Monty's picture
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The Dems Actually Won in the 2010 Elections, Really!
Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: Mar 31 2006 - 8:32pm

Salon? I'll post a quote. Obviously, Salon didn't pass around Jan's hard work to everybody.

Looking at Tuesday
gkc's picture
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Joined: Feb 24 2006 - 11:51am

Yo, Monty. The Democrats, collectively, are to public policy what Bose is to audio -- "a breakthrough in simplicity" when it comes to surround sound.

Vote Democrat. You won't miss what you don't hear. Let us do the spending and printing -- you just check the box.

Oy. What a country. Freedom and justice for all.

mark evans
mark evans's picture
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Joined: May 5 2010 - 4:06pm

Yo, Monty. The Democrats, collectively, are to public policy what Bose is to audio -- "a breakthrough in simplicity" when it comes to surround sound.

Vote Democrat. You won't miss what you don't hear. Let us do the spending and printing -- you just check the box.

Oy. What a country. Freedom and justice for all.

Now that is hilarious!

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

In my own honest opinion, devoid of partisan hyperbole, we all win every election. There are no cries that the Dems will instill martial law and refuse to vacate their offices, etc....

We have apretty damn orderly system. Think back to 2000 when we weren't sure exactly who would become President. We calmly went about our daily business knowing that no matter who took office, things would continue pretty much without interruption.

Imagine the uproar we'd see in other countries. I would expect riots and violence. Here, a collective, "Oh, that's interesting," and then we soldiered on.

Sure, we still have fucking idiots who spew the "crammed down our throats, socialism, Obama is a Muslim, the patriot Act is about patriotism, Bush is a fascist" party line - which is also reassuring - we have the right to be publically stupid and parrot the psychotic Glenn Beckkk or that dope Olberman to our hearts' content!


Hell, if you watched 60 Minutes the other night, you saw the President say that he took America's voice to heart this election. That's not a very common event in most other countries.

So, I will cling to my guns and atheism while others cling to guns and religion and figure we'll all work it out.

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