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PSB Alpha loudspeaker Specifications
Sidebar 1: Specifications
Description: Two-way reflex-loaded minimonitor with 6½" midrange/woofer and ½" ferrofluid-cooled dome tweeter. Crossover point: 3kHz. Nominal impedance: 8 ohms. Sensitvity: 92dB/2.93V/m.
Dimensions: 12½" H by 8¾" W by 9½" D. Weight: 9½ lbs.
Serial numbers of samples tested: 1211690/1.
Price: $199/pair (1992); no longer available (2006). Reviews of subsequent versions of the Alpha can be found here and here. Approximate number of dealers: 60.
Manufacturer: PSB International Inc., 633 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario L1W 3KI, Canada. Tel: (905) 831-6555. Web:
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