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John Grandberg  |  Jul 12, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

64 Audio has a special place in my heart.Perhaps that's an odd way of introducing a review, as it makes me sound totally biased, but allow me to explain.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 04, 2018  | 
Tyl Hertsens created a large database of over a thousand headphone and amplifier measurements while writing for, where these files originally appeared.

Explanations about what the measurements mean can be found here.

A description of the equipment and how the measurements are taken can be found here.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 03, 2018  | 
Tyl Hertsens created a large database of over a thousand headphone and amplifier measurements while writing for, where these files originally appeared.
Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 02, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Headphone measurements are complicated and relatively difficult to interpret. The following is written to help you understand InnerFidelity's headphone measurements, which can be found here.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 01, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

I spend a lot of time measuring headphones and talking about the measurements. Well ... why hog all the fun? Below you'll find a step by step run-through of InnerFidelity's headphone measurement procedure for InnerFidelity's headphone measurements, which can be found here.

John Grandberg  |  May 08, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

It's been nearly 5 years since ToTL Madness—our attempt to survey the growing custom IEM landscape and identify the best of the best. It's still a good read if you want to learn more about the history of the industry, the major players, and the strengths/weaknesses of these colorful little ear gems.

Bob Katz  |  May 03, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

I believe that second harmonic distortion is sonic gold for audiophiles: It's very seductive, especially if you want a warm sound quality, three-dimensionality, and beautiful reproduction of ambience and depth. Based on the listening tests, there does not seem to be a sonic negative side if the proportions are done right. Yes, too much second harmonic and detail will be lost or the sound can become flubby, like some inferior tube preamp designs. That's why this listening test was so useful, as we can discover how much harmonic distortion is "just enough".

Bob Katz  |  Apr 05, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Nelson Pass's Lab has produced an impeccable headphone amplifier with more than enough power, that's quiet, solid, and very clean. Several other reviewers have reflected on this excellent amplifier, but I want to weigh in with my unique sonic perspective and also measurements of its performance.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Mar 27, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Show impressions are always suspect, but I did like what I heard when I visited the 1More booth at CES early this year. They're well known for their in-ear monitors and last year introduced their first over-ear headphone, the MK801, which I found a bit too thick sounding for my taste.

Generally 1More has been offering headphone in the affordable end of the spectrum. With this new headphone they're making a move into the meaty midsection of the headphone world. And an interesting move it is!

Tyll Hertsens  |  Mar 11, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

For those of you who just stumbled across this InnerFidelity review as you were looking for information about the Skullcandy Crusher Wireless, welcome! InnerFidelity is a website for hard core headphone enthusiasts and it's likely you've never read headphone reviews like the ones here. I'll be going on in some detail about the technicalities of this headphone and that will probably bore you. So, I'll save you some time. I don't think the Crusher is a good sounding headphone, even for bass-heads. Let me recommend you take a look at the InnerFidelity reviews of the comparably priced Sennheiser HD 4.40 BT ($149) and the more expensive but better sounding Beats Solo3 Wireless ($299).

For the rest of you headphone geeks, I'm sure you've not been chomping at the bit for a Crusher audition, but given the haptic (vibration) transducer intended to produce the feeling of low bass response, I think it's a headphone worthy of a little satisfied curiosity. Let's have a look.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Mar 04, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Like pretty much all headphone makers, I've found HiFiMAN planar magnetic headphones a little hit and miss. Some have been a too bright and sizzly, some have not had the build quality I'd like to see at the price. On the other hand there have been some really nice surprises. The HE1000 had an uncannily pleasant, floating in the clouds, sonic character, and the HE-400S was dandy at a very affordable price. One thing has been very consistant though, the folks at HiFiMAN keep trying...and that's turning out to be a very good thing.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Feb 23, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

It was a real treat being able to talk with Paul Barton about the PSB M4U 8 and NAD HP70 at RMAF last year. Paul has lead acoustic design for PSB, NAD, and Bluesound for a long, long time now; he's got a strong understanding of audio and when he designs a product it speaks of this knowledge. In listening to this headphone, I find myself listening to both the headphone and what Paul may be trying to tell us with them. It's been an interesting dialog.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Feb 11, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

It's deja vu all over again. Maybe Audeze decided to reverse the trend for ever more expensive headphones. Maybe they were just aware of so many people longing for the LCD2 of old. But whatever the reson, I do like seeing them breath new life into the more affordable end of the LCD line-up with their newly released LCD2 Classic.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Feb 03, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

One of a nice handfull of $500ish planar magnetic headphones at the show, I was impressed with the Advanced Alpha at CanJam@RMAF last October. In my report I said:

Maybe it was just the show conditions, or maybe I was just in the right mood, but holy smoke these sounded really good to me on first listen. I've been wrong at shows before so don't take this as gospel, but I sure liked these Advanced planar magnetic cans.

Well, time to find out if we can trust my ears at shows.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jan 27, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Doing audio production on a budget? Want something that sounds good? Feeling a little overwhelmed worrying about finding that one good sounding and durable needle in the haystack of crappy sounding cheap headphones that's going to break the first time it gets thrown in you backpack? Read on!
