VPI Industries: Pure Audio Project, Stenheim, Audio Research, Gryphon Audio, Luminous Audio, Nordost

Mat and Harry Weisfeld presented two dedicated rock ‘em, sock ‘em systems at last month's CAF2024 show. The first room marked the debut of the new VPI Forever Series Model One turntable, which is currently in house at Chez Micallef under review.

In the Adams Room, two VPI Forever Series Model One ‘tables ($5250 each) were up and running a VPI Shyla MC cartridge ($2000) and a VPI Goldy MC cartridge ($1300), respectively.

An Audio Research Reference 3SE Phono Stage ($17,000) ran analog signals to an Audio Research Reference 6SE linestage ($17,000), into Audio Research Reference 160M monoblock power amplifiers ($32,000/pair). Pure Audio Project Trio 15 speakers ($7500/pair) rounded out this mighty VPI assemblage.

Furthermore, in Adams, Luminous Audio Power Lynx Ultra A/C power cords ($329/each), Synchestra Signature speaker cables ($470/pair), and even more Luminous Audio cables joined component to component.

Next door in the Jefferson room, three VPI Avenger Statement turntables ($55,000/each) in red, white, and blue, were mounted, respectively, with a Shyla MC cartridge ($2000), 60th Anniversary AT150 MC cartridge ($9000), and Goldy MC cartridge ($1300). A VPI Vanquish turntable ($60,000–$100,000) was also on display.

VPI’s Avenger Phono stage ($2500) fed a Gryphon Essence Preamplifier ($16,900), into Gryphon Audio Essence amplifiers ($50,000/pair), which powered Stenheim Reference Ultime Two loudspeakers ($165,000/pair), with cabling comprised of Nordost Odin 2 ($20,000+).

As is my practice at shows, I hung out in Adams where Harry Weisfeld played DJ, spinning discs that accelerated excellent dynamics, accompanied by palpable textures and tons of shake, rattle, and roll.