michiganjfrog's picture
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Interesting point Michigan. One can consistently obtain the same results test after test, yet be consistently wrong due to an unseen variable.

And voila, you've just described the rapid-switching ABX audio DBT, the cornerstone of the religion of people like James. Which is kind of like a meat grinder. Whatever you put IN, all tends to all come out looking the SAME. So then the believer of this flawed methodology naturally concludes that whatever went IN the grinder, must have all been the same stuff. And this is how we end up having to listen to some of the most nitwit ideas ever known to man spouted by the anti-audiophiles that have come here to "teach us" that we shouldn't trust our lying ears, because everything sounds the same. Or as I like to call it, "Ethanology". Which states, among other silly things, that you just can't do better than $5 cable from Home Depot.

(Note to self: If Ethan ever invites you to come and listen to his stereo, kill yourself).

bifcake's picture
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I have lost all respect for you. Instead of getting on the ball and correcting your errors, you find a lame ass excuse not to conduct a legitimate test and not to post the data. It smells of shenanigans and it smells really foul. I urge you to reconsider, conduct a well organized, accurate test, post the results and post your methodology for conducting the test. That would go pretty far to silence your critics. If your testing procedures are solid and if your results are accurate and they show improvement, it would be very difficult to criticize your results regardless whether the measurements were taken in house or by third parties. Testing methodology and transparency are key.

The way I see it, you have an egg on your face. If you refuse to correct your measuring errors and post new results with your testing methodology, the egg will harden and it will be associated with you for a long time to come. However, by correcting your errors and posting the results as well as the testing methods, you will go a long way towards erasing the proverbial egg. Of course, the results do have to show an improvement in room acoustics and I guess therein lies the rub. N'est pas?

michiganjfrog's picture
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What a fucking cop out Ted. So now you are afraid to post any in house measurements based upon some one might pick on you? Jeezzzzz but what happened to Proof Positive? All of a sudden you don't even trust your own measurements or the ability to discuss or even share the REW files that supposedly should now be accurate? I and others will see this as a major FAIL on your part and just more stalling.

Look Ethan, Krabapple, "JohnnyR" or whoever the hell you are, as I have told you already, you should make at least 1 contribution to a non-Synergistic thread with every 100 stalking attacks you post against Ted. I mean at least make a damn effort to NOT look like a troll, will you?! HERE. READ THIS!:


michiganjfrog's picture
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What I want to know is why Ted hasn't run REW again and posted new data as promised. It takes all of five minutes!

Why, so you can falsely accuse him of fraud a second time?? You certainly don't sound like a potential customer to me. So the only interest you could have here, is in falsely attacking your competitor once again. Now what I want to know Winer, is if you're such a REW expert, give us evidence that it is IMPOSSIBLE, as you claim, for REW to set the time line off in the files, in an averaged four sweep measurement?

So far, you're batting 0 for EVERY claim you have made against Ted regarding these files. Other than when you "pulled a Winer" and finally got lucky when it turned out that there was something wrong (though you never guessed it, despite all your fruitless stabs in the dark to try to find something wrong). I'm not holding my breath that you ever will provide evidence for your bogus claims, because as everyone knows, Ethan "NO PROOF" Whiner never does. If you're a "REW Expert" then Scotty is a Rhodes Scholar, and the "David L." sockpuppet is really a legitimate new member that has total impartiality and zero connection to you. I mean other than the pure coincidence that you both have "Fuck Ted D.!!!" tatooed on your arm.

Are the Ted apologists still giving him the benefit of the doubt that his magic bowels might possibly do what is claimed? Really? And why are folks arguing about everything but the efficacy of Ted's magic bowels?

Well, I've certainly seen enough stupid and ridiculous claims from you to last me a lifetime. But they've gone beyond "stupid stupid", beyond "malicious stupid", and now they're just getting *bizarre stupid*. You think Ted has magic bowels?? What are you claiming they do, glow in the dark? Shrink and expand via remote control? Sing the Ava Maria? Christ are you ever in need to check yourself in to a state hospital. You really shouldn't look at your mental illness as a stigma, Ethan. Look at it as a case of "fraud", by your creator.

I'd think that should be the main and only focus of all further discussion, since the moment I exposed the data as fraudulent.

I'm sorry? You did WHAT?? You mean you didn't make a big enough fool of yourself when you first made that fraudulent claim, so now you want to set about completely destroying the smoking ashes of your destroyed credibility? Have you consulted a lawyer yet Ethan? Because you have accused a manufacturer of fraudulence and falsification of data, which you have *never* proved, and which it appears you are continuing to do. Seriously, put the donuts down and call an attorney before you open your mouth again here. Remember, I'm only telling you this as a friend.

Ethan Winer
Proud owner of RealTraps, but posting on my own behalf
And always using my real name

Right. Except when you post as "JohnnyR" or "Fiji5555", etc.

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It is clear to me that any measurements taken "in house" will be called into question IF they show a measured improvement in room acoustics with the Acoustic ART System in place. It is also clear (to me) if I provide the raw measurement files to back up measurements that show a direct correlation of performance for the Acoustic ART System that some will claim they have been hacked, or some form of fraud will have been necessary to explain the measured improvement. Obviously posting in house measurements is a no win scenario. For this reason I will not make any measurements public until I can post measurements conducted by an outside 3rd party.

Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

Well, THAT was unexpected!
Of course. No reason to repeat the test and do it correctly.
That's just pathetic.

He just said he would do just that in the very quote you used above this!? Hello?? Knock, knock! Anyone home in the Buddha residence?

michiganjfrog's picture
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I have lost all respect for you.


JJ wrote: Actually, implying nefarious intent (charges of fraud against Ted) was a bit over the top, Ethan.

AlexO wrote: Ah, but it was sooo entertaining.

Doesn't seem to be much of a loss to me, Alex. One troll's as good as another, eh?

AlexO wrote: Instead of getting on the ball and correcting your errors, you find a lame ass excuse not to conduct a legitimate test and not to post the data.

Ted D. wrote: I will post measurements conducted by an outside 3rd party.

So what part of this quote did you not understand Alex? The "post" part? The "measurements" part? Or the "legitimate test" part?? When was your last eye check up?

It smells of shenanigans and it smells really foul.

That's your own post you're smelling. It could also be the odorant you're using, or the fact that you're a foul smelling troll. Either way... shouldn't you be be used to that smell by now?

The way I see it, you have an egg on your egg. If you refuse to correct your egg and post new eggs with your testing egg, the egg will harden and it will be associated with you for a long time to come. However, by correcting your eggs and posting the eggs as well as the testing eggs, you will go a long way towards erasing the proverbial egg.

Alex... don't be silly. Step away from the ledge. Take the stupid chicken suit off and step away from the ledge. You can't fly. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news Alex, but it wouldn't work even if you really were a chicken.

