ncdrawl's picture
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Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am may have some competition in the DaDa arena
KBK's picture
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From opening the page and looking at the contents, I see nothing wrong with the proffered products. The point of whether they need be purchased is up to the given individual.

As an example, one can obtain some rubber covered diving weights and place a few of them on top of a given set of speakers. The effect on the system will be heard. Whether it is comparable to what is offered here, is up to the individual to find out.

But the effect of hearing it (any given change in the presented sonics) is not debatable, -if- you take the time to come to that level of discernment..and then find that such differences are valuable to you (as an individual) or not.

If you go back and look again at the three posts I made in the NPR thread on that book, 'perfecting sound forever', you will note than that the aspects of what you are 'showing' us here, are the exact same things I am trying to alert you to as being quite problematic.

My point was that dogmatism in one's projection of life-upon that of others- can be seen in the psychological sense as a pure infidelity to the truth -the truth as it actually is- in order to maintain a inner sense of order, and that..via the emotions which are what is really running the show.

What I'm saying is that your world view is showing you a limit to reality, and anything beyond that makes you uncomfortable and then this turns into a projection out into the world and lays blame to others and other things for failing to exist as the same reflection. ie, one being attempting to seek emotional comfort via going after others who may see things differently, or for seeing a bit further into the mystic human mist that individually surrounds us all.

The thing that is most important to understand about individual human development is that answers along that path don't really appear in a single piece and tend (can be) to be false...and we may have to spend many years musing on a single point of existence, in order to know that there is some sort of validity to the given garnered conclusion or answer.

What I'm saying is that

1) such things as in the given link may arouse the ire of some people.

2) They react. Reaction is not truth, It is human reaction. That is all.

3)They then make a internal decision: Does the given proffered things or items fit their paradigm of existence?

4)If the given reaction is negative, the individual can reach the next critical point.

5)They have to decide whether they 'want to try and understand more'..but --here it comes, the critical point!--
that, a QUICK answer can many times be wrong. And if that quick answer is based on not investigating FULLY (as to why others might find it efficacious) then, the given quick answer is likely to be wrong. Besides the point of 'reaching for answers to unknowns' within the given self is ALWAYS rooted in EMOTIONAL reactions. The last is the key point.

Remember? But most don't want to remember that point, that emotions RULE the creation of intellect in the mind as it is at a LOWER and more fundamental level of the mind. It is the root of the creation of thought and reason. Thus one always has to be incredibly careful when making judgment calls on things that are not 'known'.

To quote a bit from Dr. Paul LaVoilette that I was viewing the other day, the interviewer was attempting to bring mysticism onto some of the bits of his theories and musings with regard to scientific correlation. Paul said that the correlation was and is there via quantum considerations...but as soon as the word mysticism occurred in the conversation with scientists and physicists...the emotional reaction occurs and the minds of the scientists immediately close and thus logical discourse and discussion on the subject ends. Meaning, the conversation and discussion begins to enter areas where the physicists are suddenly uncomfortable an out of their comfort zone..and their personal emotional reactions color and blind their capacity for further reasoning and discovery. One's ass does most definitely limit the range of intellectual musing and understandings.

Yet this it the EXACT point or crux of the matter when viewing the entire playing field of all physics today, with respect to where things are at and where they are going.

Science and discovery has hit a false glass ceiling occupied/consisting of the psychological limitations of the given individuals that comprise the whole of the given fields.

Which is why the magazine 'Nexus' can be seen at the local big book store, right beside Discovery, Popular Science and Mechanics, etc, and next to the Skeptical Inquirer..and the very first rag to sell out -the only one to sell out- is the Nexus magazine.

'The big problem', to simplify it in a way that is not capable of being seen as complimentary, is that:

The ignorant have always been ignorant and they are ignorant of that. Which is the problem. We all have some aspect of such within ourselves at all times, so It's not like I'm exempting myself. Such a thought would be ignorance at it's finest - a bit of reactionary emotionally derived reasoning. Sadly, such is common.

