Lamont Sanford
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Democrats win! Democrats win!
Buddha's picture
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Federal funding for Air America?

ozpomfromhell's picture
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No doubt about it and despite the relentless obstructionism of the Republicans and their more extreme friends in the face of all attempts at bipartisanship.
It seems the USA is finally catching up, even if by only a few small steps.

JIMV's picture
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I think the real news headlines go like this:

Commies Win One for Lenin. Comrade Pelosi Giddy. Americans Vow to Fight On!

ozpomfromhell's picture
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... fighting the good fight against all things 21st century.
It's as funny as it is frightening.
Of course it also betrays EVERYTHING the original country represented, but don't let stop you!
Now away you go and start your revolution, mate... like you're capable of it... or if you're not up to it, just whine about my "anti-American" posts, which of course seems to ignore that it's you nutjobs who actually hate America.
Have a nice day.

Buddha's picture
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I think the real news headlines go like this:

Commies Win One for Lenin. Comrade Pelosi Giddy. Americans Vow to Fight On!

Oh, brother.

I am willing to bet you will not turn down the new donut hole fill entitlement.

Am I right?

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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I think the real news headlines go like this:

Commies Win One for Lenin. Comrade Pelosi Giddy. Americans Vow to Fight On!

Oh, brother.

I am willing to bet you will not turn down the new donut hole fill entitlement.

Am I right?

The money has to come from somewhere...there is no free lunch...'Let them eat cake' is not an economic plan.

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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... fighting the good fight against all things 21st century.
It's as funny as it is frightening.
Of course it also betrays EVERYTHING the original country represented, but don't let stop you!
Now away you go and start your revolution, mate... like you're capable of it... or if you're not up to it, just whine about my "anti-American" posts, which of course seems to ignore that it's you nutjobs who actually hate America.
Have a nice day.

The founders were not commies...

ozpomfromhell's picture
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Your posturing shows either a total lack of intelligence or the degree to which you think America should lurch to the far right.
Or a sharp sense oh humour...
I could not possibly know what way you swing on that.

Buddha's picture
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The money has to come from somewhere...there is no free lunch...'Let them eat cake' is not an economic plan.

So, in other words, you'll eat that cake while complaining bitterly about who will pay for it.

Where were you in 2003 when Bush invented the current trillion dollar Medicare Part D entitleme....errr....unfunded mandate?

dave_b's picture
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Read Orwell's, "An Homage To Catalonia" for a reminder of what happens to a society that embraces an elitist socialist ideology (and I don't mean just Spain). This is just one of the many "History lessons" which I mentioned you have missed. There's more to literature than "The Communist Manifesto" my anacronistic oddity

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Read Orwell's, "An Homage To Catalonia" for a reminder of what happens to a society that embraces an elitist socialist ideology (and I don't mean just Spain). This is just one of the many "History lessons" which I mentioned you have missed. There's more to literature than "The Communist Manifesto" my anacronistic oddity

The new Kool Aid buzz term is "elitist," which the teabag set have set about lowering the qualification bar for this term to "went to one college for four whole years and got a degree."

Soon, the teabaggers will disdain AA degrees from community colleges as a sign of elitism.

Chasing those trailer park votes is not a long term winner, dlb.

If not for their appeal to subtle or overt racism, the red party might not even have its control over the south.

Take a look at the elctoral map, the reds are a southern phenomenon.


To top it off, those states are all net money suckers from the federal teat.

Talk about socialism!

They are trying to bite the teat that feeds them.

Drtrey3's picture
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Hey Buddha, I have been to three tea parties and am a happy conservative. I am quite offended by people who confuse testicle sucking with protesting. Honestly, I would rather be called a cock sucker than a tea bagger. Neither is true as I keep my hands and mouth off other men's genetalia, but with cock sucker, at least the other party is not trying to be coy with their insults. So could you drop the tea bagger stuff?

Thanks pal.