Of course, the results do have to show an improvement in room acoustics and I guess therein lies the rub. N'est pas?

Non. Simplement,

tomjtx's picture
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Do you sell a time travel machine ?

If so I must have bought one and traveled back here.

I haven't checked this thread in months but nothing has happened.

Time warp, temporal teleportation tweak ?

I do thank Ted for bringing us a product about which we can endlessly disagree

Joamonte's picture
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I think it's is quite obvious to us that Michigan J Frog is either a close friend of Ted or Ted's sock puppet, argue for the sick of argue with all the pointless nonsense...

Boring thread it have become....

David_L's picture
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What a fucking cop out Ted. So now you are afraid to post any in house measurements based upon some one might pick on you? Jeezzzzz but what happened to Proof Positive? All of a sudden you don't even trust your own measurements or the ability to discuss or even share the REW files that supposedly should now be accurate? I and others will see this as a major FAIL on your part and just more stalling.

Look Ethan, Krabapple, "JohnnyR" or whoever the hell you are, as I have told you already, you should make at least 1 contribution to a non-Synergistic thread with every 100 stalking attacks you post against Ted. I mean at least make a damn effort to NOT look like a troll, will you?! HERE. READ THIS!:


Okay here's a useful contribution to the thread Mr Ted's Sockpuppet............FUCK YOU!

Editor's picture
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Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 8:56am

I think it's is quite obvious to us that Michigan J Frog is either a close friend of Ted or Ted's sock puppet...(

MJF was in the audience for the editors session at last spring's Montreal Show and chatted with forum moderator Stephen Mejias afterward.

Boring thread it have become....

But not Ted Denney is he.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Do you sell a time travel machine ?

If so I must have bought one and traveled back here.

I haven't checked this thread in months but nothing has happened.
Time warp, temporal teleportation tweak ?

I do thank Ted for bringing us a product about which we can endlessly disagree."

- Yes, so I've noticed.

we endlessly disagree

Orb's picture
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I think it's is quite obvious to us that Michigan J Frog is either a close friend of Ted or Ted's sock puppet, argue for the sick of argue with all the pointless nonsense...

Boring thread it have become....

I think this now means nearly everyone in this thread are now officially sock puppets
We got something else out of this thread then after page 20 woot
Conclusion: Continual posting in a sensitive thread will make one a sock puppet.
So beware all


michiganjfrog's picture
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Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

I think it's is quite obvious to us that Michigan J Frog is either a close friend of Ted or Ted's sock puppet, argue for the sick of argue with all the pointless nonsense...

Oh you're hilarious. You figure that because I pointed out the FACT that you are a sockpuppet, maybe if you accuse me of the same, it'll throw some of the suspicion off of you. Brilliant! But wait. There's a few inconsistencies with your strategy....

Mr. Sock, are you at all aware of the fact that you have but 5 posts to your name, and all you've done with them is attack our industry member Ted in the Synergistic thread? And so you're claiming that you just waltzed in here 5 days ago, at the same time as David L., who by pure coincidence also sticks only to threads which he can attack the very same industry member as you've been doing, and that neither of you socks were called in by Ethan Winer? Ok. I'll go with that.

All of us here know that Ethan is a stand-up guy, right? (AlexO: "Uh-oh, I don't like where he's going with this...."). He can be trusted with your life, yes? He's such a righteous dude, he doles out free advice even if you go with a competitor. So no way no how would "Classy Ethan Winer" stoop to any lowlife troll tactics, like getting his friends to play sockpuppet-a-go-go on this forum. Solely in order to help him bring down his competitor,Ted Deney, and put Ted's reputation and that of his company in total disrepute. After all, as Ethan claims, he's not even a competitor, so he certainly has no "motive" to go after Sinergistics, yes? Ethan as we are told, is only (falsely) accusing Ted of fraud and falsificiation of data, to protect innocent audiophiles who might be duped into buying a bogus product.

So I guess Ethan must also be believed when he says that the sockpuppet shill on AudioJunkies (ie. "JohnnyR"), who posted truly sick slanderous attacks against the S-ART devices and claimed to be a waterfall graph expert, knew all the intimate details of this thread here, had the same obsession with Ted not naming his engineer, etc.; was simply by coincidence someone who just didn't like Synergistics, and has no relation to him? Hey, just like YOU happened to have a very focused hatred of Synergistic, on the very day you joined our forum! And you never let up on that since! So yeah, ever since I've been calling you Ethan's sockpuppet, he never admitted he has any relation to you, nor did you ever admit you have any relation to him. Tell me, how common a name is "Joamonte"? In Singapore? Because that would go a long way to explaining your wholesale slaughter of the Bard's English. Looks like your "professional services" were desired in this thread. I hope you didn't lose a sale!:

Title: Re: Room treatment, help please
Post by: wong fei hung on January 22, 2008, 08:51:59 pm
real traps disfussers not for me. just simple curtains will do. as for the floor, i bought 2 big bedsheet from ikea, costing $14.95 each, and they work fine.

when i am not listening, just rolled them up and store in the cabinet.

Title: Re: Room treatment, help please
Post by: recliner on January 22, 2008, 11:48:28 pm

there's one guy who talk talk about this and being consultant and sell or knows frenz who sell or where to get them: joamonte.
but i think he's dead due to heart attack or diabetes

Well Mr. Joamonte, it's nice to see you're not dead, and you've managed to keep your diabetes in check. But not so nice to see that you appear to be a distributor in Singapore for Ethan Winer's RealTraps products.....

.....Or as it appears, to see you mention in a convo that one of the customers you supply with Ethan's traps really got soaked on the price:

this is the other 230 sq ft room I measure recently , it consider quite well treated because the owner spend quite a huge amount of $ to purchase at least 12 pc of Ethan's "Real Trap" and the RT above 100Hz is quite good IMHO.

.....and that the sound still sucks!:

But....unfortunately , those "Real trap" he own still not enough,and it did not able to help too much below 100 Hz due to the placement (he place it all at listening height level), and we can see that in the waterfall graph...


...Or that you post links to people to your boss's site:

A nice video about diffuser..



............Or that you consult with Boss Ethan on several acoustic forums that the both of you share tips on:


So tell me again "RealTraps Shill Joamonte": who did you say was the sockpuppet in this thread?

Boring thread it have become....

Great. So it looks like troll season is ending early this year. Don't forget to take your sockpuppet-in-arms, David L., and whatever other shills you came with, along with you when you leave. I guess we'll see you socks the next time your master Winer has a hankering to discredit and destroy the reputation of one of his competitors here.

Joamonte's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Oct 27 2009 - 3:41pm

I think it's is quite obvious to us that Michigan J Frog is either a close friend of Ted or Ted's sock puppet, argue for the sick of argue with all the pointless nonsense...

Oh you're hilarious. You figure that because I pointed out the FACT that you are a sockpuppet, maybe if you accuse me of the same, it'll throw some of the suspicion off of you. Brilliant! But wait. There's a few inconsistencies with your strategy....

