Buddha's picture
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Which conspiracy scenerio will win out?
wgriel's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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Will it be Russian agnets trying to foil off shore drilling interests to prop up Gazprom's profits?


Domestic enviro-terr'ists?

When the next wave of consipracy kooks gets started, which 'theory' will rise to the top?

Hmm... Is there any possibility it could be spun as a secret inside job by the Obama administration? I'm having a hard time imagining what wacko theory could accompany this, but it would probably be tied to his secret socialist agenda.

Satch's picture
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Whether his guys - foreign or domestic - blew up the oil rig or not is another question, but there's no doubt that Obama is celebrating this catastrophe. He used pretty careful language in his sales pitch for cap-and-trade, saying he'd "give consideration" to increased off-shore drilling and now he has a ready made excuse for going back on that statement and he got a bonus with it.. Guess who laid the concrete that was supposed to have sealed the well head.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am


"...no doubt that Obama is celebrating this catastrophe."

Celebrating more than you are?

Did you think Bush 'celebrated' 9-11 or Katrina?

Obama had actually pushed a drilling agenda at the displeasure of his party.

Quote from Obama before this spill:

"...oil rigs today generally don

Dr. Spivey
Dr. Spivey's picture
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Guess who laid the concrete that was supposed to have sealed the well head.

Halliburton, of course.

Lamont Sanford
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I lay this all at the feet of British Petroleum. They can't shut off the valves, they have no Plan B, they are making their people keep quite. In the meantime, the federal government will get its fair share of blame regardless if it is founded or not. No different than Bush. This will slowly grow into it is Obama's fault for not doing anything except sending a plane load of fucking lawyers to the Gulf Coast. What goes around comes around. That is just the nature of the beast he volunteered for. Sort of ironic. Same bat time, same bat channel.

The difference, we will see, between Obama and Bush is that Obama won't be able to contain himself. Everybody will be on his ass for this one. He already cancelled his planned trip to the coast. Nice job. At least Bush showed up.

Now, for the real culprit. BP? Go fuck yourselves.

Satch's picture
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Joined: Mar 13 2010 - 2:55pm


I recognize that defending the actions of Obama and the current regime in a direct way is difficult, but I would think the "lets talk about Bush instead" approach would be getting a little tiresome even for the most dedicated Obama supporters. I see Obama as a clear threat to the country, but don't infer from that, that I didn't have complaints against George Bush. Bush's unwillingness to defend our southern border and to deal vigorously with the flood of ILLEGAL immigration is an example of a topic I can rant on for hours. But George Bush is no longer President and people like you and me need to accept that fact and stop making pathetic "lesser of two evils" arguments from either side of the political spectrum.

The spill provides an excuse for Obama to go back on his commitment to increased drilling. That was a lie in the first place just like the cost reductions he claimed in support of his health care takeover. He knew that as did his party - despite the feigned "displeasure" you refer to. He's sure to prefer an excuse over his usual tactic of dodging embarrassing questions.

Dr. Spivey is correct. The answer is Halliburton, and that fact is sure to make the news after the gang of lawyers Holder has sent to "assist with the spill" get their act going. Halliburton to Cheney to Bush isn't too much of a stretch for those guys. They're even better at "let's talk about Bush instead" than you are, although I suspect most of them are above such juvenile cheap shots as, "Celebrating more than you are?".

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