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Another Chicken Politician hides from their voters
j_j's picture
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People have simply had it...This is not the normal couple of dozen folk who demonstrate and are ignored by the lefts press but hundreds at the lefts own events hammering the weasels for not listening.

As opposed to the Repugnican (read National Socialist) Party, which simply threw out people who disagreed, had them arrested, thrown in jail, etc, only to have the charges dismissed by the first judge who got to look at the charges.

Yeah, if you don't like the 'lefts', who are you for? Do you want to be able to speak your mind? If so, you'd better be ready to completely reject, in all particulars, the present incarnation of the repugnican party.

I say this as an ex-repugnican. I could never be a democrat, but I will not be part of a party that applies anti-American stuff like religious litmus tests for judges.

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Conservatives only control the radio...the left has the newspapers and TV...It is easy to control the message when one controls the media...

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 12 months ago
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Conservatives only control the radio...the left has the newspapers and TV...It is easy to control the message when one controls the media...

Hahahahahahahha.. So St. Sean of Hannity, Bill O'Really, and Glen Balk are all liberals.

Dude, you NEED a tinfoil hat.

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No, they are on one of 6 or 7 networks...the rest are all left all the time...

satkinsn's picture
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Conservatives only control the radio...the left has the newspapers and TV...It is easy to control the message when one controls the media...

Respectfully, you're wrong. Going back to the 1950s, there is study after study which shows the news media generally doesn't change or control peoples' opinions.

If you stop to think about it, that's borne out by something else we see every day - advertising. There, the entire point is to move our feelings, yet you can't buy advertising that works all- or even most of - the time.

The one thing the media used to be good at was setting the agenda, but that power has largely been broken.


Lamont Sanford
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Did you hear about Feinstein and some of her senior citizen constituents back home. She ended up having to call the cops on them. Old people. The cops. In her own backyard. That is funny.


Lamont Sanford
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Conservative talk radio does dominate talk radio. As for the tube. They're all over the board. I think about 30 people watch msnbc. Microsoft just keeps it on the air as a tax write off. FoxNews is forever beating out the cable competition but more people watch the network news.

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Conservatives only control the radio...the left has the newspapers and TV...It is easy to control the message when one controls the media...

Respectfully, you're wrong. Going back to the 1950s, there is study after study which shows the news media generally doesn't change or control peoples' opinions.

If you stop to think about it, that's borne out by something else we see every day - advertising. There, the entire point is to move our feelings, yet you can't buy advertising that works all- or even most of - the time.

The one thing the media used to be good at was setting the agenda, but that power has largely been broken.


They do have a certain ability to report, or not. In 2000 after the first Bush-Gore Debate, the post debate issue, front page all across the land, was the claim that Gore sort of told a few whoppers. The Portland Maine Press Herald refused to carry a single story on the issue, did not allow mention in the editorial page and sort of banned all letters on the issue. If an event happens but is not covered, did it happen?

What of political rallies that are inflated as to participation, or at the least covered, if they represent PC issues but are ignored, not reported, or are vastly downplayed if they are conservative..

I produced a pretty good example on the Guatemalan marches against the leftists ex-President...the AP reported 'hundreds' of participants but the photo's showed many thousands...

If the people marched but AP didn't report it, did it occur..

StereoFanOregon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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There is an old saying that goes "The louder you speak or yell, the less I hear."

This country needs to have a serious debate about healthcare, but the far wingers on both sides are too busy screaming to have an intelligent discussion. All this does is keep the politicians from hearing calm, rational thoughts and ideas from that will help this country move forward. We bitch about politicians not listening, but how can they when forums are dominated by the blind followers of extreme political rhetoric on both the right and left.

I wanted to attend one such forum, but after finding out that protesters from both sides were going to do verbal battle I chose to instead send snail mail to all the congressional members who represent me.

Lamont Sanford
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You chose to stifle your freedom of expression because of assholes? Sounds like a west coast hippie that has almost done a lot of things. The least you could have done was go and post pictures of the nuts on both sides.

FrancisRichard's picture
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Did you hear about Feinstein and some of her senior citizen constituents back home. She ended up having to call the cops on them. Old people. The cops. In her own backyard. That is funny.


It's fortunate that Feinstein didn't pull out her husbands hand gun and start firing.

When will these politicians learn that what is good enough for the masses is good enough for them, too.

StereoFanOregon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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You chose to stifle your freedom of expression because of assholes? Sounds like a west coast hippie that has almost done a lot of things. The least you could have done was go and post pictures of the nuts on both sides.

No, I redirected it to a more useful purpose. I know that snail mail is far more likely to be read than an email. Secondly, this summer I've been attending picnics and bbq's every weekend. At each one, long conversations have been taking place about health care. The dialogue/exchanges have been absolutely outstanding. No yelling, just good people expressing views and bouncing off ideas.

As for your stupid hippie remark, I'm willing to bet I've done more for this country in volunteer roles than you would even dream of.

