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Tyll Hertsens  |  Mar 04, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Like pretty much all headphone makers, I've found HiFiMAN planar magnetic headphones a little hit and miss. Some have been a too bright and sizzly, some have not had the build quality I'd like to see at the price. On the other hand there have been some really nice surprises. The HE1000 had an uncannily pleasant, floating in the clouds, sonic character, and the HE-400S was dandy at a very affordable price. One thing has been very consistant though, the folks at HiFiMAN keep trying...and that's turning out to be a very good thing.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Nov 11, 2011  | 
This story originally appeared at

Bob Marley's "Exodus" ... wow, what a great album. I must have heard it a thousand times. It's a total classic. Prior to receiving these, I wondered skeptically if Bob Marley "Exodus" the headphone would be a classic. Time will tell ...

... but I think they're off to a good start.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Nov 01, 2013  | 
This story originally appeared at

Okay, I know you're not supposed to give away the story in the headline...but I just can't help it. The NAD VISO HP50 is an awesome headphone!

Tyll Hertsens  |  Dec 16, 2016  | 
This story originally appeared at

Weird how these things happen. Checks and balances make it right.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Nov 03, 2016  | 
This story originally appeared at

Ooooooooo baby! If you don't have a Sennheiser HD 600 or HD 650, you need to read this!

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 03, 2018  | 
Tyl Hertsens created a large database of over a thousand headphone and amplifier measurements while writing for, where these files originally appeared.
Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 01, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

I spend a lot of time measuring headphones and talking about the measurements. Well ... why hog all the fun? Below you'll find a step by step run-through of InnerFidelity's headphone measurement procedure for InnerFidelity's headphone measurements, which can be found here.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 04, 2018  | 
Tyl Hertsens created a large database of over a thousand headphone and amplifier measurements while writing for, where these files originally appeared.

Explanations about what the measurements mean can be found here.

A description of the equipment and how the measurements are taken can be found here.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jun 02, 2018  | 
This story originally appeared at

Headphone measurements are complicated and relatively difficult to interpret. The following is written to help you understand InnerFidelity's headphone measurements, which can be found here.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Sep 09, 2017  | 
This story originally appeared at

Over time Jabra has moved from little Bluetooth dongles that dangle from one ear to sports headsets and is now entering the wider headphone world with straight-up headphone headsets. Or is it that the headphone world is moving towards phone headsets? It's hard to tell...welcome to convergence.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Feb 12, 2017  | 
This story originally appeared at

Sean Olive and his crew of researchers have been at it for a while now, and I reckon some their work should have trickled down into JBL products by now. One likely candidate is their recently released JBL Everest Elite 700, a wireless, noise canceling, over-ear headphone, which contain Harman's whiz-bang TruNote technology that is claimed to calibrate the headphone to the wearers ears. Let's check it out.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Dec 08, 2017  | 
This story originally appeared at

Not long ago I wrote enthusiastically about the Bose SoundWear Companion neck-worn speaker. It was my first experience with such a device and it was, and continues to be, a very pleasant one. Way better than I expected. So, I figured I should look into some of the other options for this new type of device.

JBL was kind enough to send me their Soundgear—a $100 less expensive alternative to the Bose. Having experience only one other device of this type, it's probably best just to compare and contrast the JBL directly with the Bose for this review.

Tyll Hertsens  |  Jul 18, 2013  | 
This story originally appeared at

If Mary Shelley had written a birthday scene in "The Bride of Frankenstein", the Abyss AB-1266 would certainly have been the perfect gift for old Frankie. Yeah, these are some weird looking cans, and the price tag sure makes you look at them real hard.

Fortunately, it's what they sound like that counts.

Bob Katz  |  Aug 25, 2015  | 
This story originally appeared at

Something had to give: Tyll has given me the assignment of evaluating a bunch of midprice phones. But I feel that the amps I have to drive them are not completely up to the task. The Burson Soloist is fun, punchy and “tubey”. The O2 sounds comparatively transparent and is a great bargain, but how would it compare to the big guys? So I knew I needed to include a transparent high class amp to drive and test these phones. But Mary would divorce me if I proposed buying yet another expensive headphone amp. Instead I found a solution: Build one instead. The process has proved to be very rewarding in all respects. Let me tell you about it here.

Bob Katz  |  Feb 16, 2016  | 
This story originally appeared at

Hooo boy! Bob pulls out all the stops in his latest episode.

This is a little treasure trove of incisive opinion on a bunch of pretty darn good $150-$500 full-size sealed headphones.
