Buddha's picture
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Was Dostoevsky writing about the NFL?
ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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I don't think those retards should even be allowed weapons.

hell, a lot of them can't read.

the way athletes are treated in this country is disgusting.

pay those assholes 205 million a year but our own homeless, our veterans who can't get health coverage, or our kids who cant go to school?

fuck em.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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Deny a citizen his Second Ammendment rights?

Should there be a reading skills exam before someone can take possession of a firearm?

NRA won't stand for that kind of gun control talk, dude.

These guys make alot of money, they must be valuable contributors to our culture or well being, no?

Some guy with a cardboard sign at an intersection asking for money for beer (instead of going to work) deserves lifelong free health care because he worked for the government for two to four years at the end of his teens?

Are you getting all left wing on us, man?

(We agree, I'm just goofing off.)

RGibran's picture
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What happened to the minimum 3.5 years he was facing just a few hours ago.

Some plea bargian down to one count and the dude gets 2 years.

Does he only have to serve a third of that? I bet he will be in camp next year!

One can only wonder what the poor shop owner that selfdivider linked us to will get for defending himself and employees from FOUR gun wielding punks!

tom collins
tom collins's picture
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how about the nba? remember spreewell - got to use his coach for a punching bag, no charges, lost his job. picked up by another team for more money. talent gets a pass. recently, coach rick patino, shanked some skank in a restroom 6 years ago, it blows up because she is blackmailing him, morals clause in his multi million $ contract, not fired (has had winning seasons, gone to playoffs).

linden518's picture
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If Dostoesvsky was writing today, Raskolnikov would've been a strong safety and the title of the book would've been "Crime and the Plea Bargain."

gkc's picture
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Ncdrawl, these "retards" are "allowed weapons" for the very reasons YOU are "allowed weapons." I think you missed the point of Buddha's post. Now, take your right (or left... it doesn't matter -- whichever side of your hip you draw on) hand, raise it above your head, palm down, and make a whoosh with it, from your frontal lobe to the back of your pointy head. This is sign language for, "you missed the point."

Repeat. "These retards" are "allowed weapons" for the same reasons YOU are "allowed weapons."

There is no written test based on reading skills. Do YOU want things otherwise? Do you have to be able to READ the Constitution to comply with it?

Hey. You take away Plaxico's gun, you take away yours.

Hmmm. Come to think of it, could this be a BAD thing???

"The (sic) way athletes are treated in this country is disgusting." Well, shit howdy! After all, at least a hundred million TV eyes follow their every moves, on the field and off of it.

C'mon, Ncdrawl (sic?? I am never sure if I should capitalize your name or not -- YOU don't... is there some symbolism in this that I am missing???), don't tell me that you don't ever occasionally tune in to a televised sporting event.

People, out of sympathy (when I was a teacher), used to tell me when I was a teacher, "I don't understand how an athlete can make multi-millions and you teachers have to struggle to make 50 thousand." My reply?

People don't pay to watch me teach. Live with it. And, do tell, why can't your catatonic kid pay attention when I diagram sentences on the chalkboard, or explain how a metaphor works? However, he DOES love the televised action on ESPN. Now, how is THAT??

Ncdrawl, where have you BEEN? What sells, sells. What doesn't sits on the shelf. Are you from outer space, or something? Worse yet, are you one o' them fuckin' COMMIES????

Ncdrawl, I played football and baseball, as an undergraduate at the University of Utah, and I was NOT a star. I was a marginal starter in baseball, and I was a punching bag during football practice. The only reason they kept me around on the gridiron was that I ran the 40 in under 4.6 seconds. Without interference. With interference? Infinity. Yup. I still dream of running a full-out 40 through a secondary maliciously intent upon preventing me from doing so.

The point? It doesn't matter if you are a football player, a lawyer, a cotton-picker, a 'phone salesman, an editor, or a dock worker. If you are going to make a living at it, you are gonna take your licks. Day in, day out. You are gonna take your licks.

Hey. If somebody can negotiate 205 million a year (now, dammit Ncdrawl, NOBODY makes THAT kind of money, not even the tackling dummies... save the hyperbole for a context that merits it) for getting smacked upside the head 6 hours a day (and that's only during the week, before GAME day...), then let 'em HAVE it. After all, 90% of TV land lives for game day, and business is business.