Satch's picture
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You're usually pretty well informed Buddha, and the arguments you make generally hang together. Not this time. Discussions of Medicare in part or in whole must begin by recognizing that those reaching 65 HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE TO TAKING IT. Even those who would wish to purchase other insurance coverage on their own are not allowed to do so. When Obama gets done, you'll be in the same boat - no matter what your age is.

Rather than making them hypocrites, being forced to accept the "benefit from big government" gives Medicare recipients an extra reason to complain about it.

Satch's picture
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Having just read your reply to Dlb, I need to add "on matters of hi-fi" to my earlier response to you. Clearly, where politics is concerned, you're just full of talking point crap.

ozpomfromhell's picture
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Maybe that goes with the new right...

Buddha's picture
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Hey Buddha, I have been to three tea parties and am a happy conservative. I am quite offended by people who confuse testicle sucking with protesting. Honestly, I would rather be called a cock sucker than a tea bagger. Neither is true as I keep my hands and mouth off other men's genetalia, but with cock sucker, at least the other party is not trying to be coy with their insults. So could you drop the tea bagger stuff?

Thanks pal.


Any group that hangs out in front of the Capital calling congress-people fags and ni**ers doesn't rate above the term teabagging, to me.

Any group that reacts to an income tax cut to its average member by pitching a fit about taxes when they are lower than the previous administration's rates doesn't rate above teabagger, either. It smacks of tantrums and racism more than anything else.

Teabagging is not just "testicle sucking," either. I think you are using the term too narrowly.

Sorry for the long cut and paste, but I use this definition from the Urban Dictionary:

"A misinformed, right-wing corporate media consumer who often fails to understand that BOTH major parties represent a corrupt plutocracy that steals from the middle class by taxing labor and profiting from corporate tax subsidies.

A teabagger also often fails to acknowledge that George W. Bush and his neo-conservative minions perpetrated one of the boldest and most egregious executive power grabs in the history of the United States. Furthermore, teabaggers mistakenly continue to blame a newly elected President Obama for all that ails the United States of America, based on a grossly flawed perception of reality (including latent racial prejudice) and despite the fact the U.S. economy collapsed on the previous administration's watch.

Teabaggers are also known to base their misguided, right-wing-media-inspired beliefs about President Obama on stupid conspiracy theories about totalitarian takeovers, FEMA camps, etc., despite the fact these very same theories have been circulating around on the Internet for years, and were originally ascribed to neo-conservative cabalists at a time when Barack Obama had not even entered national politics. Teabaggers also are known to be particularly paranoid, xenophobic and intolerant, especially with regard to immigrants and anyone who isn't white.

Additionally, teabaggers generally echo stupid myths about entitlement spending (it actually only accounts for about 1% of federal budget spending), have no idea that most poor people in America are not lazy, actually do work and don't want to be on welfare, and have no idea what socialism actually means or that socialist reform in this country is actually what allowed a middle class to flourish and ultimately make the U.S. one of the most prosperous nations in human history.

Furthermore, teabaggers incorrectly equate socialism with Stalinism, think a system that rewards greed (capitalism) is the divine preference (despite Gospel evidence to the contrary), and are shameless champions of a misguided belief in American exceptionalism. Teabaggers also fail to recognize the inherently unpatriotic nature of their failed every-man-for-himself ideology that ultimately vilifies anyone who supports public policy aimed at reaching out to fellow Americans in need. They celebrate an exploitative corporatocracy (holy creator of jobs, blah blah blah) while denigrating the little guy for being "weak."

Interestingly, teabaggers uphold an immoral, morbidly obese, twice divorced, draft-dodging, college dropout and known drug addict as their de facto leader, and are even known to advocate burning books. Of course, teabaggers fail to recognize the blatant hypocrisy within the GOP and tend to oversimplify all political debate and social issues, much like their pseudo-intellectual, fat-ass leader.

Finally, incredibly, teabaggers fail to recognize the hysterical double entendre associated with their proudly adopted teabag moniker.

