Revox A-77 open-reel tape recorder Specifications

Sidebar: Specifications

Description: Open-reel tape deck with optinal Dolby noise-reduction system (1973). Speeds: 3.75 and 7.5 ips or (in HS Model) 7.5 and 15 ips. Stereo tracks: 4 standard; 2 on special order. Reel capacity: 10.5".
Weight: 34 lb.
Price: $569 (1971); $799, $999 with Dolby (1973), no longer available (2019).
Manufacturer: Revox USA, Syosset, NY 11791 (1973). Revox Deutschland GmbH (2019), Am Krebsgraben 15, D-78048 VS-Villingen, Germany. Tel: +49 7721 8704 0. Fax: +49 7721 8704 29. Web: Revox (Schweiz) AG (2019) Wehntalerstra·e 190, CH-8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Tel: +41 44 871 66 11. Fax.: +41 44 871 66 19. Web:


jmsent's picture

...have crumbled into dust." Really? I've never seen that happen to a circuit board, and I'm a restorer of vintage electronic items. The only exception would be due to long term heat exposure from e.g. a tube socket. I wonder if Revox got ahold of a bad batch of pcb material? Even the old paper phenolic stuff in cheap '50s transistor radios still holds up reasonably well. I recall that later versions of the A77 were using the green colored glass epoxy boards. Those should hold up very well. I'm sure replacements boards would be available, as a lot of these decks have been parted out.

mcleanra's picture

Revox CEO Christoph Frey, after reading my messages, on April 18, 2020, wrote, "However we are willing to support you with a free repair. However you will have to send the product to the factory in Germany:

Revox Deutschland GmbH
Am Krebsgraben 15
78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel.: + 49 7721 8704 0"

As of this date, my machine is in Germany and has not been returned to me.

Does anyone at Stereophile have J. Gordon Holt's notes for the revision he posted Nov 6, 2019, stating in his 2019 article the lifetime warranty still exists for the original owners?

John Mclean

Jim Austin's picture

Does anyone at Stereophile have J. Gordon Holt's notes for the revision he posted Nov 6, 2019, stating in his 2019 article the lifetime warranty still exists for the original owners?

No, sorry. Best of luck with the Revox.

Jim Austin, Editor