Mesa Tigris integrated amplifier Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: Class-A push-pull dual-monoblock vacuum-tube integrated amplifier with auto-bias. Tube complement per side: two 12AX7, two 6V6, four EL84. Inputs: four line-level. Outputs: one fixed, one variable buffered with dedicated attenuator. Adjustable negative feedback from Zero Feedback to Stage III (5dB–8dB–12dB in full pentode, 4dB–7dB–10dB in two-thirds pentode, 3dB–5dB–8dB in two-thirds triode). Eight-pole industrial switch converts amplifier into dedicated headphone amplifier using entire array of output power tubes. Patented Tandem State Imaging;r with variable output power: 35Wpc full pentode (15.5dBW), 28Wpc two-thirds pentode (14.5dBW), 20Wpc two-thirds triode (13.0dBW).
Dimensions: 17.5" W by 6" H by 16.25" D. Weight: 35 lbs.
Finish: gold- or silver-anodized front panel.
Serial number of unit reviewed: TG-00055 (auditioning); TG-00066 (measuring).
Price: $2495 (1999); no longer available (2007). Approximate number of dealers: 25. Warranty: amplifier, 3 years; tubes, 1 year.
Manufacturer: Mesa Engineering, 1317 Ross Street, Petaluma, CA 94954. Tel: (707) 778-6565. Fax: (707) 765-1503. Web:

Mesa Engineering
1317 Ross Street
Petaluma, CA 94954
(707) 778-6565