Every village has its idiots, of course, but it's sad when citizens of any nation allow themselves to be whipped into a frenzy en masse by a state-run propaganda machine masquerading as a legitimate, fair, balanced and independent news organization. Teabaggers are right to believe the future of the U.S.A. is in jeopardy, but sadly they have not yet correctly identified the real enemy. Perhaps when teabaggers finally grow up and mature into thinking adults, they will see the right-leaning power establishment for the oppressive and cunning beast that it is.

Teabagger: We don't care that George Bush tripled the deficit and lied us into a war. The new administration only cut taxes for 90% of the population... fascists. Let's go throw some Lipton tea bags into a fountain!


As soon as those monkeys drop the faux "tea party" crap, I'll cease and desist with calling them "tea baggers."

I think that would be completely fair.

No personal affront to you intended.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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You're usually pretty well informed Buddha, and the arguments you make generally hang together. Not this time. Discussions of Medicare in part or in whole must begin by recognizing that those reaching 65 HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE TO TAKING IT. Even those who would wish to purchase other insurance coverage on their own are not allowed to do so. When Obama gets done, you'll be in the same boat - no matter what your age is.

Rather than making them hypocrites, being forced to accept the "benefit from big government" gives Medicare recipients an extra reason to complain about it.

Medicare Part D is purely a drug benefit.

People who are ethically pure about not taking advantage of entitlements they have not paid for are welcome to pay cash for their drugs.

You suppose JIMV does?

He is not required in any way to accept free medication, and, in fact, people have to purposefully enroll in Medicare Part D in order to take advantage of its benefits.

JIMV is free to reject this entitlement completely.

In fact, he could jst show up at the pharmacy with only a driver's licence and pay cash money for all his prescriptions. (Let's watch and wait and see if that's what he does.)

(Medicare Part D is not the same as what, before 2003, Medicare was. Medicare Part D is a Bush era - 2003- unfunded entitlement that, as the teabag set is prone to say...'was crammed down our throats' in january 2006. No connection to the ruinous Democrat congress that took over in January 2007 - just pure, clean Republican spending.)

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Having just read your reply to Dlb, I need to add "on matters of hi-fi" to my earlier response to you. Clearly, where politics is concerned, you're just full of talking point crap.

Go look where the money goes, amigo.

The south is a seething money pit for American tax revenue.

Go look here.

What state do you live in? You can look and see if you are part of a socialistic parasite state or a productive, hard working net revenue contributing state.

Let us know.

dbowker's picture
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"The founders were not commies... "

But Jesus most certainly was.

"Verily I say to you, it is easier for a camel to jump through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven." Sounds like very dangerous thinking to me.

Buddha's picture
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You are obviously unfamiliar with the gospel of prosperity.

dave_b's picture
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At this point you are making very little sense and understanding almost nothing of what I'm saying. Try thinking deeper than the ink on the headlines. When I mention History I mean something more then your ancedotal memories of disjointed excerpts from some diluted down political rag or University textbook. Perhaps your thoughts are pure delusion, in which case I offer my sincere apology. Did you READ THE REFERNCED ESSAY BY ORWELL? Ring any bells? It's about actions and consequences and how they effect a society. So much of this current drama has been played out before, in other the not so distant past. The current course of politics in America will move us closer to complete governmental control. What kind of man or woman would hand over their freedoms and liberties, their businesses, their hard earned treasure, their identity and their very health to a centralized, bloated, corrupt and completely inefficient and unresponsive government? Perhaps a moron or an idiot? Maybe someone who prefers complete dominance over individual effort? Someone who has never invested their labor, money, sweat and creative energies to build something out of nothing....most likely. How many of Obama's cabinet have had a private sector job? How many have run a business? How many are admitted Socialists or worse? So this then is what our forefathers sacrificed their lives for? Pontificating and offering cynical sarcasm in place of understanding is dumb and dangerous. Embracing this force fed government take over of our country is the wet dream of our communist fascist socialised enemies throughout the world. We are getting Change, but it's a fast track to a very dark and opressive place...the glimmer of light that was America...the hope that was at the core of our society is being systematicaly snuffed out! Hope and change...Huh! They hoped to change our country from free to controlled

Buddha's picture
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How many of Obama's cabinet have had a private sector job? How many have run a business?