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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There is an old saying that goes "The louder you speak or yell, the less I hear."

This country needs to have a serious debate about healthcare, but the far wingers on both sides are too busy screaming to have an intelligent discussion. All this does is keep the politicians from hearing calm, rational thoughts and ideas from that will help this country move forward. We bitch about politicians not listening, but how can they when forums are dominated by the blind followers of extreme political rhetoric on both the right and left.

I wanted to attend one such forum, but after finding out that protesters from both sides were going to do verbal battle I chose to instead send snail mail to all the congressional members who represent me.

It is hard to have a civil debate when the politicians refuse to pay any attention at all to such niceness and the programs they do produce they only produce with their friends...that is not a debate, not calm, rational discussions, but simply doing whatever the politician wants and to hell with the public.

In that circumstance, the only option left short of tar and feathers is in ones face confrontation. Scare the buggers into listening. The country is saying NO to government heath care and now at least some of the politicians appear to be listening.

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It is hard to have a civil debate when the politicians refuse to pay any attention at all to such niceness ...

Yeah, it's hard to have a civil debate when the repugnicans are doing the same-old-same-old, sending out mail to their "base" announcing "Obama wants to tell you when you hve to die", "Obama wants to stop medicare" and that kind of rot, misrepresenting the idea of "mortality councelling" or whatever you call it as an attempt at euthanasia, etc.

You want to see a civil debate, get your party of chumps, bullies, and liars to stop poisoning the well. Who do you think Pelosi learned from, anyhow?

StereoFanOregon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
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There is an old saying that goes "The louder you speak or yell, the less I hear."

This country needs to have a serious debate about healthcare, but the far wingers on both sides are too busy screaming to have an intelligent discussion. All this does is keep the politicians from hearing calm, rational thoughts and ideas from that will help this country move forward. We bitch about politicians not listening, but how can they when forums are dominated by the blind followers of extreme political rhetoric on both the right and left.

I wanted to attend one such forum, but after finding out that protesters from both sides were going to do verbal battle I chose to instead send snail mail to all the congressional members who represent me.

It is hard to have a civil debate when the politicians refuse to pay any attention at all to such niceness and the programs they do produce they only produce with their friends...that is not a debate, not calm, rational discussions, but simply doing whatever the politician wants and to hell with the public.

In that circumstance, the only option left short of tar and feathers is in ones face confrontation. Scare the buggers into listening. The country is saying NO to government heath care and now at least some of the politicians appear to be listening.

From the large cross-section of people I talk with, (I travel for my job quite a bit) 65% want reform. But just 40% want a gov't run program going alongside private care. An overwhelming amount want to see reform done in steps rather than all at once. That is where I stand. Step one I believe is to end the practice of wasteful defensive medicine. That begins with tort reform. Institute the British system of loser pays in lawsuits, that would kill off at least 75% of the silly lawsuits. Reduce malpractice insurance and get Dr's back to ordering only the tests that matters. The cost reductions would bring the medical insurance rates down and keep their inflation rate close or the same as the general inflation rate.

One person I visited with on another forum had what I think is a terrific idea for providing basic health care to the uninsured. All young Dr's and nurses with student loans would be given the opportunity to work off their loans by providing four 8hr days per month of care in free/reduced cost clinics run by hospitals in nearby medical buildings. Their job would be to offer basic/initial treatment including x-ray and prenatal care. This would relieve ER's of treating non-emergency but very expensive care.

See what happens when we all stop listening to anal pundits and think for ourselves, brainstorming takes place, and with it solutions, some of which are worth trying.

RGibran's picture
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The country is saying NO ...

I few thousand TEA goers are hardly a country!

Every poll, every analysis, every vote, every region of this country supports health care reform, and the essential great leveling agent of a government-funded alternative to the unchecked duopoly of profiteering private insurance corporations.


Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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The country is saying NO ...

I few thousand TEA goers are hardly a country!

Every poll, every analysis, every vote, every region of this country supports health care reform, and the essential great leveling agent of a government-funded alternative to the unchecked duopoly of profiteering private insurance corporations.


You got a point. The Republicans made the same mistake of underestimating Bush's low ratings. CNN is even enabling this misconception by rationalizing that only people that are against Obama's health care platform are voicing their opinion. Even in light of your every poll dogma. Go figure.

Lamont Sanford
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...brainstorming takes place, and with it solutions, some of which are worth trying.

I prefer blamestorming. I blame StereoFanOregon. Because when he travels he wants to talk politics. And you aren't trusted to pump your own gas in his piece-of-shit state. And for the State of Oregon telling a below the poverty line little old lady they wouldn't treat her for cancer but would provide hospice or doctor assisted suicide. Fucking savages.

Fucking liberals are the biggest goddamn chickenshit hypocrites on the planet. If they weren't Americans I would prefer to see them taken out and shot without ceremony. Or better yet, send them to Iran and let them hang 'em high for believing in stupid shit and participating in bad behavior.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 12 months ago
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...brainstorming takes place, and with it solutions, some of which are worth trying.