Mr. Sock, are you at all aware of the fact that you have but 5 posts to your name, and all you've done with them is attack our industry member Ted in the Synergistic thread? And so you're claiming that you just waltzed in here 5 days ago, at the same time as David L., who by pure coincidence also sticks only to threads which he can attack the very same industry member as you've been doing, and that neither of you socks were called in by Ethan Winer? Ok. I'll go with that.

All of us here know that Ethan is a stand-up guy, right? (AlexO: "Uh-oh, I don't like where he's going with this...."). He can be trusted with your life, yes? He's such a righteous dude, he doles out free advice even if you go with a competitor. So no way no how would "Classy Ethan Winer" stoop to any lowlife troll tactics, like getting his friends to play sockpuppet-a-go-go on this forum. Solely in order to help him bring down his competitor,Ted Deney, and put Ted's reputation and that of his company in total disrepute. After all, as Ethan claims, he's not even a competitor, so he certainly has no "motive" to go after Sinergistics, yes? Ethan as we are told, is only (falsely) accusing Ted of fraud and falsificiation of data, to protect innocent audiophiles who might be duped into buying a bogus product.

So I guess Ethan must also be believed when he says that the sockpuppet shill on AudioJunkies (ie. "JohnnyR"), who posted truly sick slanderous attacks against the S-ART devices and claimed to be a waterfall graph expert, knew all the intimate details of this thread here, had the same obsession with Ted not naming his engineer, etc.; was simply by coincidence someone who just didn't like Synergistics, and has no relation to him? Hey, just like YOU happened to have a very focused hatred of Synergistic, on the very day you joined our forum! And you never let up on that since! So yeah, ever since I've been calling you Ethan's sockpuppet, he never admitted he has any relation to you, nor did you ever admit you have any relation to him. Tell me, how common a name is "Joamonte"? In Singapore? Because that would go a long way to explaining your wholesale slaughter of the Bard's English. Looks like your "professional services" were desired in this thread. I hope you didn't lose a sale!:

Title: Re: Room treatment, help please
Post by: wong fei hung on January 22, 2008, 08:51:59 pm
real traps disfussers not for me. just simple curtains will do. as for the floor, i bought 2 big bedsheet from ikea, costing $14.95 each, and they work fine.

when i am not listening, just rolled them up and store in the cabinet.

Title: Re: Room treatment, help please
Post by: recliner on January 22, 2008, 11:48:28 pm

there's one guy who talk talk about this and being consultant and sell or knows frenz who sell or where to get them: joamonte.
but i think he's dead due to heart attack or diabetes

Well Mr. Joamonte, it's nice to see you're not dead, and you've managed to keep your diabetes in check. But not so nice to see that you appear to be a distributor in Singapore for Ethan Winer's RealTraps products.....

.....Or as it appears, to see you mention in a convo that one of the customers you supply with Ethan's traps really got soaked on the price:

this is the other 230 sq ft room I measure recently , it consider quite well treated because the owner spend quite a huge amount of $ to purchase at least 12 pc of Ethan's "Real Trap" and the RT above 100Hz is quite good IMHO.

.....and that the sound still sucks!:

But....unfortunately , those "Real trap" he own still not enough,and it did not able to help too much below 100 Hz due to the placement (he place it all at listening height level), and we can see that in the waterfall graph...


...Or that you post links to people to your boss's site:

A nice video about diffuser..



............Or that you consult with Boss Ethan on several acoustic forums that the both of you share tips on:


So tell me again "RealTraps Shill Joamonte": who did you say was the sockpuppet in this thread?

Boring thread it have become....

Great. So it looks like troll season is ending early this year. Don't forget to take your sockpuppet-in-arms, David L., and whatever other shills you came with, along with you when you leave. I guess we'll see you socks the next time your master Winer has a hankering to discredit and destroy the reputation of one of his competitors here.

Save for evidence....

I think you really have serious mental problem , or maybe your IQ is only less than 50 or maybe have some problem on understand what you reading.... .... did you notice you are actually proofing I have nothing related with Ethan by digging out those post in my local audio forum?

....what a idiot(pardon me) , if you are a close friend of Ted , I now can understand why he thought those fake result able to fool the world ~~~it certainly can fool a idiot like you from what I see.....

michiganjfrog's picture
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Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

I think you really have serious mental problem , or maybe your IQ is only less than 50 or maybe have some problem on understand what you reading....

WTF? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

I think I really have serious mental problem, or maybe my IQ is only less than 50 or maybe I have some problem on understand what I am reading....

Ok now! That makes a lot more sense. Now I can figure out what you're trying to say. Ok, well the serious mental problem thing you're admitting to is pretty much self-evident already. You're a shill for Ethan Winer, who clearly has mental issues of his own. So you would have to be less stable to be his sockpuppet. You may be overshooting your IQ score, judging from what I've seen from you, but yeah, you're probably in the ballpark at least. And I'd say you have a -lot- of problems understanding what you're reading. The obvious reason would be that you're from Singapore and probably can't read a lick of English, and are having to put these pages through a translator, and God only knows what you're seeing right now. But then again, maybe not. Ethan doesn't seem to read so well either.

.... did you notice you are actually proofing I have nothing related with Ethan by digging out those post in my local audio forum?

You don't say. Which post are you referring to, Mr. Sockpuppet? The one where I show you and Ethan conversing with each other? Or the one where I show you posting a link to Ethan's site? Or the one where I show someone talking about getting RealTraps products from you?

....what a idiot(pardon me)

Ok. I pardon you for being an idiot. Now please get going already, there's a boat leaving for Johor around midnight. The S-Art threads are drying up, there won't be any more tests to bash, so there's no more shilling for you to do here. Ethan's promised he's going to pay you 50 banana leaves if you "leaf now". Get it? "Leaf now"? Get it? Oh christ, never mind. Just leave.

Scott Wheeler
Scott Wheeler's picture
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[ WTF? Uh "speaky Englishy"?? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

Chop Socky ----> English Translation says:

So on top of everything else you are a racist.


michiganjfrog's picture
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Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

So on top of blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda

Right. When all else fails, make shit up. Another nasty little trolling trick you learned from your pals on RAO? Wow, you must be the pride of the whole trailer park, Scotty. With all the bogus accusations flying out of you, Ethan, Joamonte and "David L.", it looks like I'm gonna need an xxl size can of Troll-B-Gone spray. Hang on, stay there for a sec. Ok, got it.....

Joamonte's picture
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Joined: Oct 27 2009 - 3:41pm


[ WTF? Uh "speaky Englishy"?? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

Chop Socky ----> English Translation says:

So on top of everything else you are a racist.


And a very stupid one who did can't even read simple English too....LOL!