When he hires from the private sector all the kooks start screaming that his appointees are beholding to private interests.

It's no win.

Nowadays, the rightwing has landed on declaring any loss of their hegemnony as a precursor for socialism/communism/etc...

The hysteria from the right is ridiculous.

You should be insulted by that crap.

In 2012 when we elect Obama's successor, you will be better off than you are now.

Bush, for all his faults, did the same for most of us.

As did Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc...

You can run and scream and tear out your hair about Reverend Wright or any of the devils du joir, but in the long haul, we will keep driving things forward.

Unless, of course, gays are allowed in the military or allowed to get married.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Does the constitution state anywhere that the government has the power to force the people as a whole to purchase a service? It sounds like a contract to me. An "implied" contract whereas the government is the principle party. I'm glad they finally got this passed so they can get their asses handed it to them by the Supreme Court. Don't think they have the judicial power? They elected GWB the first time around. The House may be good at parliamentary procedures but they forgot to read the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. What boggles my mind is it doesn't take that long to read both documents. In the meantime, as an unregistered voter (independent), I will be voting against anybody that voted for this passage if their names come across any ballot given to me.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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How did you feel about No Child Left Behind?

Unfunded mandate.

I voted nay in your poll simply because I do want this to be a bipartisan undertaking...but since the reds wouldn't even discuss the notion of portability, pre-existing condition denials, etc...I can also see why the blue party went at it alone.


In general...

Looking back over the last 100 years, the liberals have lead the way...


During the beginning of the twentieth century, as women's suffrage gained in popularity, suffragists were subject to arrests and many were jailed. Finally, President Woodrow Wilson urged Congress to pass what became, when it was ratified in 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment which prohibited state and federal agencies from gender-based restrictions on voting.

Civil rights...liberals.

Wars with actual end points...liberals...WWI...WWII.

Conservatives in charge at the end of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and look how those turned out.

Liberals....ending Prohibition! Took Roosevelt to end that abomination.

In the past century, it's been liberals who fight the screaming right wing nancy boys and get 'er done.

If we left everything to conservatives, we would have only white men voting and we couldn't drink to drown out all the complaining about what we'd done!

ozpomfromhell's picture
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I know all you mad baggers have gone completely tea-potty obeying orders to live in continual denial but you merely look stupid to everyone else.
It's up to you, of course, if you prefer to live as a North Korean wannabe being laughed at all the time, but do yoyu7 Really want to bring down your country to allow the far right to take even more power?

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Projection. You know how I know? You left out Lincoln. You left out all the constitutional amendments after the Civil War that were finally enforced by the Civil Rights Act. Buddha, you are more leveled headed than to act no different than the people you despise. You have a right to hate these people. Hell, I'm a hater myself, but placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else ("right wingers") is not acceptable. It is an inadequate defense. You shouldn't be defending all the time.

And I wish you would quit referring to white people like it is something bad. Goddamn it, Buddha, you need chill you fishhead.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Projection. You know how I know? You left out Lincoln. You left out all the constitutional amendments after the Civil War that were finally enforced by the Civil Rights Act. Buddha, you are more leveled headed than to act no different than the people you despise. You have a right to hate these people. Hell, I'm a hater myself, but placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else ("right wingers") is not acceptable. It is an inadequate defense. You shouldn't be defending all the time.

And I wish you would quit referring to white people like it is something bad. Goddamn it, Buddha, you need chill you fishhead.

So, was it liberals or conservatives who ended slavery?

Was it liberals or conservatives who didn't want to end it?

Is it liberals or conservatives who want to overthrow the theocracy in Iran?

Was it liberals or conservatives who wanted to break away from Britain?

I don't hate conservatives, I am Goldwater-tarian. I just hate idiots who substitute teabag talking points for their own grey matter. We are in the era of robots on both sides!

