electroclear AC line conditioner, AudioQuest record brush, Gryphon Exorcist conditioning tool, Nitty Gritty record-cleaning machine, RadioShack Sound Pressure Meter, Kleenmaster Brillianize CD cleaner, and a 1960 cherry-red Gibson ES-355 through a 1967 Fender Deluxe Reverb.—Steven Stone
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