Joamonte's picture
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Joined: Oct 27 2009 - 3:41pm


.... did you notice you are actually proofing I have nothing related with Ethan by digging out those post in my local audio forum?

You don't say. Which post are you referring to, Mr. Sockpuppet? The one where I show you and Ethan conversing with each other? Or the one where I show you posting a link to Ethan's site? Or the one where I show someone talking about getting RealTraps products from you?

I only reply to this because it seem like you have taken some medicine when you type this part, so that at least it can be understand by human kind....Joker.

1)In this tread, you also "conversing with Ethan" , so do that make you a sock puppet of Ethan (other than Ted) too?

2)So what if JA post a link to Ted product, that mean he is working for Ted too? oh, now I understand why you keep on defend for Ted , how many banana he give you each day? ....

3)Poor thing, you cannot even understand the different between Aurulex , RPG and Real trap are 3 different acoustic product company...yet you have a cheek to defend for a "acoustic" product??

BTW,other then the Frog , others human reader can check this recent thread from my local audio forum , to see if I have used a single Realtrap product in my friend's room.


Also , Frog, you properly cannot understand this with you limited reading capability , but please show your master that this is a water fall and FR graph of a REAL RESONATOR able to do with bass standing wave.


Don't need any "3rd party" tester , but no one (other than you off course )will suspect that I have fake the test result because this measurement are real.

Scott Wheeler
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One would think you'd have had enough sense to delete that post and make it all go away. Just when I think you can't be any dumber....

So what do they say? Saved as evidence?


[ WTF? Uh "speaky Englishy"?? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

Chop Socky ----> English Translation says:

So on top of everything else you are a racist.


I'm not sure you are gonna find much sympathy for this one froggy. I can understand why you would prefer to remain anonymous.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

that was a pretty classless post, MJF

I wonder how selfdivider and/or the rest of our Asian forum members feel about your racist comments?

See what I mean about accountability? It is a lot easier to post things like the above anonymously. All the more reason to have our real names instead of handles.

Frog, you never answered my question re why you don't use your real name on forums or outgoing mail>?

T. Ray

michiganjfrog's picture
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Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

You don't say. Which post are you referring to, Mr. Sockpuppet? The one where I show you and Ethan conversing with each other? Or the one where I show you posting a link to Ethan's site? Or the one where I show someone talking about getting RealTraps products from you?

I only reply to this because it seem like you have taken some medicine when you type this part, so that at least it can be understand by human kind....Joker.

Quite the contrary, I seem to have taken some medicine that makes everything you write look like incoherent giblets. No wait, I think that's you. Well, I'll try my best, Socky.

1)In this tread, you also "conversing with Ethan" , so do that make you a sock puppet of Ethan (other than Ted) too?

Yes, I can see now why you said your IQ was below 50. You may have exaggerated the figure. Ok, follow the bouncing ball, Socky...... The P-O-I-N-T, that's "point", I was m-a-k-i-n-g... still with me? ....Is that you came here at Ethan's request, to shill for him. The conversations you had with him in the past prove you're not here by accident, you're not trying to bring the reputation of Synergistic into disrepute BY ACCIDENT either. Now if you're trying to say that I'm a sockpuppet of Ethan's, be my guest. It's not like you have any credibility here anyway.

2)So what if JA post a link to Ted product, that mean he is working for Ted too?

Good God, this feels like trying to debate a packet of crisps. Congratulations Joamonte. You have officially outstupided Scotty, on this forum. For him, it's a good thing you came to troll us. Because next to you, he's Christopher Hitchens. No kidding Ethan hired you as his Stereophile shill. You work for packing peanuts. I can't believe I am having to explain this to you as well, but I'll go ahead and say it anyway: JA is not being exposed as a sockpuppet shill. You are. This is where the link comes in. Still with me? The text where I showed you posting Ethan's link shows that not only were you well acquainted with him before coming here, you directed people to his commercial website. That shows motive. Look the word up in your translator, but don't blame me if it shows up as "automobile".

3)Poor thing, you cannot even understand the different between Aurulex , RPG and Real trap are 3 different acoustic product company...yet you have a cheek to defend for a "acoustic" product??

You've obviously been in the coconut juice last night, so damned if I know what gibberish you're spouting now.

BTW,other then the Frog , others human reader can check this recent thread from my local audio forum , to see if I have used a single Realtrap product in my friend's room.

So basically, what you're telling us is, you're really into acoustics, you are acquaintances with Winer and can be seen all over his acoustics forums, you've joined the forum to exclusively attack the reputation of Synergistics in Winer's thread, but are not in collusion with Ethan Winer? Do you figure that everyone has the same sub-50 IQ as you?

Also , Frog, you properly cannot understand this but cuz my Singaporean translationator is busty tonight , but please show your mother that this is a Niagra fall and ER graph of a REAL GOOD CHROSONATOR able to do with standing fishy wave.

Uh, don't care. And don't do that again. The topic is your presence here as a shill for Ethan Winer.

Don't need any "3rd party" tester , but no one (other than you off course )will suspect that I have fake the test result because this measurement are real.

As I have said and demonstrated with enough evidence, you're a sockpuppet shill, solely here to injure the reputation of one of our industry members, S-Art, brought in by Ethan Winer to further his agenda to harm a competitor. So nothing about you is "real". The proverbial jig is proverbially "up" "Joamonte". To continue this is to embarass your master Ethan further. On second thought..... continue this. Yes.

Joamonte's picture
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blah blah blah....

Also , Frog, you properly cannot understand this but cuz my Singaporean translationator is busty tonight , but please show your mother that this is a Niagra fall and ER graph of a REAL GOOD CHROSONATOR able to do with standing fishy wave.

Uh, don't care. And don't do that again. The topic is your presence here as a shill for Ethan Winer.

Don't need any "3rd party" tester , but no one (other than you off course )will suspect that I have fake the test result because this measurement are real.

As I have said and demonstrated with enough evidence, you're a sockpuppet shill, solely here to injure the reputation of one of our industry members, S-Art, brought in by Ethan Winer to further his agenda to harm a competitor. So nothing about you is "real". The proverbial jig is proverbially "up" "Joamonte". To continue this is to embarass your master Ethan further. On second thought..... continue this. Yes.

You are really a loser IMO.....

When a loser do not have enough knowledge to debate with fact and true ,what will he do? he will start to do personal attack , and that is what Mr Frog did all the while....

Save you breath Frog, all of us already understand how bias are you and how dumb you are..

We Chinese like to say "Frog inside the well don't know how big is the sky" , that really suit you Mr Frog...

michiganjfrog's picture
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that was a pretty classless post, MJF

I wonder how selfdivider and/or the rest of our Asian forum members feel about your racist comments?

What racist comments? I see you've been taking "make shit up" lessons from Scott the pathetic troll. Yeah, very "classy" of you to do that, NC. I see that Scotty has also been teaching you "trolling stalker" lessons in his spare time. Keep at it, it's really helping things.