I have just as much disdain for Nancy Pelosi as I do for Dan Quayle.

Unblinking ideologues at either extreme are worthless.

If every thought someone has is unwaveringly Republican or unquestioningly Democrat, it's a sign of mental disease - and I'm opposed to mental disease.

These hens who flap around spewing Dittos and feel the need to yell 'baby killer' in Congress are absolutely unthinking (but maybe self-promoting) dolts.

Lamont, if Shrub had come up with this healtth care bill and called it the "Healthy Homeland Patriot Act" you know the Fox News set would have gotten behind it, pointing out that it was good for private industry, blah blah blah.

If JIMV or dlb saves up and buys a brain, I'll quit yelling at them.

Satch's picture
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I live in Illinois, Buddha. We did a little better than you in 2005 - got back $.75 on the dollar vs. your $.65. Hard to say how more recent data would rank us, let alone what our future rankings will look like. You've got Harry on your side, at least for a while, but we've got Obama, Emmanuel, Axelrod, and Arnie Duncan, to name only a few of the Illinois mob. I'm guessing we'll be getting lots more Federal dole in the future. There's already some serious talk about the Feds buying an unused prison here as a place to stash those gitmo guys, and some of us who've known too much about Obama long before you ever heard of him, will be getting a little something to keep our mouths shut. Hope that answers your need to categorize parasites etc.

Perhaps you can help me with this one. How do you rationalize a situation where I have no medical insurance because I have saved my money to the extent that I can comfortably pay all my medical expenses out of pocket, but if I do that, I'll be fined or jailed?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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How do you rationalize a situation where I have no medical insurance because I have saved my money to the extent that I can comfortably pay all my medical expenses out of pocket, but if I do that, I'll be fined or jailed?

As I said, I voted nay.

I think this is too important an issue to undertake it without due consideration and bipartisan discussion.

We were stuck with only one party willing to discuss.

Sickening, really.

I am old enough to recall the Reagan days and he successfully worked with the blue party to get things done.

Those days sadly appear long gone.

Satch's picture
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"We were stuck with only one party willing to discuss." and which party was that?

I voted nay too, and I agree with both your reasons and your reaction to where we stand today. It is sickening.

Have you read Mark Levin's most recent book entitled Liberty and Tyranny?

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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How do you rationalize a situation where I have no medical insurance because I have saved my money to the extent that I can comfortably pay all my medical expenses out of pocket, but if I do that, I'll be fined or jailed?

As I said, I voted nay.

I think this is too important an issue to undertake it without due consideration and bipartisan discussion.

We were stuck with only one party willing to discuss.

Sickening, really.

I am old enough to recall the Reagan days and he successfully worked with the blue party to get things done.

Those days sadly appear long gone.

When I was in the military under Carter life was good. Then shit hit the fan in Iran. Along comes fucking Reagan. That is when I got scared. Reagan fucking scared me. Scared me all the time. I was obsessed with Reagan. Wrote, "Reagan's Hired Gun" on my steel pot cover. I would talk to everybody about Reagan. Reagan this and Reagan that and Reagan was out to personally get my fucking ass killed. Reagan shouldn't be president! He should be entertaining us at some piece-of-shit USO show with Bob Hope and blah blah blah. I have no idea what Reagan did as president. As Commander-in-Chief he scared the shit out of me. All the fucking time. I still wake up at night in a cold sweat yelling, "REAGAN!".

Satch's picture
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As Commander in Chief, it's hard to beat Truman. He said, "Boots on the ground hell, I'll get this thing over with. Enough of our people are dead" - or words to that effect. Then, after dropping the only two bombs he had, he said, "Wanna see me do that again, or are you ready to quit." Democrats were different then.

