Robert Baird

Robert Baird  |  Jan 19, 2016
Can anybody still listen to Eagles records these days?
Robert Baird  |  Jan 11, 2016
“I’ll be free/ain’t that just like me”
Robert Baird  |  Jan 11, 2016
Actually, the Bowie-is-too-weird thing began with the shot of him in a dress that graced the cover of The Man Who Sold the World.
Robert Baird  |  Jan 04, 2016
Let's face it: If you're one of those sedentary audiophilic types or you have a genetic disposition to growing pear-shaped later in life (genetic . . . right, that's it: nothing to do with couches or hooch), it's wise to adjust your fashion sense accordingly. And nothing says "portly gentleman in disguise" like a guayabera—a shirt that, I have just discovered, blues guitarist Bob Margolin and I both love. He even wears one on the cover of his new record, My Road.
Robert Baird  |  Dec 18, 2015
"I thought it would be really nice to have a Christmas compilation done with the highest sound quality possible."
Robert Baird  |  Dec 18, 2015
Jones typically goes all in here...
Robert Baird  |  Dec 11, 2015
This place where dudes went to get away from their wives
Robert Baird  |  Dec 11, 2015
On a Thursday night out at Chickie Wah Wah on Canal Street
Robert Baird  |  Dec 11, 2015
Stereophile contributing editor John Swenson and I had the good fortune to stumble upon an LP collection the store had purchased and put out in the “new arrivals” section.
Robert Baird  |  Dec 02, 2015
Talk dirty to me!

"I had to master this record 11 times to get it to sound the way I wanted," Joanna Newsom growled with the knowing grit of someone who's worked through a sonic ordeal.

"Instead of test pressings, we had test lacquers for this one."

"I have no way to listen to music digitally in my house."

Oooh, baby!

At a time when the future of print is troubled, Newsom can make even a magazine editor feel slightly more secure.

"I love your magazine. I love your publication."