And if you want to know how someone else feels about something, why on earth are you asking me?!

See what I mean about accountability?

No, I don't. But I seem to recall we debated that issue, and in that debate, I proved your logic was sophomoric, and that you had no idea what you were talking about. The question is, why are you still repeating refuted logic?

It is a lot easier to post things like the above anonymously.

Uh yes, I see how you posted BS accusations above anonymously. You don't even know me, yet you're accusing me of being a "racist" now. If you are doing this to give me a demonstration of what an asshole you can be, you've convinced me once again. Guess what? Your best buddy Ethan pulls the same shit as you do, except unlike you, he allegedly doesn't use a handle. But like you, it's easy for him to make unproven accusations against people from behind his computer, without any basis or evidence. You both are really birds of a feather, aren't you.

I find it odd that an anonymous troll using a handle for every one of his posts would be preaching against the practice. But preaching you are doing, so... have you tried sharing your brilliant and illuminating, albeit entirely self-contradicting wisdom with Joamonte behind you? How about David L., Orb, Judicata, Buddha, "Self-Divider", Elk, Lamont Sanford, and all other brothers of yours on this forum (and make no mistake there are many) who like you, post with handles instead of their real names? I haven't seen you do that. Get started, because I'm sure you could end up saving their anonymous souls. All you have to do now is legally change your name to "NCDrawl". Since its obvious you don't want to get rid of the anonymous handle. That way, you don't look like you do now; a self-contradicting hypocrite.

All the more reason to have our real names instead of handles.

So change your handle. I don't get your problem; are you asking me for permission to do that? If so, you have my blessing "NCdrawl".

Frog, you never answered my question re why you don't use your real name on forums or outgoing mail>?

Hey - where do you get off telling me what my "real name" is or isn't?? Have we met, do I know you? Uh no, I don't think so, bro'. So you'd better calm down on the presumptions. When you said you gave me your name, did I ever tell you "T. Rex" or whatever the hell your "real name" is supposed to be, "isn't your real name", and then make demands on you give to me something more appealing to my prejudices? LIke I said, you and Ethan are really cut from the same cloth. Originating from a mad tailor. He demanded, of JA no less, that I reveal my "real affiliation" with the audio industry. Like you, he wouldn't shut up about it either, even after JA had to tell him twice to shut up already. But how do you respond to that kind of inherent stupidity? How about this. Maybe I should just make up a name and business that would suit both of you, and then you can pretend that I'm that, and hopefully you will finally sleep at nights knowing I have a suitable personal name and business name. Go and consult with Ethan on that. I'll have the business cards printed up.

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The proverbial jig is proverbially "up" "Joamonte". To continue this is to embarass your master Ethan further. On second thought..... continue this. Yes.

Hokay.... "continue" it is.....

You are really a loser IMO.....
When a loser do not have enough knowledge to debate with fact and true ,what will he do? he will start to do personal attack

Guess what, I agree. You are using personal attacks on me because can not debate me on the truth and facts. That's why you're calling me names like "loser". Which by the way, is very meaningful I must say, coming from someone who can barely string a single coherent sentence together in english, but is spending his every waking day here with the sole intention of writing libelous prose against an acoustics competitor, on behalf of the biggest loser there ever was in the audio industry, Ethan Winer. And since you sell his RealTraps in Singapore, well what do you suppose that makes YOU?

Save you breath Joamonte, all of us already understand how bias are you and how dumb you are..

Good, that one needed almost no translation.

I noticed you have never actually denied your role here of being a shill and mouthpiece for Ethan. Would you care to do that now, and we'll pretend it matters?

Are you denying that you came here by request of Ethan Winer?

Are you denying you are here for the sole purpose of helping Ethan Winer harm the reputation of Synergistix?

Joamonte's picture
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You are really a loser IMO.....
When a loser do not have enough knowledge to debate with fact and true ,what will he do? he will start to do personal attack

Guess what, I agree. You are using personal attacks on me because can not debate me on the truth and facts. That's why you're calling me names like "loser". Which by the way, is very meaningful I must say, coming from someone who can barely string a single coherent sentence together in english, but is spending his every waking day here with the sole intention of writing libelous prose against an acoustics competitor, on behalf of the biggest loser there ever was in the audio industry, Ethan Winer. And since you sell his RealTraps in Singapore, well what do you suppose that makes YOU?

ROFLMAO , you mean your reply in this thread have any "truth and facts" at all? ....almost all Singapore Audio forum member I known who read this thread , are laughing at your dumbness now.....

BTW,congratulate , no longer anyone is discussing about the fake result of your master Ted's measurement, because of you now, can't you see we are all entertained by your foolishness and we all are "against" you now?


Save you breath Joamonte, all of us already understand how bias are you and how dumb you are..

Good, that one needed almost no translation.

I noticed you have never actually denied your role here of being a shill and mouthpiece for Ethan. Would you care to do that now, and we'll pretend it matters?

Are you denying that you came here by request of Ethan Winer?

Are you denying you are here for the sole purpose of helping Ethan Winer harm the reputation of Synergistix?

Seem like you have a habit of changing other's reply in the quote.....don't you know it's a bad and very rude habit , monkey?

Why would I need to deny anything anyway? all human being in this forum will understand I totally have nothing to do with Ethan Winter from those link you provide...

ncdrawl's picture
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What racist comments?

Are you really in the dark here as to what was inappropriate?

"trolling stalker" lessons in his spare time. Keep at it, it's really helping things.

I am not trolling or stalking. I haven't made any personal attacks. I did point out that your "speaky englishy" spiel was offensive and ethnocentric..

No, I don't. But I seem to recall we debated that issue,

there is no debate. if you had to use your real name(and I know it isnt frog) you wouldn't post half of the insulting nonsense that you post here. I doubt that you will ever man up and use your real name, though. It's a lot easier to use a handle and say whatever you want with no accountability. I hope that one day JA will do the right thing and make real names mandatory...and referring to your other question,,ie was I aware of how many people I was insulting by ragging on those who used "handles".. I( dont really care. If you don't use your real name, you are hiding from something.

and in that debate, I proved your logic was sophomoric

the only thing that can be proven is that , when confronted with using their REAL Names as opposed to silly fucking handles online, people will be more courteous, thoughtful, responsible. Fact. End of discussion.

I see how you posted BS accusations above anonymously

my name is Teddy Ray. I mentioned that in the post.

You don't even know me, yet you're accusing me of being a "racist" now

I said your post had racial underpinnings. It did. Nothing to dispute. Don't have to know you.

If you are doing this to give me a demonstration of what an asshole you can be

take a look at my posts and look at yours. See who is being aggressive and insulting. I was merely asking why you did not use a real name in forums or on the mail that you send out. What are you hiding from?