If you look at the entire huge bookstore with the right will see that this is the exact point of the existence of the building and that which lies within. An attempt to inform the controlling monkey within, it is, without pissing it off and raising it's at that point, reason shuts off.

Petting the ego - in order to sneak truth past it's guard. The big problem is that those who run the world via tightly via propaganda understand all of this very, very, very well..and use the same doorway to sneak past -lies. Which is where the discernment issue with 'truth vs charlatan' comes into play.

Question everything. Just make sure your questions and answers* are real and not rooted in or based on the reflections of internal bias.

*For if the answer is a refection created by the ego and emotions, how can the next question (based on prior answers) shaped in the mind -- have any validity?


All of this -in all seriousness- is the very short answer to the question of whether or not the given gentleman's products as linked to in the original post - have any validity or not.

The Egyptians, the Mayans, the Sumerians, the Greeks, etc, all understood that scientific discovery was not the recording and understanding of the reflection of the world - but that the limitation of discovery and understanding was solely within the limitations of the given human mind and that was what needs be corrected and advanced. This is why their musings still surpass the vast majority of what is front of us and called 'science' this very day.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Point being, is that your mind is blocked by your ass's standing in front of it and doing it's damnedest to remain undetected and continue to run the entire show.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Well, you know what they say? -- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Color me flattered.

"one line is called the "con" .. get it??"

Yes, I get it. Very cute.

Jan Vigne
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Read "Industry Update"; 10/09. Link to this information;

"But as we developed our products and strategies, we became increasingly aware that our, or indeed, anybody else's inability to measure the dramatic improvements we were delivering was becoming a serious problem. This deficiency leads to all sorts of difficulties of course, from the obvious ones of 'snake oil' accusations, long up-hill battles to convince those who want to believe, nervousness from the press and new dealers and so on. At a deeper level, the ability to improve our understanding for further research and product development could clearly bring massive benefits. And finally, of course, there's the question of why, oh why, do we all seem stuck in a massive void between the current techniques being used to measure our pieces of hi-fi, and the reality of what we hear?"

"One of the early tasks for Acuity was to try and see what real signal output differences might be evident using a reputable mid-priced CD player with some Vertex and Nordost equipment going in and out of the equation. We knew Acuity had identified some difference already, but could we start to gain anything meaningful from the information? Well its early days yet but it seems we can.

One of the tests uses a piece of real music, rather than sine wave test signals - which already we have found do not load up the system sufficiently to truly reveal the effects that are occurring. So acuity played a sample of complex music through the player, first with it just sat on its own on the bench with standard leads, and then with the player on a Super Kinabalu and wired up with a Roraima mains lead and a Solfonn interconnect.

The graphs shown below are only a brief example of all the graphs that have already been produced. The full case studies, with all the exact detail from each of the major measurement activities, will be displayed on the Acuity website very soon. But what these graphs do show is the reduction in the amount of error between a 'Vertexed' and 'non-Vertexed' player."

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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hey, its no insult.

i see Kait and other DaDa practioners as being very clever.

Jan Vigne
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i see Kait and other DaDa practioners as being very clever.

More than can be said for you.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

Jan, why don't you just go away? You are a troublemaker, a curmudgeon...a cranky, annoying pest. You have insulted most everyone on this forum at least once, you whine, bitch, and moan about people's posts endlessly, you are quick to be offended, quick to go on the attack,.. anytime you enter a thread, one can be assured that said thread will die shortly after...pretty much due to your presence in it....

dont you know that?

im not saying that to be hurtful or combative...I am saying it because it needs said. Obviously you are oblivious to it

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

Well, you know what they say? -- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Color me flattered.

"one line is called the "con" .. get it??"

Yes, I get it. Very cute.

you need to get a new bodyguard, Jeff. Jan sucks.

im glad you got it ..its called taking the piss.

although Jans a little ass sore(you saw it for what it was)..actually Jan being ass sore makes it even more funny.

KBK's picture
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The point of my post was to show that you don't understand and appear to show no intention of ever making any attempt. If you do make an attempt, it might founder in self lies. The lies that are needed to keep the personal front and mask stable -and locked down tightly on the psyche.