I prefer blamestorming.

Yeah, I can tell. Just like the Shrub and Daddy Bush, and Karl and the Rovettes, blame, vilify, poison the well lie, cheat, and steal, because you are IN TO WIN!


And your right-wing idols don't give a damn how badly they hurt their own country with all of the outright 1030's German propaganda, as long as the are IN TO WIN IN TO WIN

For the present repugnican party, America is an unacceptable home of freedom and thought, one that they must remove the freedom and control the thought of.

And you appear to suck down their koolaid like ... Well, not sure what.

Of course, the dummycraps have learned from all of this, and now Pelosi, using what she's learned from the Karl and the Rovians, is singing the same tune about the repugnicans.

And the repugnicans, never one to raise the level of the dialog above the gutter, have deliberately, with malice aforethought, and with dishonest intent, turned the idea of "mortality councilling" into "THE GUMMIT IS GONNA TELL YOU WHEN YOU GOTTA DIE! THEY GONNA KILL YA! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT".

That ONE dishonest behavior is enough to convince me that the entire present core of the party should be asked to move to 1930's Germany where they'd be so much more comfortable.

All they want to do is WIN AT ALL COSTS. They don't give a damn about "Amerikkka" at all, or even about a good outcome for their own brand of totalitarian evil, they just are IN TO WIN IN TO WIN.

Cue "government on horseback again".

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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"Your voice is only a minority voice." "Most people don't think like you." I'm being facetious to mock some of you idiots.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 12 months ago
Joined: Mar 13 2009 - 4:22pm

"Your voice is only a minority voice." "Most people don't think like you." I'm being facetious to mock some of you idiots.

The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.


Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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It really ain't the place nor time
To reel off rhyming diction -
But yet we'll write a final rhyme
Whilst waiting cru-ci-fixion!

StereoFanOregon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 5 2006 - 4:01pm


...brainstorming takes place, and with it solutions, some of which are worth trying.

I prefer blamestorming. I blame StereoFanOregon. Because when he travels he wants to talk politics. And you aren't trusted to pump your own gas in his piece-of-shit state. And for the State of Oregon telling a below the poverty line little old lady they wouldn't treat her for cancer but would provide hospice or doctor assisted suicide. Fucking savages.

Fucking liberals are the biggest goddamn chickenshit hypocrites on the planet. If they weren't Americans I would prefer to see them taken out and shot without ceremony. Or better yet, send them to Iran and let them hang 'em high for believing in stupid shit and participating in bad behavior.

I love this, as soon as someone comes along with a reasonable point to discuss a critical issue the nonsense begins. On top of that, I propose as my first step something that Rush himself whole-heartily supports. yet, poor Lamont even goes so far as to condemn that person because the state they live in is currently 51% liberal and 49% conservative. So what does poor Lamont do, he resorts to name calling, because he doesn't have the capability to discuss in a reasonable way. Somehow I bet Lamont's theme song in life comes from the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, 'If I only had a brain".

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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On topic...I note the left has come up with a new plan to deal with protesters...In Tampa and St Louis, the left kept normal folk in long lines and out of the events while they packed the thing with Union Thugs through the back door...then the brave politician fled out a separate door...

j_j's picture
Last seen: 11 years 12 months ago
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On topic...I note the left has come up with a new plan to deal with protesters...In Tampa and St Louis, the left kept normal folk in long lines and out of the events while they packed the thing with Union Thugs through the back door...they the brave politician fled out a separate door...

Oh, they relearned what they used to do from the repugnicans, who learned it from them, who learned it...

Oh, wait, anyone who disagrees with the repugnican plants is a "union thug", right. Got it in one.

JIMV's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago
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On topic...I note the left has come up with a new plan to deal with protesters...In Tampa and St Louis, the left kept normal folk in long lines and out of the events while they packed the thing with Union Thugs through the back door...they the brave politician fled out a separate door...

Oh, they relearned what they used to do from the repugnicans, who learned it from them, who learned it...

Oh, wait, anyone who disagrees with the repugnican plants is a "union thug", right. Got it in one.

A union thug is a union thug...check out the arrest report.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
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Yeah, some union loser beat up a "black" guy for handing out literature. I guess the unions think only they have the right to hand out literature. I get to spend all day Monday in a, "Working with the union" training session. This should be interesting. Not.

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I have noted something that anyone who has read any of these events must see...

The plan Obama is defending and pushing is not the same as any plan actually on paper in Congress

Think about that... ObamaCare will not have waiting lines, rationing, greater costs and will not add to the deficit yet every single plan written in the House and Senate does...all 5 of them

There is a major disconnect between what TAO sees as the plan and what Congress has actually put together...perhaps Obama needs to talk to his bill writers. It is why so very many can wave actual bills in his face and yell 'lie' when he says things that just are not so...

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