I find it odd that an anonymous troll using a handle for every one of his posts would be preaching against the practice.
ive mentioned my name in my posts since I first started talking about it(the anonymity issue) again..it is Teddy Ray

But preaching you are doing, so... have you tried sharing your brilliant and illuminating, albeit entirely self-contradicting wisdom with Joamonte

I am sure they know already. It is a bullshit practice..using handles. again, my name is Teddy Ray

Hey - where do you get off telling me what my "real name" is or isn't??

so are you telling me that Michigan J Frog is your real name? the one you were given at birth?

I just want you to cut the nonsense, quit the diversionary tactics and tell me why you do not use your real name? That is a serious question. I would appreciate an honest answer.


Buddha's picture
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Wow, the worm turns.

Painting Ethan as getting lucky has turned into painting Michigan as a racist.

Well, JA may have been fooled by the CoD about Ethan and the data, so it may work for the opposing camp trying to call Michigan a racist. I guess the next hundred posts will tell.

Either way, a victory for the CoD - all of this makes for a successful distraction from the original data.

Michigan, wear your new racist badge proudly - you fought bravely in the war of distraction over Ted's data and suffered only this new moniker as a wound!

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JA may have been fooled by the CoD about Ethan and the data...

CoD? (Not feeling very perceptive this morning. Must've woken up with my aura awry.)

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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Am I the only person here who notices the irony of Frog calling everyone else a troll and a sockpuppet? At this point even Frog's pals are distancing themselves.

Ethan Winer
Proud owner of RealTraps, but posting on my own behalf
And glad to point out buffoonery when I see it

j_j's picture
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[ WTF? Uh "speaky Englishy"?? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

Chop Socky ----> English Translation says:

So on top of everything else you are a racist.


Certainly profoundly ignorant about what languages aer spoken in Singapore, at the very least.

Buddha's picture
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JA may have been fooled by the CoD about Ethan and the data...

CoD? (Not feeling very perceptive this morning. Must've woken up with my aura awry.)

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

Obtuse Jonathan Swift joke.

Could have called them Hannity, O'Reilly, and Beck, too; but that sounded too legit.

Scott Wheeler
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[ WTF? Uh "speaky Englishy"?? Oh I get it. Your Singaporese to English translator is screwing up the pronouns. Here, let me help you with that, Socky....

Chop Socky ----> English Translation says:

So on top of everything else you are a racist.


Certainly profoundly ignorant about what languages aer spoken in Singapore, at the very least.

You mean it isn't Singaporese? Next you're gonna tell us it doesn't sound like "Speaky Englishy chop socky"

michiganjfrog's picture
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Are you really in the dark here as to what was inappropriate? Yes. I guess that would probably be because you seem to have the same penchant for making unsubstantiated accusations based on nothing but your sheer prejudicial beliefs, as does your good friend Ethan.

I am not trolling or stalking. I haven't made any personal attacks. I did point out that your "speaky englishy" spiel was offensive and ethnocentric.. Except that wasn't my "spiel". You're confusing me with Scott, my personal anklebiting troll. A known racist, who has written many a racist slur on RAO, back in his glory days. From all it appears to me, he's still "feeling his way around" this "moderated forum" thing. His job here is to attack me no matter what, which he does whether I'm across the room from him, or in the next county. In their attacks on your character, some trolls will use tactics where they will distort your words, some will just make shit up. Scott indulges in a little bit of both. Next time, try reading what I actually wrote, before you yell "j'accuse!".

And yes, you -have- been trolling me lately. You've taken the bottom snippet of a post to me, your name fetish, and followed me everywhere with it. Proof being that you threw it into this thread, simply because this is where you saw me. That's called stalking and trolling, which is why I'm having trouble telling you and Scott apart at the moment. And worse, you did this despite the fact that I did bother to address your question, telling you it wasn't approrpriate for the thread, and to start a new thread on it, if you wanted to discuss the issue. Instead of doing so, you just pretended I never said that. Just like Ethan does, once again. You could have also PMed me with the question, but no, you chose the public option for a reason. So I was going to ignore your stalking-trolling, but I have my own reasons for allowing you to troll me.

there is no debate. if you had to use your real name(and I know it isnt frog) So you're saying we -have- met in another life or something? I mean if you think you can read minds (which apart from lying really badly is another one of Ethan's many talents), then why are you asking? Just to post insulting nonsense to me?

you wouldn't post half of the insulting nonsense that you post here. What insulting nonsense? You mean like "Ethan Winer"'s insulting nonsense? Yours? J_J's? "AlexO"? Arny Krueger? Andy1919? For someone who claims to be rallying against bullshit, you sure do indulge yourself in a lot of it.

I doubt that you will ever man up and use your real name, though. Well I would if I only knew WTF you thought it was. Give me a hint at least, will you? Frederick? Rudy? Jos

Buddha's picture
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Using handles is great.

If actual names were required, then the stalker types could hunt down home data, personal info, or Google their way into people's lives otherwise.

If Ethan can search out a person's home information, I can imagine he might find the object of his desire also likes to chat at bicycle forums (or whatever) and take his argument trans-hobby.

Hell, there is tremendous mischief some miscreant could cause with real name use - and plain old spammers could trawl for names, as well.

I like the one-person one-avatar rule to keep sock puppetry from happening, however.

Plus, no matter the avatar name, you get to know someone over time, real name or not.

michiganjfrog's picture
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Well, JA may have been fooled by the CoD about Ethan and the data, so it may work for the opposing camp trying to call Michigan a racist. I guess the next hundred posts will tell.

Hey, throw me, Ethan, "Joamonte", David L., Scott, Lamont Sanford and a few choice others into a pot and waddaya get?
A delicious helping of flaming stew! With some defamation dumplings, courtesy of Ethan, Joamonte and David L., made with Ethan's own "secret recipe" for poisoning his competition; perceived or otherwise, and some juicy racist meatballs cooked up by Scotty "Bo-Ring!" Wheeler himself. A relatively new troll on the scene, but one who's as quick with an egg whisk, as he is with a tube of lipstick. Don't underestimate this up and coming Stereophiler. He may seem unassuming at first, but give him some gunpowder, wait a few weeks, and you'll have yourself a little RAO dynamo on your hands. Remember, when the tough get going, Scott goes "blah-ing". Blah de blah de blah blah blah. It's a hilarious shtick that even as banal as it is, just never goes out of style (in Los Angerelease).

Michigan, wear your new racist badge proudly - you fought bravely in the war of distraction over Ted's data and suffered only this new moniker as a wound!

Thank you, thank you. (picks up roses from stage) I know I will count it among my greatest accomplishments. But I have to say, I really couldn't have done it without Scott's help. So please, let's have a big hand for Scott for writing the words of his play "Michigan Frog Is A Racist MoFo and the Proof Of That Is Somewhere In My Dog's Ass". I'm only the actor, the true glory should be his. Please send any and all donations to Sir David Duke, care of the KKK. Thank you again. Frog has left the building.

