dmckleinfeld's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jan 5 2017 - 8:26pm
Yamaha A1000 amp vs newer moels
commsysman's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2006 - 11:33am
dmckleinfeld wrote:

Hi everyone,

My beloved Marantz PM-68 has bitten the dust, and I'm now looking for a replacement.  Hoping people here would have some suggestions.  I really loved the warmth and clarity of records on the PM-68, so the closer I can get to that, the happier I'll be!

The setup: I mostly to listen to jazz on vinyl, but with some CDs, MP3s, funk and folk in there.  Turntable is an AT-LP60 with an ATN3600L stylus, speakers are Tanoy Mercury M2’s.  It's used in a carpeted 15’ x 30' living room, mostly played at a low volume for the sake of kids. I'd like to spend less than $1000; spending $500 would be even better.  I'm in NYC, so NYC Craigslist and any stores in the area are available.

I'm currently considering the PS Audio Sprout, Onkyo A-9050, Outlaw RR2150, Cambridge AM10, or Marantz PM6005.  But on Craigslist, I found someone selling a used Yamaha A1000 (the old stereo model, not the AV receiver) and a Marantz 2285 for quite reasonable prices.

I'm really tempted by the Yamaha A1000, 'cause I think old equipment is generally best for records and I love the idea of getting “A Class” sound for cheap.  But am I seeing the past with rose-colored classes?  Would one of those newer amps be worth the money? Anyone have any thoughts or insight?

My experience is that Yamaha and Onkyo amplifiers have no warmth and not much clarity; I strongly advise you to consider other alternatives.

The Music Hall A15.3 integrated amplifier is a very nice one, and has good power and a built-in phono stage. You can get it for $549, and I think it is a bargain at that price. Audio Advisor and some other dealers sell it. It would be my recommendation.

The Marantz PM6006 would be another possibility, but it is $699 and not quite as good IMO.

The Cambridge AM10 may be a bit underpowered for you. The Cambridge CXA 60 would be a much better choice.

dmckleinfeld's picture
Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
Joined: Jan 5 2017 - 8:26pm

Hm– thanks, that's good advice! I'm giving the Yamaha a listen Tuesday, but I'll keep your alternatives in mind.

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