I'm willing to lay money on you not knowing what I mean.

My statement is not meant to be confrontational, but to inspire thought.

As for DaDa, it could also be looked at as a method of illustrating the absurd via un-normalizing the unseen aspects of a counterpoint that illustrates the insanity hiding in man via his 'unconscious' reactions. Just one way of seeing it. It is also a anti-war movement.

Any human being worth even one stale shit understands that war is something to be avoided at all costs, but yet elites who are genetically and socially/culturally low empathy... manipulate entire societies and cultures into wars via the use of influence and the hidden hand. The people never want to go to war. They are always lied and tricked into it. Napoleon himself said that any man who leads a country in a war cannot afford to see any of his people as anything other than an 'object' -to be manipulated and tossed around. It is obvious that it is only those men who seek and obtain those positions-and surround themselves with the same type. In essence, Napoleon admitted that: Yes, our type is a low empathy sociopath.

So yeah, I'd be proud to be associated with DaDa. Fuck the war mongers, the low empathy animals, and the mentally illiterate.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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thats all cool and all KBK, and while I enjoy the occasional philosophical romp.. reading your replies is tedious, primarily because they are only marginally related to the topic(s) at hand... you are like the autistic guy standing out in the street with a "the end is nigh" sign...noone knows what he is talking about..well.. noone but him...and he knows his message is vital!

i know it wasn't worries there.

reminds me in a way of Neal Cassady. are you on benzedrine? do you juggle a railroad hammer?

Jan Vigne
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im not saying that to be hurtful or combative

No, I understand, you're saying it because you like being a prick who holds a grudge like a little child who lost their lollipop. What's the matter, ncdrawl, don't like being told to read something educational? Or you don't like being reminded you're not very clever? Hey, the former came from a defense industry system, a big badass ex-marine like you should appreciate what they have to say even if you can't understand it. The latter, you're a big badass ex-marine, what else needs to be said, you got short rationed for brains and you blow gunpowder out your ass.

Life sucks when you're ncdrawl.

Run along now, it's getting dark and you don't want the boogeyman to get you.

Scott Wheeler
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one line is called the "con" .. get it?? hahahahahahahahah

isn't the basic idea here damping speaker cabinets? Isn't that a legitimate issue?

Jan Vigne
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Ask Sam Tellig. For $1.50 he'll give you an answer.

Stephen Scharf
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Never fails....every thread here disintegrates into the same old, same old....character disparagement.

Boy, it is tiresome...

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

Never fails....every thread here disintegrates into the same old, same old....character disparagement.

Boy, it is tiresome...

Well, some folks (ie Jan) are miserable, so they enjoy making others miserable. funny..the guy whom this thread was directed at seemed to grasp the fact that I was simply taking the piss, while Jan, as always, is easily offended and lashes out tirelessly..not realizing that he always ends up looking like the guy at school that noone can rag on, joke with because he always gets upset and melts down.

Vigne brings the "mood" of this place way, way down.


Meijas can't take ribbing either. those types of people just aren't fun.... Meijas isn't mean spirited, though...just way, way too sensitive/easily offended.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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one line is called the "con" .. get it?? hahahahahahahahah

isn't the basic idea here damping speaker cabinets? Isn't that a legitimate issue?

yes it is..although their MO is a

Scott Wheeler
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one line is called the "con" .. get it?? hahahahahahahahah

isn't the basic idea here damping speaker cabinets? Isn't that a legitimate issue?

yes it is..although their MO is a

I can't really say. I mean in a world where a bicycle innertube can be an effective isolation device....

KBK's picture
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Well, NC, I can appreciate the whole thing from your posts but humor attached to a repetitive response characteristic can eventually be seen as a clear line moving toward and into abuse.

Not to say that you are unique in such things, we all do similar to some degree or in some way. Recognizing it in ourselves so we don't do it again; catching the thought at it's formation is the best way to stop it.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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"yes it is..although their MO is a "

My hunch, this is some sort of WAF issue.