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I have it on good background that Michigan J Frog chose his last name purely to antagonize the French.

If he, in fact, liked French people, his name would have been Michigan Je'Frog, so this is further proof of his racism.

His anti-French bias is obvious.

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Using handles is great. If actual names were required, then the stalker types could hunt down home data, personal info, or Google their way into people's lives otherwise.

Hence the reason I said NCDrawl has been trying to get my personal info on behalf of Ethan. Who I guess is hoping he will later tie it to the employee roster of GIK.

If Ethan can search out a person's home information, I can imagine he might find the object of his desire also likes to chat at bicycle forums (or whatever) and take his argument trans-hobby. Hell, there is tremendous mischief some miscreant could cause with real name use - and plain old spammers could trawl for names, as well.

As I recall, that's already been done by someone very much like Ethan on an audio forum. Who like Ethan, was highy desperate, sorry "motivated", to find anything he could to use against me. What he dredged up to attack me with was a comment I made about Cat Power on the Matador forum once (wow, I don't know how he like totally missed my membership to the neo-nazi panda-torturing forums).

Plus, no matter the avatar name, you get to know someone over time, real name or not.

Absolutely. And I'm sure we're going to find over time, that "Joamonte" and "David L." will not simply leave when Ethan's S-Art battle has ended, but stay like other trolls ordered in here by Ethan have. You know, like krabapple, Krueger, and the rest of the Furutech - Sean Olive trolls from Hydrogen that all went on a vacation at around the time that the red carpet on that last defamation campaign of Ethan's had been rolled up.

His anti-French bias is obvious.

Oh yes, how can I forget?! "Je crapule sur les Francais!".

bifcake's picture
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Guys, why don't you just put the asshole on the ignore list? This way, you don't even have to bother entertaining this nonsense? Let's stick to the topic please.

ncdrawl's picture
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I don't give a happy goddamn what Ethan wants. My post has nothing to do with Ethan. I just think that if you are going to post strong and often accusatory comments, that you should have the balls to sign your name. If you are going to stand up for your convictions..well goddamn, really stand up and stop hiding!
-Teddy Ray

as for the thread..

Ted said he had proof positive first in the form of graphs with invalid data, then with "reviews" (he titled *that* thread as "more proof" or something to that effect. of course reviews mean dick!)...so.. It went exactly as I suspected it would.

the whole "lob grenades from behind the safety of an alias" is fucking silly. childish.

-Teddy Ray

michiganjfrog's picture
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Am I the only person here who notices the irony of Frog calling everyone else a troll and a sockpuppet?

Oh. Well looky who I never thought would show his face in here again. Nice to see you back, Ethan. So since you're following the Joamonte sockpuppet controversy, are you denying that new members "Joamonte" and "David L.", are acquaintances of yours? Who just happened to sign on here right about the time you needed support in your defamation campaign against Ted D. and S-Art? Who just happened to stick to those threads and do not post on any other topics elsewhere? Who just happen to post with the same venom you do against Synergistix? Who just happen to by happy coincidence, have a specialized background in conventional acoustics treatment? Who just happen to post on the same acoustics forums you do, and conversed with you on many occasions on those forums? But who just happen to not know who the f you are anymore, during the entire length of their stay here, where neither of them have said "boo!" to you on this forum??

Enquiring minds want to know!

Remember: what you choose to respond to and what you choose to evade like gunfire, say a lot about you and your motives here.

At this point even Frog's pals are distancing themselves.

Scott, James and Joamonte are not my pals, pal. They're yours, remember? Maybe it would help you to remember that by checking your list of customers before you speak.

Ethan Winer
Proud owner of RealTraps, but posting on my own behalf
And glad to point out buffoonery when I see it

Except when its yours, "JohnnyR".

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if you are going to post strong and often accusatory comments, that you should have the balls to sign your name.

That pretty well sums it up. Especially since Frog-boy was the one who referred earlier to having a trail of toilet paper follow one around. It's clear he thought up that analogy while looking in a mirror.

Ethan Winer
Proud owner of RealTraps, but posting on my own behalf
And always using my real name

j_j's picture
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So since you're following the Joamonte sockpuppet controversy,

There's no controversy except for your griefing and sniveling.


are you denying that new members "Joamonte" and "David L.", are acquaintances of yours?

Have you stopped beating your lover yet?

michiganjfrog's picture
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I don't give a happy goddamn what Ethan wants. Actions speak louder than BS words, NC. And your actions certainly showed your total allegiance to what Ethan wants in your recent debates with me on his behaviour and performance in his S-Art defamation campaign. Rejecting the clear evidence that exists on this forum about what Ethan did and did not prove, in favour of what could only be described a ridiculous amount of bias towards Ethan. A crippling amount of bias I would call it, for it made you overlook every spot of evidence I submitted to you, maintaining that whatever Ethan says is good enough for you, because he gave you free advice on your bass traps in a phone call.

My post has nothing to do with Ethan. Just like Joamonte's and David L.'s posts, right?

I just think that if you are going to post strong and often accusatory comments, that you should have the balls to sign your name. If you are going to stand up for your convictions..well goddamn, really stand up and stop hiding! Speak for yourself, "NCDrawl"! I have stood my entire time here and in life for my convictions. In whatever I say, good or bad, I always speak for no one but myself. Which is more than I can say for you, since your convictions are clearly purchased with the favours of Ethan Winer. That shows in every debate we've had, every post I've read from you, and these actions are supported by what you admitted to me of your personal relationship with Ethan Winer. I think that's kind of sad, because that means we don't know who the f you are behind all those bought and paid for prejudices of yours. And don't think that now coming up with some phony sounding name to paste at the bottom of your text (which you haven't even -tried- to prove is your real name btw), while you continue to hide behind a screen name, changes any of that or adds any particular value to your words. It does not.

Again, NC, --actions speak louder than words-- (yes, names are words too!). Your actions on this forum have been highly hypocritical. Just to give one example, you have often complained about the discourteous behaviour of others in a thread, but as has been patiently pointed out to you by others, you have no problem acting like a complete discourteous ass yourself. Now your good buddy Ethan Winer, who unlike you doesn't use a handle I'm told, is even far more of a self-contradicting major bullshitting balls-out hypocrite than I have ever seen you be. In fact, he keeps me way busier than I want to be, just identifying his constant hypocrisy.

The biggest issue I have with both you and Ethan, is that neither of you two will respect the scientific method of providing evidence, and listen carefully!!!!, *yielding* to opposing evidence from your opponents like me, when it invalidate yours. Instead, you just say whatever shit rolls off the top of your head, like you absolutely "know" that I am not posting under my real name, and you figure that whatever nonsense you're spouting, if you believe it and say it emphatically enough, must be true. NO PROOF REQUIRED. So all you have proven on the forum is that you are both dogmatic ideologues who do not respect truth and evidence that does not conform to your quasi-religious beliefs, despite the fact that you either accuse others of that, or say the opposite of that about yourselves. Fact. End of discussion.