You accused ME of being a bleeding heart liberal. HUH? You wouldn't even make it to the end-of-practice gassers, much less to prime time.

Thank you for, once again, alerting us all to your blithering lack of awareness when it comes to the realities you must, inevitably, face up to.

One last point. What would you like US to pay YOU to see/listen to/read, or otherwise perform? What do YOU do that is worth 205 million a year? Or 20.5 million a year? Or 2.05 million a year? Or .205 million a year? Or 20 large a year. Or... well, by now, you MUST be getting the point.

The only difference between you and me (assuming you were EVER IN the military...), is that I was happy for the 880 bucks a month (yep, that is what it was, a Captain's pay, + combat pay, during the good ol' days in Viet-Nam), and YOU expect 200 million.

We won't even go into the teaching end of it. Hey. No complaints. I learned how to game the system by trading futures and stocks. Now, what is YOUR excuse??

Reality, Ncrawl, reality.

Whine, whine, whine. Is that all you ever DO? Hell, run for President. If you want to bring back DUP, start your OWN magazine. It's a free country. In fact, the good Senator from NC will probably give you start up money, if you have the wit to argue a good case...

What pap.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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When I was a young man, I most wanted to grow up and become and NBA power forward, a la Elgin Baylor.

I practiced every effing day, for hours.

I never got any better, and peaked out at 5' 9".

In my brain, that didn't matter.

Got to play in the local fun/college league, and one night, one moment...I leaped for a rebound and could not BELIEVE how high I jumped. Easily, the peak jump of my life. Where it came from I do not know, and have never jumped as high since. It was an effing Bob Beamon moment, for sure. Defying gravity, I could see myself sailing up up up through the air toward the rebound, and as I felt that electrifying nanosecond of ultimate bliss before I grabbed it, I knew what it must be like to be able to do it at will.

Just then, I saw six or seven pairs of hands soar well above mine and I didn't even get a whiff of that fucking rebound.

gkc's picture
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Buddha, as you must surely know...

I know the feeling. And it is okay. The important things are being able to dream the dream and make the jump. Hey. All those "hands" are now on welfare, and dreaming their OWN impossible dreams.

What goes around comes around. Time marches on. Or some such shit.

There is a lot of USA bashing within this particular category. I must admit that I do, indeed, have my own private complaints (although, for the sake of decency, I manage to keep them private...).

But, ONE THING hasn't changed. If the hands close over your dream, you can always sprint to the OTHER end of the court when nobody is looking. And there, there are NO hands. If you are quick and decisive. Yeah. That's it. If you are quick and decisive, you can make your OWN dreams, right here, right now.

I do not like the direction we, as a country, are headed towards. But I understand the system to mean that I do NOT make these decisions on a national level. I just place my vote at the stiles and my bets in the markets, and enjoy my freedoms.

I don't give a flyin' fuck about WHAT the Senate and House, in their infinite stupidity, decide. Just gimme a free market and a daily high-low-close bar chart, and I'll fade 'em and take what comes of it.

And, in spite of what everybody is bitching about manipulation and government controls, there IS a free market out there, and EVERYBODY has access to it. All you have to do, most of the time, is trade the obvious. The rest of the time? Set stops and live to trade another day. Success is not measured in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months. It is measured in decades.

And this is the TWO decades of what is real. Commodities. And the good folks who risk everything to pull 'em out of the good earth. Paper is fake, commodities are real. Buy low, sell high. You don't even have to know how high is "high," or how low is "low." Just guess on those. As long as you don't plant the flag, or sell the panics, all you have to do is get in, wait, and get out. I know, I know. That is what the suits on CNBC FAUX news tell you NOT to do. But, trust me. In an environment within which 80% of all traders lose money, fade the News at Eleven. The zoomies do NOT run the show. They just post quarterly entries to satisfy the idiots who can't read.

A few wise pundits have noted, over the past five years, that "If you drop it on your foot, and it hurts, buy it." l wish I could claim that I originated that line. But, here it is. In a time of paper madness, buy things that matter. After all, paper is paper, and things is things.