Incidentally, I favored Truman's approach for Iraq, one bomb and an offer of more would have done it, but I wasn't in charge.

ozpomfromhell's picture
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In which case you would have started world war 3.
Oh sorry.... the big one is only allowed to be dropped by the USA isn't it?
I would bet money you would have had to change your pants every 2 minutes at that moment.
Yanks are able to come up with an amazing amount of puffed up flapping as long as they are only fighting (to use a Blackadder image) natives armed with sharpened mangoes.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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*** You are ignoring this user ***

JIMV's picture
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Your posturing shows either a total lack of intelligence or the degree to which you think America should lurch to the far right.
Or a sharp sense oh humour...
I could not possibly know what way you swing on that.

I discovered long ago that folk who ascribe a lack of intelligence on others are frequently not all that bright themselves.

JIMV's picture
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The money has to come from somewhere...there is no free lunch...'Let them eat cake' is not an economic plan.

So, in other words, you'll eat that cake while complaining bitterly about who will pay for it.

Where were you in 2003 when Bush invented the current trillion dollar Medicare Part D entitleme....errr....unfunded mandate?

Screaming no from the sidelines as most of the conservative base tried to tell republicans that buying votes was a loser. I was proved right in 2006 and 2008...Now we have the dems doing the same on steroids.

JIMV's picture
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The new Kool Aid buzz term is "elitist,"

Some historic review of the term might be in order. The Kool aide drinkers committed suicide over a bogus philosophy...Now who drank the Kool Aid, republicans or dems last night? The dems will lose 60 seats in the House over this, not the conservatives.

ozpomfromhell's picture
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(2) replying to parts of statements will always let you down.

MikeLD's picture
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I joined this forum to learn more about music. That said, I'll enter into this never ending slug fest of a thread.

I'm pissed at the new entitlement ... because my taxes are going up as a result. Coupled with this administration's pledge to let the existing tax rates expire next year (35% going to 39.6%) and now shoving an additional tax hike down my throat I can tell you I'm not a happy camper.

On social issues I'm very moderate, but fiscally I'm staunchly conservative ... in other words, I have a great dislike for the dorks in congress (whichever party) taking my money and essentially giving it to someone else.

Additionally, I don't like the way this bill was "sold". Obama is out and out lying. In addition to raising my taxes they are "funding" the new entitlement with "cuts" in medicare payments to doctors several years down the road ... and we all know that will never actually happen ... it's politically impossible. So ... we'll get another nasty tax hike in 4 or 5 years once the reality of what this whole mess is actually going to cost is clear.

My wish is that politicians would be honest, make government less invasive, and stop throwing my money around like it's theirs... but I know that's a pipe dream.

ozpomfromhell's picture
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I'd hate to think what you see as right wing then!!!
Lucky traditional Americans aren't at all like you.

dave_b's picture
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Carter and Obama will go down in history as two of the most inept presidents ever to screw up our country. It takes special people to do the exact opposite of what needs to be done.

dave_b's picture
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Well said Mike!

dave_b's picture
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The parties have morphed over the years. What was a Democrat in the before time, is not what they are today. Today it's, ask not what you can do for your country, but rather, ask what your country can do for you! All along, progressives/socialists have been waiting for opportunities like the current health care takeover. The truth is out there

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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From the Idaho State Party

Dear Idaho Republicans,

The State of Idaho filed suit today against the federal government in response to President Obama signing into law the disastrous government-run health care bill.

This past month, the Idaho legislature passed and Governor Otter signed into law House Bill 391

ozpomfromhell's picture
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The bullshit is out there.

dave_b's picture
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Isn't it true your father was Lenin and one of your cousins is Chavez? Sounds weird, but then again both of them were from Hell as well, so maybe...?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Check the rabid and energetic attendance at House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence and Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers' Capitol Hill news conference today on their fight against health care legislation:

Time Magazine

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Monty's picture
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A government big enough to make you buy health insurance is also big enough to make you buy red beach towels. Think about that.

ozpomfromhell's picture
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From a guy who would rather his government invade Iraq than provide healthcare to all Americans.
Of course that invasion was by the US military which DOES provide healthcare for all its personnel.
Socialism at its finest.


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