Jan Vigne
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Meijas can't take ribbing either. those types of people just aren't fun

Looks to me like you're the one doing all the bitchin'. Is that an ex-Marine thing or a thing that made you an ex-Marine? 'Cause you're about as much fun as a fistula.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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"yes it is..although their MO is a "

My hunch, this is some sort of WAF issue.

yeah, the kitty thing does point to WAF, for sure... no male in his right mind(save Ethan Winer [hee!!]) would possibly think of a damned kitty vibrator

geoffkait's picture
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"yeah, the kitty thing does point to WAF, for sure... no male in his right mind (save Ethan Winer [hee!!]) would possibly think of a damned kitty vibrator."

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken about Ethan Winer.

Unless, of course, the kitty vibrator is a very big one.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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oh, you dont know Ethan Winer like I know Ethan Winer.

Benonymous's picture
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Ncdrawl, c'mon man, sand filled kitty cat beanbags are in no way competition for quantum dots! For a start, the claims made for the kitty cats can be verified easily. The items in question have mass and therefore would exert some physical pressure on the surface on which they are placed. They have sand in them which could, in KBK's universe, have mystical powers and energies beyond the ken of mortal men. Kait's products have none of these attributes. The stickers and clips and paste and numbers in bags in the freezer defy even the most quantumified explanation. So much so that not even their creator fully understands how they perform their miraculous effects.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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"Ncdrawl, c'mon man, sand filled kitty cat beanbags are in no way competition for quantum dots! For a start, the claims made for the kitty cats can be verified easily. The items in question have mass and therefore would exert some physical pressure on the surface on which they are placed. They have sand in them which could, in KBK's universe, have mystical powers and energies beyond the ken of mortal men. Kait's products have none of these attributes. The stickers and clips and paste and numbers in bags in the freezer defy even the most quantumified explanation. So much so that not even their creator fully understands how they perform their miraculous effects."

Suggest consider changing moniker to Fresh_Clip_of_Blanks.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Ncdrawl, c'mon man, sand filled kitty cat beanbags are in no way competition for quantum dots! For a start, the claims made for the kitty cats can be verified easily. The items in question have mass and therefore would exert some physical pressure on the surface on which they are placed. They have sand in them which could, in KBK's universe, have mystical powers and energies beyond the ken of mortal men. Kait's products have none of these attributes. The stickers and clips and paste and numbers in bags in the freezer defy even the most quantumified explanation. So much so that not even their creator fully understands how they perform their miraculous effects.

who said anything about the products?

im talking about being competitors in the DaDa situational humorist circuit.

Benonymous's picture
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Sorry, my bad. I think a Geoff Kait where he showcases his products could bring the house down! The show would surely go down well with New Yorkers as a piece of rare absurdist theatre. I think it's got a lot of potential. He could even get KBK in as a warm up act, doing a monologue of his theories of mystic energies in the universe related to hi-fi tweaks.
These bozos with sand filled cats wouldn't last one night up against that!

ncdrawl's picture
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KBK= the audiophile Spalding Gray?

Scott Wheeler
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KBK= the audiophile Spalding Gray?

Hey hey hey c'mon now. Spalding Gray did some great stuff with Sam Shepherd's work. Let's show some respect for the dearly departed.

j_j's picture
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DaDa equipment
Is it live or Memorex?
Does the shadow know?

Buddha's picture
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I think all the pub that Synergistic ART is getting via posting "measurements" is about to inspire someone to new heights.

Time for some EEG readings with and without tweaks!

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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"I think all the pub that Synergistic ART is getting via posting "measurements" is about to inspire someone to new heights.
Time for some EEG readings with and without tweaks!"

I did that once but all I got was a flat line. I could be in big trouble.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Spalding was the man. I have a profound respect for him(RIP). Swimming to cambodia gets watched all the time here, as does monster in a box. Singular talent, that guy. Sad that hes gone.!



KBK= the audiophile Spalding Gray?

Hey hey hey c'mon now. Spalding Gray did some great stuff with Sam Shepherd's work. Let's show some respect for the dearly departed.

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