Shhhh. But wait for the dips. Buy low, sell high. "Low" is negative news on CNBC and FAUX news. After all, what creates low prices? Good news??? C'mon. Sometimes the obvious is the low-flying shitmobile that everybody ducks to AVOID, when you ought to be reachin' up and grabbin' some. "High" is, "... the grunion are runnining, the grunnion are running... whether you like grunion or not, GRAB GRUNION."

You all know the drill.

Sorry to stray off topic. The point (as I am sure you realize) is, that grabbin' hands often grab wrong. There are ways to capitalize on that...

Happy tunes.

KBK's picture
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In Canada we have tests and criteria to pass before being allowed to posses a firearm. Basic reading and competence are on the list. If you cannot read accommodation will be made. No problem. (verbal test) But the basic test (after a 3 day course) MUST be passed successfully. Handguns, for the general public...and you even have to apply to move the gun from one place to another....handguns require a separate license (and associated course) in addition to the basic gun course.

There are concealed carry permits out there, and are used principally by off duty federal prison guards. Attacks by released prisoners have happened enough for this to be necessary-or more correctly, available to them (the guards) if they feel they need it. After all, a gang leader or similar can reach outside the jails. Diplomatic security forces can obtain such a permit as well. Even a cop would have to go through some pretty severe proofs to be able to obtain a concealed carry permit for off duty use. Some of the deep woods conservation officers (ministry of natural resources, ie forestry ministry) have the legal right to carry a sidearm, but that is due to Grizzly attacks and the smallest they carry is a heavy load 44 magnum. Grizzly attacks happen fast..and a sidearm like that can only get them very angry before they kill you and then they keel over. You could unload all six rounds of a custom loaded 44 mag revolver into Grizzly's head and it can still kill you. Seriously.

Back to the real subject. Also required is a hunter safety course in order to be able to hunt legally.

Regardless to say, it is the Americans coming to Canada during the differing hunting seasons that usually end up killing one another. Few have the training required to hunt safely - Guns don't give second chances.

And if they are found to have concealed a handgun in their trucks full of stuff when coming here for the hunting season, we are very liable (near 100% rate on that) to take everything but their shirts and send them home. And if going with a GROUP of guys in separate vehicles..the WHOLE CREW could lose everything, due to one guy deciding to conceal the handgun in his stuff. So don't let your buddies set you up to loose trucks, cars, gear, boats and guns..all cuz he decided he had to try and sneak one past the border, or it was found to be strapped to the bud's hip when he was approached by a conservation officer in the deep woods. When the conservation officers know some US dudes are in a given hunting area, they go and check them out. Every time.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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The average American that owns a gun is a complete idiot. Odds are somebody in that household will end up getting shot. Probably over a pork chop at the dinner table.

Clifton likes to write a 300 word essay complaining about shit and than tells some other person they complain too much. I love Catch-22. If you get close enough to Clifton's head you can hear the sea. This will get a response from Clifton like, "the damn NVA used to dig holes in the ground so they could hear our helicopters coming long before they came into hearing range because we told them how to do that, so stop complaining all the time Lamont."

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
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The average American that owns a gun is a complete idiot. Odds are somebody in that household will end up getting shot. Probably over a pork chop at the dinner table.

Yes, and who am I to deny them that right?

It's been a hoot watching the wingnuts start carrying weapons to Presidential appearances.

Maybe they will graduate to burning crosses as a patiotic activity!

They can use official "Republic of Kenya" Obama birth certificates as kindling!

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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It's almost embarrassing to watch. A responsible gun owner would tell the guy to go home. He's not helping. Who in their right mind goes to a political function and hangs around with a gun? That is not an inalienable right. It's an irresponsible abuse of the right.

A long time ago, my grandfather used to stand 100 feet from the voting poll, which was a white shack on the side of the road, with a hunting shotgun. This was to prevent politicians from getting too close and to make sure nobody jacked around with the voting documentation. This was also trekked by wagon into town under armed citizen guard as well. It was a normal thing to do. This practice probably ended after WWII when more people owned cars or moved into town. In this same area today people drive into town and vote. There is no longer a need for somebody with a shotgun hanging around.

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