Robert Baird

Robert Baird  |  Dec 23, 2017
Technology's New Christmas Record...
Robert Baird  |  Dec 21, 2017
In 2010, down in the East Village, on Delancey Street, at the NYC debut party for Robert Plant's Band of Joy, the assembled rock press, assorted hangers-on, and wannabe VIPs patiently sipped drinks as we waited for the guest of honor. Suddenly, with no fanfare or even announcement, he stepped out of a closet or secret passage of sorts into a roomful of astonished smiles. He'd been there all along.
Robert Baird  |  Dec 18, 2017
Connecting with your most loyal and engaged fans is not a marketing strategy that was born with the advent of Facebook and Twitter.
Robert Baird  |  Dec 09, 2017
It's sweet! It's vocals! It's Christmas!
Robert Baird  |  Dec 07, 2017
While it hasn't always made money or hit records, the music business has never been short on ideas. Most are nonsense, but every once in a while—the gramophone, onstage monitors, Les Paul's overdubbing—the biz comes up with a winner.

Many of the craziest ideas I've heard in 30 years of writing about music have been expounded on at the South by Southwest Music Festival, held each year in Austin, Texas. At SXSW, hope springs eternal. Secrets are whispered. Buzz bands gain momentum. Rumors ripple through crowds. Everyone has visions of morphing into a mogul. There's an intoxicating energy to it all.

Robert Baird  |  Nov 27, 2017
Finally, a Replacements Live Album!
Robert Baird  |  Nov 24, 2017
Indie Rock Guitar Hero Dead at 59.
Robert Baird  |  Nov 14, 2017
Christian McBride Big Band: Bringin' It
Mack Avenue Mac 1115 (CD). 2017. Gretchen Valade, exec prod.; Christian McBride, prod.; Todd Whitelock, assoc. prod., eng.; Timothy Marchiafava, asst. eng. ADD? TT: 68:59
Performance ****½
Sonics *****

As musical movements go, rock and jazz seem to be running out of new ideas, most of the stylistic pathways in both genres having been explored to their logical conclusions. In rock in particular, every stream of inspiration has been followed past its headwaters, every droplet of inspiration wrung from established forms.

Robert Baird  |  Nov 05, 2017
Obscure Sixties Soul Singer Rediscovered...
Robert Baird  |  Nov 04, 2017
Unbreakable? Although Halloween has just passed, I've just experienced a vinyl horror courtesy of the US Mail.