Point of the above is if you and Winer contradict your words all the time, and will not STAND IN PLACE and defend your claims (which your friend Winer almost NEVER does), then this quarter-assed idea you're trying to sell me, that says signing your name to your posts is somehow proof that shows that you stand up for your convinctions, is just *pure unadulterated pap.* It sounds like something that was clogging your sewer, and you wanted to get rid of it here. If you and Ethan want to pretend that you both stand for your convictions, then don't just give me some irrelevant bullshit about your "real name". Just DON'T RUN AWAY WHEN YOU ARE CHALLENGED TO DEFEND YOUR CLAIMS, "Teddy Ray". And if you really are a man, and not a lowlife weasel with zero integrity as Ethan Winer has shown us, then show some integrity and admit when your words have been defeated, and change your damn convictions if that's what is necessary. Otherwise, you're nothing but a proudly arrogant fool, standing by his erroneous beliefs. Speaking of which, that's something I have not and probably will not ever see Winer do.

Ted said he had proof positive first in the form of graphs with invalid data, then with "reviews" (he titled *that* thread as "more proof" or something to that effect. of course reviews mean dick!)...so.. It went exactly as I suspected it would. So no anti-Ted bias with you, I see. Like I've said elsewhere, people will believe what they want to, and are predisposed to, believe. That's why whatever the "truth" happens to be, it will more often than not, be regarded as a piece of raw meat to hungry wolves, by the denizens of the Stereophile forum today. Which is why I have shared no conclusive opinions on the data, zero, until that it has been -fairly presented-. As for the reviews, I think it's your remark about them that means dick. Dick on a stick even. Because there are certainly many audio products I know of that for whatever reasons, are impossible to measure objectively, and can only have reviews as their standard of judgement. Those reviews are empirical evidence for or against the products, that help -objectively-minded- audiophiles (note that I didn't mention you here...), evaluate something that may be otherwise difficult to evaluate in person. The weight one lends to such reviews might depend on how they feel about the reviewer or periodical.

the whole "lob grenades from behind the safety of an alias" is fucking silly. childish. For the last time "ncdrawl", no one is stopping you from changing your alias to whatever you feel comfortable with. It is perfectly permissible to do so, and I assure you again, you have both mine and the pope's blessing, if that helps.

michiganjfrog's picture
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if you are going to post strong and often accusatory comments, that you should have the balls to sign your name.

That pretty well sums it up. Especially since Frog-boy was the one who referred earlier to having a trail of toilet paper follow one around. It's clear he thought up that analogy while looking in a mirror.

Ethan Winer
Proud owner of RealTraps, but posting on my own behalf
And always using my real name

Thank you for this Ethan. Really. Thank you. And no, I'm not saying that because of the contradictory point you're making of addressing someone who's entire history of posts have been under an anonymous handle. I'm saying that because you just finished proving my point to NC. Which is that you, "Ethan Winer", do -not- have the balls to stand by your convictions.

See, NC claimed that if someone signs all their posts with their name (he doesn't, note!), it means they stand by their convictions. I said, "Wait, that can't be! Because Ethan Winer is the most cowardly weasel on this forum! He has proven to have no integrity whatsoever! And he proudly says he proudly signs his name to all his posts and is not posting under a handle!". Then I gave the example that you always run away from your own convictions, because they always tend to show you in a bad light; that being a "liar light". Well surprise, surprise! You just did that again, when I asked you to defend your denials that you are associated with Joamonte! So thanks for proving me right again. Always using your real name but not your real convictions!

Here, you can have one of my flatter roses....

Are you denying that new members "Joamonte" and "David L.", are acquaintances of yours?
Who just happened to sign on here right about the time you needed support in your defamation campaign against Ted D. and S-Art?
Who just happened to stick to those threads and do not post on any other topics elsewhere?
Who just happen to post with the same venom you do against Synergistix?
Who just happen to by happy coincidence, have a specialized background in conventional acoustics treatment?
Who just happen to post on the same acoustics forums you do, and conversed with you on many occasions on those forums? But who just happen to not know who the f you are anymore, during the entire length of their stay here, where neither of them have said "boo!" to you on this forum??

Remember: what you choose to respond to and what you choose to evade like gunfire, say a lot about you and your motives here.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: Mar 13 2009 - 4:22pm

Remember: what you choose to respond to and what you choose to evade like gunfire, say a lot about you and your motives here.

Senator McCarthy: Are you, or are you not, a member of the communist party of the united states of america?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Senator McCarthy: Are you, or are you not, a member of the communist party of the united states of america?

That would be, "Yes."

michiganjfrog's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm


So since you're following the Joamonte sockpuppet controversy,

There's no controversy except for your griefing and sniveling.

Well I think a new one just popped up here, by you deciding to use words that don't exist in the English language. Let me guess... you were educated in the same 7-11 as Ethan, right? Took a course in "Slushies" did you? Graduated in loitering and panhandling?

So you're saying our latest inductee "Joamonte", the fellow in the back wearing the RealTraps t-shirt, has no association whatsoever with Ethan Winer, and just happened in by a happy accident? And the fact that he appears to be the go-to guy for RealTraps products in Singapore, probably has nothing to do with Ethan as well. Well great. Thank you for demonstrating you have no credibility, along with your friend Ethan.

Have you stopped beating your lover yet?

Yes. But I only did because she wouldn't stop showing me pictures of her kids with your ugly mug in it. By the way, did you know that you snore a lot?

michiganjfrog's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Jan 9 2007 - 11:36pm

That some people insist that blind methodology is the only foolproof methodology, no matter how much is published about its limitations and fallacies, says more about their belief systems than anything else.

As for my belief system, it should be evident. My post describes the differences I've heard. If direct experience isn't good enough for someone - if they're going to play the "objective" vs. "subjective" game, and throw the placebo effect stuff at me, as though a music critic abandons all powers of discrimination when listening to music on a high-end system - so be it. I have nothing to prove.

I'm outa here. As they used to say on Saturday Night Live, discuss among yourselves.

- Jason Victor Serinus, Stereophile Forum

(That name sounds familiar....) anyway, just to say that Jason here makes a point that can't be overstated. Especially now that the single-minded anti-audio drones have set up shop here and are changing all the stationery. Which is that methodology be damned; direct experience trumps all.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Yes. But I only did because she wouldn't stop showing me pictures of her kids with your ugly mug in it. By the way, did you know that you snore a lot?

Wow. J_J schtooped Michigan's lover. That explains Michigan's animosity. It would be terrible seeing pictures of your lover's kids with their real dad in the pic.

Condolences, Michigan. I'd feel bad if J_J had bibilcal knowledge of my lover, too.


Reminds me of an old favorite insult in Espanol: Yo soy tu padre.


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